Yeah, some nobody guy self published an e-book Catz style for like 2 bucks. In the book it says a friend who works for Paramount told him this info back in February of this year. Thats the only source )
So ANOTHER Marvel event is happening after Infinity. This one os Cataclysim. Its an Ultimate Event. Essentially ** POTENTIAL SPOLIER FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T READ AGE OF ULTRON** Galactus is being added to the Ultimate Universe ** SPOILE OVER** and he's doing damage in the Ultimate universe.
Rumored fallout: Miles Morales, The Ultimate Spiderman, is supposedly being added to the main universe. Also, the Ultimate universe may be ending.
People bitch about the New 52 being continuity hell, but at least they said "Hey, fuck it. We're restarting from this point forward" None of this universe merging shit.
Everyone always says the Ocean dub is better, but I've always been partial to the Funimation one myself as well. Using that cast to redub those movies is awesome!
Like, I understand the argument for Ocean, but I even like Funimation dub Vegeta better. Probably because thats the dub I grew up with and am more familiar with.
I used to read the Essential collections all the time when I was younger. I remembered a good amount of the panels but I didn't remember the story.
What other stories are in the essentials collection :-?
Off the top of my head, it has the Hellfire Club, Dark Phoenix saga, return of the Wendigo, introduction of Kitty Pride. Its like issues 120-144
EDIT: Arcade as well.
A lot of people bitch about it not being in color but it doesn't bother me. I'm still thinking about getting Marvel Unlimited, we'll see.....
Rumored fallout: Miles Morales, The Ultimate Spiderman, is supposedly being added to the main universe. Also, the Ultimate universe may be ending.
Marvel's going a little overboard with the large scale universe changing events. Maybe there's multiple.
But I do like Funimation dub.