They're not full of shit, but have no idea what they're getting into
I know a few that did they eventually found them selves in a military prison. I didn't want to go but I was confident with th e training I recived I could handle the situation. Whether you wanted to be there or not you gotta get the mind set that your there to make a change for the better. It a comrodery we were all trained to be like since day 1.(especially Marines) We didn't recive the average field training you typically would in any other field op. It was once in a life time stuff that we had to take serious and get it right. A lot of time and money was put into it bc they knew what was ahead of us. For me desertion wasnt an option I had afamily to take care of, and a veteran with an Honorable discharge gets you places nowadays. I see what your saying but thats just the way I was made. Or brain wsshed as people would say... Ask any Marine or vet. who went over there and appreciates what he learned. He'lltell you the same I bet
The day you need a gun and don't have one, may be your last.
It's amazing how much of it sounds familiar, isn't it? That's real shit. It's been confirmed. The government (or, to be more accurate, factions with our government, like the CIA) make been crooked as fuck and running buck wild since before JFK got shot. Do you really want to go down the rabbit hole? Look into George H. Bush and his CIA ties, the rumors and evidence that link him to events in Dallas around that time. He later rose to become the head of the CIA before becoming the president, eventually followed by GWB and his buddy Dick, his ties to Halliburton and Blackwater, The Bush family has previously had close ties to both the Hussein family and the Bin Laden family. I don't get into tin foil hats much, but all the pieces have been in place since before 1963. I can recognize a game of Chess when I see one.
Ask any Marine or vet. who went over there and appreciates what he learned. He'lltell you the same I bet
They didn't go through with it but it was still signed off on by everybody but JFK.
How did that work out for him again?