Additionally Ive been listening to a lot of electronic. Specifically synthwave, 8bit, and glitch hop.
Do tell
Started cuz of gaming. Mainly games like Hotline Miami and Payday. Looked up the artists in the games, and I dig.
Im still not huge on all electronic but I fuck with synthwave and 8bit on the reg, and am starting to get into glitchhop and like soundtrack electronic.
So there's this waitress that works at the bar I go to every Friday. She happens to also work at a resturant right by work we frequent for beers a lot.
Anyways iv always though she was cute. So like two weeks ago me and a buddy were at he resturant and he noticed she kept looking over at her. When I go into the bar on Fridays she always is smiling at me and telling me about how her week is going for her and stuff. Well anyways not last Friday but the one before it I asked her "when we were going to get a beer" Her response that she had to worked te next 7 days. So I asked if she still had my card because i sold everyone in the bar insurance pretty much. Se said she did so I told her to call me.
Fast forward too two weeks later. Didn't here from her right. So it's whatever I don't really care not everyone you ask out is gonna go for it. Anyways so we end up at the bar a little later than usual and it's dead as she comes up to me with the normal smile and story about her week and shit. Then I'm outside hitting a bottle of fire ball ( we bring 3 pints every week and drink in the car and usually get some of the staff drunk. So I'm standing there and she calls me over to her car to smoke a bowl with her and what not.
Now I thought maybe it was to get a good tip put of me but the thing is she never waitresses our table. I have tipped her one time in the year ov been going there every Friday.
Im just confused on if I'm getting mcfucked or not. Idk :-? She's a cool chick so I'm trying to figure out if I should ask her out again or if I should just let it slide :-?
Metal forum ya know...
Additionally Ive been listening to a lot of electronic. Specifically synthwave, 8bit, and glitch hop.
Y'all like the most overrated girls in the world
Started cuz of gaming. Mainly games like Hotline Miami and Payday. Looked up the artists in the games, and I dig.
Im still not huge on all electronic but I fuck with synthwave and 8bit on the reg, and am starting to get into glitchhop and like soundtrack electronic.
It made going to raves more enjoyable too.
Black metal and folk metal are still my main squeeze
Anyways iv always though she was cute. So like two weeks ago me and a buddy were at he resturant and he noticed she kept looking over at her. When I go into the bar on Fridays she always is smiling at me and telling me about how her week is going for her and stuff. Well anyways not last Friday but the one before it I asked her "when we were going to get a beer" Her response that she had to worked te next 7 days. So I asked if she still had my card because i sold everyone in the bar insurance pretty much. Se said she did so I told her to call me.
Fast forward too two weeks later. Didn't here from her right. So it's whatever I don't really care not everyone you ask out is gonna go for it. Anyways so we end up at the bar a little later than usual and it's dead as she comes up to me with the normal smile and story about her week and shit. Then I'm outside hitting a bottle of fire ball ( we bring 3 pints every week and drink in the car and usually get some of the staff drunk. So I'm standing there and she calls me over to her car to smoke a bowl with her and what not.
Now I thought maybe it was to get a good tip put of me but the thing is she never waitresses our table. I have tipped her one time in the year ov been going there every Friday.
Im just confused on if I'm getting mcfucked or not. Idk :-? She's a cool chick so I'm trying to figure out if I should ask her out again or if I should just let it slide :-?
Tldr inb4 mclildikk
Here is some of the synthwave
This synth wave dude just signed to metal label BloodMusic and is playing at a metal fest in Europe:
8bit/Chiptune stuff I like:
Glitch Hop:
And then I like whatever this is: