WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Don't mind me... Im going through a hostile phase in my life where I have no tolerance for anyone who wants to believe in God. I've been having a lot of religious conversations lately pertaining to the political hot topic "gay marriage", where people that I had thought were intelligent people make the most ass comments. It has very jaded my perception of anyone who says they believe in God. Previously I was "whtaever floats your boat" and no im more "You are a fucking moron"
I had this one 'friend' tell me this - "I have gay friends, and I am not a bigot in any way. However morally being gay is a sin, and so when there is a political vote on gay marriage I will vote no because morally it isnt right and I dont believe those people who live in sin deserve the same equal rights that is afforded to me."
My response - "That is the very definition of a bigot! And you dont have gay friends either. I dare you to tell your so called gay friends 'I like you as a friend, but I dont think you deserve the same rights as me because you are gay'"
Man... pisses me off. All Christians arent like this you say? Well a good majority are... so fuck them all.
Tim has recently had a change in faith and most of the lyrics off of "Awakened" were about that. In most interviews done in the past year, Tim has said that he doesn't practice Christian rituals anymore and believes that consciousness ends with the brain.
Don't mind me... Im going through a hostile phase in my life where I have no tolerance for anyone who wants to believe in God. I've been having a lot of religious conversations lately pertaining to the political hot topic "gay marriage", where people that I had thought were intelligent people make the most ass comments. It has very jaded my perception of anyone who says they believe in God. Previously I was "whtaever floats your boat" and no im more "You are a fucking moron"
While I consider myself to be an "apathetic atheist" I do understand where you're coming from, Wake.
It's just so frustrating to see people take a side based only on their religious belief. I remember talking to some Mormons that were on campus one day about gay marriage and found out a lot of them were in support for allowing gay couples to adopt, but weren't supportive of allowing gay marriage due to it being a "sin" according to the Bible. It boggled my fucking mind. There was no practical reason given as to why gays shouldn't be allowed to marry, they just kept saying "because the Bible says". Of course when asked if divorce should be punishable by death I get a blank stare...
And yeah, if you ever vote "no" on allowing gay marriage (regardless of your reasoning), you're a piece of shit. That applies to several family members of mine too, 0 fucks.
A guy at work who has recently gone back to religion (after years of horse racing, gambling, drinking etc) told us in our staff meeting yesterday that it was not acceptable for us to swear and curse at work. Fair call, we're a professional office and there is no need for all the swearing. I'm shocking at it.
It was when he started reading from the bible about how his Lords name shouldn't be used as a curse etc I thought to myself, dude keep your beliefs to yourself and don't go telling me about your God
The same guy recently told an underwriter (who comes in to work to do business with us) that she was going to hell because she said Geez in front of him (I guess short for Jesus so she was using the Lords name in vain). If he says anything at all to me at work I'll tell him to get a big black dog up him
Just for the record though, I don't believe the world would be all that better off with or without religion. I feel that we'd find other reasons to hate each other regardless of supernatural belief.
This is prolly one of the main disagreements I find myself in with other non-believers.
Humans always find all kinds of ways to hate one another or even animals for that matter. But at least there wouldn't be anymore of that shit Gnomez posted about...which happens quite often I find
Tim has recently had a change in faith and most of the lyrics off of "Awakened" were about that. In most interviews done in the past year, Tim has said that he doesn't practice Christian rituals anymore and believes that consciousness ends with the brain.
I had this one 'friend' tell me this - "I have gay friends, and I am not a bigot in any way. However morally being gay is a sin, and so when there is a political vote on gay marriage I will vote no because morally it isnt right and I dont believe those people who live in sin deserve the same equal rights that is afforded to me."
My response - "That is the very definition of a bigot! And you dont have gay friends either. I dare you to tell your so called gay friends 'I like you as a friend, but I dont think you deserve the same rights as me because you are gay'"
Man... pisses me off. All Christians arent like this you say? Well a good majority are... so fuck them all.
It's just so frustrating to see people take a side based only on their religious belief. I remember talking to some Mormons that were on campus one day about gay marriage and found out a lot of them were in support for allowing gay couples to adopt, but weren't supportive of allowing gay marriage due to it being a "sin" according to the Bible. It boggled my fucking mind. There was no practical reason given as to why gays shouldn't be allowed to marry, they just kept saying "because the Bible says". Of course when asked if divorce should be punishable by death I get a blank stare...
And yeah, if you ever vote "no" on allowing gay marriage (regardless of your reasoning), you're a piece of shit. That applies to several family members of mine too, 0 fucks.
It was when he started reading from the bible about how his Lords name shouldn't be used as a curse etc I thought to myself, dude keep your beliefs to yourself and don't go telling me about your God
If he says anything at all to me at work I'll tell him to get a big black dog up him
This is prolly one of the main disagreements I find myself in with other non-believers.