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  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    Update: An unconfirmed fan review of the show in question has surfaced. The Gauntlet posted a review found on a Czech blog called Sic Maggot, who detailed the incident (Note: the blog was written in Czech, and was roughly translated):

    "[Randy] was very irritated when someone decided to join him on stage. At first Randy hit him a lot, then Randy jumped on him to hold him down while he continued singing? When the fan got up, Randy took him by the hair and threw down quite quickly. It was a good thing the fan was so dazed that he probably felt nothing. It took him a little while to realize what happened and as he struggled to get his breathe back. Randy does behave quite pretentious, but the performance was important to him."

    Obviously, the blog post was laced with personal opinion when reporting on what happened. There seem to be conflicting reports as to whether the fan was pushed or punched. There were comments on the page that corroborate this story:

    "Everything OK with that guy who fell down after a stage-push? We saw ambulance late after concert"

    "He came down with a thud, when he fell down. The kid died after 14 days in a coma for bleeding in the brain!"

    "OMG impossible! The vocalist should be sued then… He pulled him really heavily."

    This is certainly shocking to say the least. While I'm not questioning if the incident happened or not, the question should be, was Randy acting maliciously or in self defense? Randy strikes me as one of the nicest/kindest people in the heavy metal scene. There had to be a reason for this altercation. Musicians can get quite defensive if they're feeling attacked on stage, especially after the tragic shooting of Dimebag. Where was security in all of this? A band member should not need to have to defend themselves, they should be able to perform for the audience.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    lmao someone on metalsucks made a comment "According to the rule of honor, Randy is forgiven, right?"
    :)) \m/
  • Beforethedawn206Beforethedawn206 Posts: 267 just the tip
    I just don't understand why these charges just came up if this happened two years ago.
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Because he wasn't in the country until now. There was probably a warrant put out after he was already gone
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    If they have enough evidence and it doesn't look like self defence...he's fucked
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Because he wasn't in the country until now. There was probably a warrant put out after he was already gone
    ^this. It is likely that they kept the charges on the down low, such that word didnt get out and he just avoided going back there. Build a case and gather evidence... then wait until he comes back and arrest him.
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    this is why US bands should tour the US and fuck the rest of the world
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    this is why US bands should tour the US and fuck the rest of the world
    If they had proper security and they did their jobs this could have been avoided. It really makes me question where they were in all this
  • streetsstreets Posts: 3,351 just the tip

    Got this press release in my email today. Normally I don't pass them on but I figured some of you would be interested in what's going on with the Richmond based Lamb Of God's singer. The email reads:

    For Immediate Release

    June 29, 2012

    LAMB OF GOD management will be issuing an official statement on Monday regarding the charges made against singer Randy Blythe. As no formal charges have yet been made and the case is only in the investigation stages, it would be premature to make an official statement filled with false truths or innuendos.

    Having said that, management wished to address today one false piece of information that has been included in many of the news stories released so far. Under no circumstances was there a fight of any kind involved. This incident deals with a fan that three times during the concert jumped the barricade and rushed Randy during the performance. It is alleged that the third time, security was not able to reach him and that Randy pushed him back into the audience where supposedly he fell and hit his head.

    Again, until the investigation is concluded this weekend, nothing more will be released, but clarity and the facts needed to be addressed on this one reported point which is totally inaccurate.
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    If you jump the barricade and something were to happen I think at that point the person is assuming the risk and anything that happens is fault of their own
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited June 2012
    This is honestly why I'm scared to fight. I know myself, and can't stop when enraged enough. Unless someone strong enough was there to pull me off, I'd keep going and up killing someone or putting them in a coma. That's of course if I "won", and didn't get my ass beat, which I'm not saying is impossible, not tryna act all hard.
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    You should read the most recent update...
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    From what I read, he didn't fight him. He just pushed him.

    Idk if that link works. I'm on my phone.
    He rushed the stage not once, not twice, but three times? What a retard
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    As Streets said, that could have been Dimebag Killer #2 for all we know.
  • jagjag Posts: 5,033 destroyer of motherfuckers
    The Dimebag argument is absolutely idiotic. Not exactly the best justification.
  • fucketh_thine_selffucketh_thine_self Posts: 3,363 just the tip
    The Dimebag argument is absolutely idiotic. Not exactly the best justification.
    i disagree. How was Randy to know if this fan meant him harm or not. they just use Dimebags story to prove that yes a fan charging the stage might try to harm or potentially kill those performing.
  • jagjag Posts: 5,033 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Excellent! Someone to discuss this with!

    I am in no way, shape nor form condoning someone charging (if that was indeed the case) a band member. I do think at that point, you are at your own risk and if a band member injures you, it's your own damn fault. You should know better as an attendee of a show. The band are entitled to self defense in the event security fails. In the heat of the moment, I'm sure most people aren't going to consider what is the most mellow way to handle to this to ensure this fan doesn't get annihilated in the end.

    Now, for me, the "Dime rule" as I will call it here should not be applied. It carries a discriminatory approach to it. Why are we allowing one bad apple to ruin the rest? That event happened how long ago? We have come a long way since then to ensure band and crowd safety. Sure, we don't know the intentions of the fan at the center of this investigation. I've been to enough shows (D.I.Y and bigger shows) where I've seen fans attempt to approach (charge) a singer/band member to just sneak a quick high five, hug, grab the mic to sing.. in essence all things that weren't going to harm a band member. We could argue either way, but in the end.. we DON'T know. Yes, it is wise to be cautious and aware of whats going on around you, especially while performing but with the "Dime rule", we are assuming the worst is going to happen. One isolated incident years ago shouldn't equate to "If A then B" (In this case A is a fan getting on stage and B is therefore he's going to Dimebag my ass). For me, as aforementioned, it's discriminatory against the fans to carry this mentality. All fans that get on stage aren't going to do harm. Just like all people who look Middle Eastern on my next flight who stand up and walk around during the flight aren't about to recreate 9/11 (If I take the negative "If A then B" approach, then I should be crying for flight security to subdue them because they happen to get up too much and make me uncomfortable and one past event years ago means its gonna happen again). Much like how the next guy from the Military who likes metal at a show and gets a little too rowdy isn't going to pull out a gun and kill people.

    Again, I am not condoning what this fan reportedly did. I just don't think the "Randy is innocent because this guy could have been Nathan Gale part 2!" is a valid justification. We should be past that by now.
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