This never change thing, let's see how committed MC is, cuz he wasn't born eating food.
MC, were you breastfed? Moms is gonna need to whip some titties out. In fact, you used to live in your moms womb at one time. Enjoy THAT trip back home.
Getting old and dying are physical fuckin changes. And we aren't talking about societal standards here either. Anything we say translates into loser and sell out. Why the hell that is makes no logical sense, but ok. No one should be the same person they were in high school at 21. And no one at 25-30 should be the same person they were at 21. Want to know why that is? It's not "society standards". Nope. It's because people strive to improve themselves, realize their flaws and smooth them out, desire to become a better person than you were last year..or last month..or anything, etc. It's for you. To improve on YOU.
The fact you don't want to do anything about how you view yourself as a loser, unworthy, whatever else and you'd rather be a negative nancy depressed fuck says a lot about you as a person. It is no wonder no girls want shit to do with you. It's not their fault, it's your own. And you know what that means for you? You aren't allowed to whine or complain about a damn thing in your life. You get out of life what you put into it. And frankly, you ain't doin jack shit with yours.
Whether you want to face reality or not, Jobe is right. So fucking deal with it and do something about it or go cry like a little baby making emo tunes at band practice
And you act like I said cut your hair, give up guitar and games and become a diesel mechanic from Kansas. Naw. Everything was have an experience, learn a skill or do something that might help you meet new people. It's not exactly earth shattering shit. These extremes were just to take your logic a step farther to show you how flawed your current thinking pattern is.
Think of life like driving a boat across a shallow lake, and there is a big fucking pile of rocks in front of you. Spotted early enough (your youth), a slight 2 degree change in direction will significantly change your course and you will never even come close to the rocks. The longer you wait to make a change, the bigger the change has to be to avoid those rocks. After a certain point, it's just too late, your gonna hit the rocks no matter how much you panic and thrash about at the end. I want to see you change those 2 degrees early enough.
I got a good half way across the lake before I even realized there was a rudder. Now I'm taking a much longer route to reach my destination, and I can't get that first wasted half back. All I can do now is shout "hey, look out for those rocks over there" and try to point you in the right direction. It's a free life lesson from a crusty old fuck. Heed it or ignore it but denying the rocks are there aren't gonna make them disappear. And dude... you got some rocks in front you.
I have to say, it's actually pretty impressive how many different bullshit excuses mc can come up with rather than just accept the truth and move forward.. He should hook catz up with some
I used to be the forum negative nancy once upon a time ago. It's fucking toxic, doesn't help you at all, and only you can improve yourself. I was also going through a bunch of bs mentally and I had no clue how to deal with it at the time or tackle it. What helped me out is I stopped giving a fuck about things that were bothering me so much, accepted how things were, and moved on.
No, you didn't move on. You sat down in the road and quit. Moving on would be putting this one behind you and moving on to the next one. The path you want want to go is the one with the least effort required.
No. You're fine with being depressed, negative all the time, so on and so forth. Sure, you told this chick off and you've began to move on. But that sort of mindset is toxic. It's shit. It does nothing but make things worse for you. I moved on from wallowing in my own bullshit. Instead I tackled it head on and improved on myself over the last 3 years. I grew up quite a bit since then. This is what you need to do. But you're so much against any kind of change you can't even accept wtf we're trying to tell you
And I dont know any wizards at the moment, but I know a bunch of wizards apprentices.
I actually think its cool. A kind of rebellion against modern society. To be able to control yourself so well that you can go you're whole life without something like sex in a society where sex is law.
Kids used to have sex to rebel. But sex is so expected now, that not having it is rebellion.
Its better to have low or no expectations and be pleasantly surpised, than to aim high and be disappointed all the time.
That works, but not for everything man. I have this mindset when plans are made to do something. For example: I want to hang out and go swimming. So I get a hold of some friends and see what's up. Plans are made. When the time comes you get ready to go, then you get a text saying something came up and we'll have to reschedule.
Now because of that mindset you've posted, it's no big deal. But applying that shit to everything, everywhere, every day isn't good. Sometimes if you want something bad enough, you get off your own ass and do it yourself. You have to create goals for yourself and go after them. Will you fail? Probably once or twice. Does that mean you whine, lay on the floor, admit defeat and quit? No. You get your ass up and go for that goal until you achieve it. That mindset won't let you achieve shit in life
Goddamn dude. You're miles worse than I was years ago. There's gonna be countless disappointments in life, deal with it. You're going to fail at things countless times in life, deal with it. What defines you is how you work past those. How you work on yourself for improvement. I can guarantee that I have had way more fails and disappointments in my life than you have. Others on here will tell you the same.
You can't accept the basics of life and it makes me wonder if you're gonna make it on your own as an adult. You're only 21 so there's a lot of room and time for improvement. But take too long and by the time you look back you're going to wish you didn't waste so much time getting to where you are.
MC, were you breastfed? Moms is gonna need to whip some titties out.
In fact, you used to live in your moms womb at one time. Enjoy THAT trip back home.
Some change is unavoidable. Like getting old and dying. It doesnt mean you have to like it.
Some change is unnecessary, like changing who I am because it doesnt meet your societal standard.
The fact you don't want to do anything about how you view yourself as a loser, unworthy, whatever else and you'd rather be a negative nancy depressed fuck says a lot about you as a person. It is no wonder no girls want shit to do with you. It's not their fault, it's your own. And you know what that means for you? You aren't allowed to whine or complain about a damn thing in your life. You get out of life what you put into it. And frankly, you ain't doin jack shit with yours.
Whether you want to face reality or not, Jobe is right. So fucking deal with it and do something about it or go cry like a little baby making emo tunes at band practice
Think of life like driving a boat across a shallow lake, and there is a big fucking pile of rocks in front of you. Spotted early enough (your youth), a slight 2 degree change in direction will significantly change your course and you will never even come close to the rocks. The longer you wait to make a change, the bigger the change has to be to avoid those rocks. After a certain point, it's just too late, your gonna hit the rocks no matter how much you panic and thrash about at the end. I want to see you change those 2 degrees early enough.
I got a good half way across the lake before I even realized there was a rudder. Now I'm taking a much longer route to reach my destination, and I can't get that first wasted half back. All I can do now is shout "hey, look out for those rocks over there" and try to point you in the right direction. It's a free life lesson from a crusty old fuck. Heed it or ignore it but denying the rocks are there aren't gonna make them disappear. And dude... you got some rocks in front you.
You didn't even set a bar up to reach, you laid it on the floor
How many "wizards" do you know in real life MC?
Its better to have low or no expectations and be pleasantly surpised, than to aim high and be disappointed all the time.
I actually think its cool. A kind of rebellion against modern society. To be able to control yourself so well that you can go you're whole life without something like sex in a society where sex is law.
Kids used to have sex to rebel. But sex is so expected now, that not having it is rebellion.
Now because of that mindset you've posted, it's no big deal. But applying that shit to everything, everywhere, every day isn't good. Sometimes if you want something bad enough, you get off your own ass and do it yourself. You have to create goals for yourself and go after them. Will you fail? Probably once or twice. Does that mean you whine, lay on the floor, admit defeat and quit? No. You get your ass up and go for that goal until you achieve it. That mindset won't let you achieve shit in life
Again, the least amount of effort for you. The least amount of joys.The least amount of risk...
A convienient pattern emerges.
I dont care if its low risk low reward. Its better than steep failure every step of the way.
You can't accept the basics of life and it makes me wonder if you're gonna make it on your own as an adult. You're only 21 so there's a lot of room and time for improvement. But take too long and by the time you look back you're going to wish you didn't waste so much time getting to where you are.