Doctors don't cure shit! They don't cure shit! The last disease doctors cured was polio, when's the last time you met someone with polio? "Why weren't you at work today?" "Oh, my polio's actin' up again!" They don't cure shit! They ain't curing it, 'cause there ain't no money in the cure. The money's in the medicine. That's how you get paid, on the comeback. That's how a drug dealer makes his money, on the comeback. That's all the government is: a bunch of motherfucking drug dealers, on the comeback. You think they're gonna cure AlDS? They're still mad at all the money they lost on polio!
My great uncle has polio sucks he used to be a bug athlete according to my dad
I've been lost in endless seas
My heart died long ago
I curse my failures as I fall from you
back in the '80's I worked in a medical office in Chicago's wonderful West Sy-eed. there was an endless parade of people; black, white, asian, hispanic - race didn't matter - twistin' the system any way they could; cranking out spawn for the extra food stamp cash, mysterious neck pain from car accidents causing them to never work again. these people fucked up the system by making the insurance industry question every claim.
then there was the billing end of it. we charged $35 cash for an office visit. but if we had to claim it on Blue Cross, we billed them $40 to get paid $35. if we had to claim it on Medicare or Public Aid, we billed $45 to get paid $25. If we billed $35, the gov't only paid us $15. we couldn't get ahead. the system was fucking us right back, perpetuated by the assholes described above.
then there was the Drug Industry. we had a lab and dispensary on site. generic medications that once cost us $10 per 1000 pills suddenly were no longer available, forcing us to resell brand names. diagnostics (pregnancy testing, blood glucose monitoring, etc...) doubled or tripled in price, forcing us to raise a simple dip-stick test from $10 to over $35. required vaccinations cost us hundreds of dollars per 10-shot vial, forcing us to charge $50 per school shot just to break even on the cost.
the system has been fucked up forever. no matter how you slice it, somebody's gonna figure a way to skirt the system for their own gain. the industry is going to inflate premiums and drug prices while they can until they are forced to control those costs. it might take a few years but the ripple will eventually smooth itself out. but only if everyone stops fucking with it.
in the meantime, take a big bite of the shit sandwich and pass it along. it's good for you.
It's basically making people who CAN afford health insurance to buy it so they can't wait until they are sick and then buy it (which will jack up your premiums for those who have insurance). He does have a good point of those who don't have health insurance will just go to the ER and get billed which just pushes the bill onto other people.
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
then there was the billing end of it. we charged $35 cash for an office visit. but if we had to claim it on Blue Cross, we billed them $40 to get paid $35. if we had to claim it on Medicare or Public Aid, we billed $45 to get paid $25. If we billed $35, the gov't only paid us $15. we couldn't get ahead. the system was fucking us right back, perpetuated by the assholes described above.
I truly believe Romney is one of the worst republican candidates ever. If you really want someone to progress on the right, Obama's track record is just about as good as Romney's. They're both pussies.
Fixing the health care system has to be modeled after something like the UK, which has free healthcare but the healthcare system still makes a shit ton off of specialized private practice. You can go to government GPs or general practitioners and get your basic medical care, which should be done for every citizen in the US anyway, and then if you get something like cancer or something you go to specialized practitioners who then ass-rape you the way they do in America. I honestly think it's somewhere around there that we'll be headed. Mandating healthcare really doesn't make the country much better.
It's better than what we had before though. Rising unemployment means a rising uncovered population, and no country can handle that.
you like obama and you really think romney is the worst candidate ever? they are vertually the same candidate....right down to who they are being paid by
then there was the billing end of it. we charged $35 cash for an office visit. but if we had to claim it on Blue Cross, we billed them $40 to get paid $35. if we had to claim it on Medicare or Public Aid, we billed $45 to get paid $25. If we billed $35, the gov't only paid us $15. we couldn't get ahead. the system was fucking us right back, perpetuated by the assholes described above.
Isn't that like.......really illegal?
not really. as a BCBS provider, we had to accept whatever they paid us based on their fee schedule. I guess we could have punished the cash paying customers instead and charged them more to break even. but we preferred cash. it took up to 90 days to get paid by insurance and public aid took 6 months or more to cough up the dough. unless they decided to deny the claim. try collecting money from poor, sick people sometime. it's a real trip.
Can someone explain to me why you can be on your parents insurance up until 26? That is ridiculous you should be able to take care of yourself by that age.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Can someone explain to me why you can be on your parents insurance up until 26? That is ridiculous you should be able to take care of yourself by that age.
it probably requires you to still be in school. lots of students arent done school until around that age.
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
Can someone explain to me why you can be on your parents insurance up until 26? That is ridiculous you should be able to take care of yourself by that age.
There are a rising number of college grads who can't find work after school, so then return to school, and this accommodates them.
it may be but they are both heavily influenced by the banks....they are both pawns....and our country is fucked
I don't know why people think it's new that private industry fuels the executive branch is a recent thing. Andrew Johnson was heavily paid by Northern industries to slow the development of their competition in the South. US Grant's administration was basically owned by the Whiskey trade.
That's not to say that I think they favored them as much as recent presidents have the US Banks, but still. It's worth mentioning.
You have to understand though, that even if what you're saying is true, the only way to avoid it is voting. That's the one thing that private industry can't control.
Can someone explain to me why you can be on your parents insurance up until 26? That is ridiculous you should be able to take care of yourself by that age.
There are a rising number of college grads who can't find work after school, so then return to school, and this accommodates them.
it may be but they are both heavily influenced by the banks....they are both pawns....and our country is fucked
I don't know why people think it's new that private industry fuels the executive branch is a recent thing. Andrew Johnson was heavily paid by Northern industries to slow the development of their competition in the South. US Grant's administration was basically owned by the Whiskey trade.
That's not to say that I think they favored them as much as recent presidents have the US Banks, but still. It's worth mentioning.
You have to understand though, that even if what you're saying is true, the only way to avoid it is voting. That's the one thing that private industry can't control.
oh i never thought it was new....i know its been going on forever
as far as voting i agree...and im going to vote even tho im not excited about it
i believe its fixed....ron paul was winning delegates and no one was reporting it....he then won some states when everyone in the mainstream media said romney was already the offical candidate...and then paul couldn't even win his own district where he had been senator for over 10 years and they LOVE him in texas....Idk something just seemed fishy to me there
that along with the electoral system being out of date and i haven't really had any faith in the voting system since the debacle between bush and gore
Even as far as republicans go Romney is a horrible canidate. McCain was a lot better if you removed batshit crazy palin. Obama may be bad but hes the devil you know. I cant even fathom how much damage romney will do to the lower and middle class and the consumer base.
then there was the billing end of it. we charged $35 cash for an office visit. but if we had to claim it on Blue Cross, we billed them $40 to get paid $35. if we had to claim it on Medicare or Public Aid, we billed $45 to get paid $25. If we billed $35, the gov't only paid us $15. we couldn't get ahead. the system was fucking us right back, perpetuated by the assholes described above.
then there was the Drug Industry. we had a lab and dispensary on site. generic medications that once cost us $10 per 1000 pills suddenly were no longer available, forcing us to resell brand names. diagnostics (pregnancy testing, blood glucose monitoring, etc...) doubled or tripled in price, forcing us to raise a simple dip-stick test from $10 to over $35. required vaccinations cost us hundreds of dollars per 10-shot vial, forcing us to charge $50 per school shot just to break even on the cost.
the system has been fucked up forever. no matter how you slice it, somebody's gonna figure a way to skirt the system for their own gain. the industry is going to inflate premiums and drug prices while they can until they are forced to control those costs. it might take a few years but the ripple will eventually smooth itself out. but only if everyone stops fucking with it.
in the meantime, take a big bite of the shit sandwich and pass it along. it's good for you.
It's basically making people who CAN afford health insurance to buy it so they can't wait until they are sick and then buy it (which will jack up your premiums for those who have insurance). He does have a good point of those who don't have health insurance will just go to the ER and get billed which just pushes the bill onto other people.
the problem is that more then likely because you work offers it any you will be forced to pay for it even if you can't afford it
this is a terrible way to go about things IMO
how can you conceivably vote for obama when romney is essentially the same and you think hes one of the worst republican candidates ever?
That video is a gross oversimplification.
I guess we could have punished the cash paying customers instead and charged them more to break even. but we preferred cash. it took up to 90 days to get paid by insurance and public aid took 6 months or more to cough up the dough. unless they decided to deny the claim. try collecting money from poor, sick people sometime. it's a real trip.
That's not to say that I think they favored them as much as recent presidents have the US Banks, but still. It's worth mentioning.
You have to understand though, that even if what you're saying is true, the only way to avoid it is voting. That's the one thing that private industry can't control.
damn, where'd the american flag emoticon go? i just now noticed it was missing
oh i never thought it was new....i know its been going on forever
as far as voting i agree...and im going to vote even tho im not excited about it
i believe its fixed....ron paul was winning delegates and no one was reporting it....he then won some states when everyone in the mainstream media said romney was already the offical candidate...and then paul couldn't even win his own district where he had been senator for over 10 years and they LOVE him in texas....Idk something just seemed fishy to me there
that along with the electoral system being out of date and i haven't really had any faith in the voting system since the debacle between bush and gore