gimmie a fuckn break man. Dude was goin to MDF, said he was broke up with her and needed a place to stay and was real nice about asking and didn't want to impose. I was like nigga, I got an extra room with a dvd player, some Mr. cameltoe in the dvd collection, a footon jawn you can sleep on, show n tel is right around the corner, we'll have a blast. Just don't eat my fuckin cheeze-itz.
so fact is bianca took forum info and showed it to his moms, fuckin up his life. hes like early 20's relying on his parents. (also what happened to Bianca hating Alex's parents? thats a whole another issue i guess) She snitched, she made lies, shtheres proof of her being in the wrong...
0 proof of alex's abusive behavior towards her. )
why the fuck you stickin up for her this hard anyway simp? just curious...
Where is all this drama coming from then George? Why was a week ago (or recently) Alex planning on Bianca picking him up and staying with her, if a month ago he had already made plans with you? Nothing really adds up about this other than there should be no drama.
So your telling me Alex wants nothing to do with Bianca? That as far as he is concerned he wishes they never dated? Excellent, I think that is exactly what Bianca wants. Drama averted, we can end thus stupid conversation that I'm sure neither you nor I *really* cares about.
Btw - on my cell and typing sucks. Heading to bed. But bump your band thread and tell me the latest. Been a while since we caught up. Ill check back in tomorrow
I don't care about who broke up with who. I don't care what adds up. I don't care about who is over it and who isn't. I don't care if Alex might someday in the future show up at her house. I don't care if Bianca gathers up 500 stalker messages and gets a restraining order. I don't care if Alex breaks into her house, puts on her panties and cums on her pillow. I don't care if Bianca acted like a big girl and changed her plans instead of his like a mature person might have done.
But to take someone's posts from here, to use them to try to get someone else in trouble, to manipulate his parents just to get what you want...
You guys are fucking fags. I dont know the whole story but you guys are literally standing up for Alex no matter what because you dont like Bianca.
So someone is gonna travel across the country and bother their ex girlfriend and your response is "dont answer the door" instead of "hey maybe alex should let it go"
he wasnt going to her house doe, he was going to MDF and my house and now cant cause she snitched..... WHY CANT ANYONE UNDERSTAND THAT? :@)
I could see wanting some closure when you break up and your miles apart
Yeah... Is Bianca Alex's first serious GF? I remember with my first I wanted answers and closure. Never really got them though. I ran into my ex like 4 years after we broke up, and I realized that I didn't even care why anymore. I think in general it's best to just realize in most breakups closure never comes. This is a general statement.
Where is all this drama coming from then George? Why was a week ago (or recently) Alex planning on Bianca picking him up and staying with her, if a month ago he had already made plans with you? Nothing really adds up about this other than there should be no drama.
So your telling me Alex wants nothing to do with Bianca? That as far as he is concerned he wishes they never dated? Excellent, I think that is exactly what Bianca wants. Drama averted, we can end thus stupid conversation that I'm sure neither you nor I *really* cares about.
Btw - on my cell and typing sucks. Heading to bed. But bump your band thread and tell me the latest. Been a while since we caught up. Ill check back in tomorrow
I don't care about who broke up with who. I don't care what adds up. I don't care about who is over it and who isn't. I don't care if Alex might someday in the future show up at her house. I don't care if Bianca gathers up 500 stalker messages and gets a restraining order. I don't care if Alex breaks into her house, puts on her panties and cums on her pillow. I don't care if Bianca acted like a big girl and changed her plans instead of his like a mature person might have done.
But to take someone's posts from here, to use them to try to get someone else in trouble, to manipulate his parents just to get what you want...
You guys are fucking fags. I dont know the whole story but you guys are literally standing up for Alex no matter what because you dont like Bianca.
So someone is gonna travel across the country and bother their ex girlfriend and your response is "dont answer the door" instead of "hey maybe alex should let it go"
Was he going to do that? Can we see the future? Is this Minority Report? I'm not down with pre-snitching because some one thinks something MIGHT happen.
I dont hate anyone here. Because i dont know any of you faggots. And you are kinda proving my point with your dumb poll and your fencewalker comment. Just because you like someone doesnt mean they are right in every situation. And someone you dislike isnt always wrong. I like Alex and Bianca. I thought they were terrible together and i thought Bianca treated Alex like shit, at least what was conveyed here. But whatever made them happy. I think Bianca was wrong in snitching on Alex, obviously. but if Alex is saying he is gonna catch a train to Jersey from wherever and wont take no for an answer, that is straight up dumb and desperate.
i just think people need to see both sides of the story. Not everything has to be good vs evil. Both did things wrong, both did things that were justified or understandable.
ok this entire time i was scrolling for messages for you, George turns out there are over 8000 from just recently and while scrolling my firefox crashed from the user script im sorry i couldnt screenshot them for you because EVERYONE KNOWS IM THAT GOOD AT IT but Britt saw them as they were coming in i was in my dorm crying my eyes out because i was begging him to let me go and he just kept saying 'no' and that he didnt care if my father or the police got involved he said it didnt matter if i blocked him on every outlet and that hed never stop trying to get me back i just wanted to be left alone
>hates Bianca.
>defends Bianca till the death.
gimmie a fuckn break man. Dude was goin to MDF, said he was broke up with her and needed a place to stay and was real nice about asking and didn't want to impose. I was like nigga, I got an extra room with a dvd player, some Mr. cameltoe in the dvd collection, a footon jawn you can sleep on, show n tel is right around the corner, we'll have a blast. Just don't eat my fuckin cheeze-itz.
so fact is bianca took forum info and showed it to his moms, fuckin up his life. hes like early 20's relying on his parents. (also what happened to Bianca hating Alex's parents? thats a whole another issue i guess) She snitched, she made lies, shtheres proof of her being in the wrong...
0 proof of alex's abusive behavior towards her.
why the fuck you stickin up for her this hard anyway simp? just curious...
But to take someone's posts from here, to use them to try to get someone else in trouble, to manipulate his parents just to get what you want...
I love how you never answered my question, George.
I'm not down with pre-snitching because some one thinks something MIGHT happen.
I guess you're expecting me to ask you what the stuff was he said?
i just think people need to see both sides of the story. Not everything has to be good vs evil. Both did things wrong, both did things that were justified or understandable.
turns out there are over 8000 from just recently and while scrolling my firefox crashed from the user script
im sorry i couldnt screenshot them for you because EVERYONE KNOWS IM THAT GOOD AT IT but Britt saw them as they were coming in
i was in my dorm crying my eyes out because i was begging him to let me go and he just kept saying 'no' and that he didnt care if my father or the police got involved
he said it didnt matter if i blocked him on every outlet and that hed never stop trying to get me back
i just wanted to be left alone