Tom Hardy based his voice for Bane on Bartley Gorman (1944 - 2002), an Irish Traveller who was the undefeated Bare-knuckle boxing champion of the United Kingdom and Ireland, often referred to as the, "King of the Gypsies." He told The Hollywood Reporter, "The choice of the accent is actually a man called Bartley Gorman, who was a bare knuckle fighter. A Romani gypsy. Which I wanted to underpin the Latin, but a Romani Latin opposed to Latino. His particular accent is very specific, which was a gypsy accent. So that's why it was difficult to understand. But once you tune into it, you get it. I hope."
I never was a fan of batman until recent movies. I had high expectations for this movie and it blew them out of the water. Bane was an awesome villain and cat woman was sexy as fuck. I can't think of anything I'd really change. I even thought the movie was better than the avengers
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I wish at the end of the movie. Alfred goes to the restaurant, sips his drink, looks up, and smiles, and goes on about himself, without ever showing Bruce and Selina.
I think it would have more fitted Nolan, like with the ending to Inception.
I wish at the end of the movie. Alfred goes to the restaurant, sips his drink, looks up, and smiles, and goes on about himself, without ever showing Bruce and Selina.
I think it would have more fitted Nolan, like with the ending to Inception.
I agree. I feel like he dumbed down shit for the mainstream audience they picked up after TDK. Like everything has blatant foreshadowing and they have to flat out say everything.
"Batman could be anybody..."
Shut the fuck up, it was obvious the bigger name actor cast as a nobody policeman with a similar background as Bruce would take over. I bet some retards were still surprised at the end
That nigga said he died which wasn't true, but I still feel like slapping him, lol. I loved the movie doe. 3 hrs felt like an hr cause I enjoyed every min of it. Actors were all great, that levitt dude is an awesome actor. Hathaway was an awesome cat woman and fuckin slamming as hell (btw shees an eagles fan) I liked the villain a lot too, he was just a beast whoos main goal was carnage through power. I never knew much about the comics, insane the old Tom burton movies so the twists were twists to me I didn't know about the daughter or none of that. Great movie, I want to see it again like right now. Great cast, great plot had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I love it. One question I have? When bane and his niggas high jack that plane in the beginning they take someone's blood and transfuse it, what was going on there, did I miss something?
Heard every thing he said nice and clear. I loved his lines in the movie.
"Ahhh, I didn't know what would break first, your soul, or your BODY!!"
I think it would have more fitted Nolan, like with the ending to Inception.
"Batman could be anybody..."
Shut the fuck up, it was obvious the bigger name actor cast as a nobody policeman with a similar background as Bruce would take over. I bet some retards were still surprised at the end
I guess thats a good way to end things...