I don't see how someone could read the northwoods stuff and not see the Kennedy connection. I see a lot of apologizing and excusing going on whenever it's brought up and I have no idea why. I think people have a hard time accepting it and get defensive out of instinct
Do you mean the connection to his assassination? I mean, it's a pretty simple connection to make, but it would be without proof. There's no factual foundation connecting Northwoods failure to his assassination. It's just conjecture.
of course
good luck finding a document that reads "conspiracy to assassinate president john f. kennedy" )
I'm not saying that it doesn't exist because it doesn't exist on paper, I'm saying it doesn't exist on paper because it doesn't exist. If it does exist, I expect there to be some sort of evidence to such a claim.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You must be a big fan of the Catholic church.
So you're saying that you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy?
I think that the evidence is there to make me believe that Oswald was the killer. Was he alone? Was he working for someone? What was his motive? Those are the real ambiguities associated with his assassination to me.
They're not full of shit, but have no idea what they're getting into
Being serious Catz..without insulting each other..We really don't need another war..Esp. so close to CHina. China still funds these scum bags..gave them their mobile launchers and they have almost if not already perfected nukes despite what fox or cnn tells you. Our interceptors are not as reliable as we would like.
I live too far north for them to even worry about dropping a bomb on me. And if it happens,... then it happens. I ain't crawling in no damn bomb shelter from some gooks.
I'm East Coast so I'm good also but..ya know..what if..everyone needs to get along and get rid of these terrible weapons. United States included...nukes have no business here or anywhere in the world.
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
The nuclear weapon is not a tool of war. It is a tool of politics. I truly don't believe that another nation will ever use a nuclear bomb against each other again. Only non-governmental bodies ie Al Qaeda, could use one.
They're not full of shit, but have no idea what they're getting into
Yeah bigger nations know its suicide to use a nuke. Radical groups are the most likley to use them since they thing killing themselves for their cause gives them power.
The day you need a gun and don't have one, may be your last.
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
Primarily it's that governments can't react to militant groups with nuclear force. It's not like the US could nuke Afghanistan if Al Qaeda used a bomb tomorrow. But if North Korea uses one? That place is gone and we're all still eating tea and crumpets come June.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Sen. John McCain says if the North launches a missile, "we should take it out."
Opening line of a CNN headline
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)