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The Concert Review Thread



  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    That's pretty sweet. None of the three drumsticks I have (Judas Priest, Threat Signal, or Despised Icon) are logoed or signed in any way. Very rageworthy.
    I love winning with women
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I only have half of what I believe is an Unearth stick.
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Yeah, my one drumstick isn't either (the 69 Eyes)
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    Seriously? Wow that freaking sucks. I would have punched him in the mouth. I always put my boys before random dudes.
    In his defense, he asked if I wanted it, but before I had time to respond some random dude walked up and said he'll take it so the kid handed it to him.
    Still that sucks. I would have told the dude to hold on for a minute
    That's pretty sweet. None of the three drumsticks I have (Judas Priest, Threat Signal, or Despised Icon) are logoed or signed in any way. Very rageworthy.
    Really? I would have thought at least the Judas Priest one would have a logo

    And to all the other comments, I fully expect this to be the only stick I get for a very long time so I'm glad it's a Suffocation one
  • Its_Meh_ChewIts_Meh_Chew Posts: 7,380 just the tip
    yeah man, when jaxx is on, theyre fucking on, sound wise. I was really impressed when i saw Eluveitie there, since they have 2 guitars, bass, drums vox, violin, a hurdy gurdy, and a baghpipes and a zhilaphone thingy (the thing weird al uses), and everything sounded perfect where you could hear everything perfectly (and they only took like 10 minutes to set up once the previous band got all their shit off stage
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    Yeah I was really surprised. Jaxx is usually just alright as far as my experiences go. Hopefully the BG show is great like Suffocation was
  • ComptonAssBertoComptonAssBerto Posts: 3,899 just the tip
    I'd love to see BG but I'm going to PR the night before.

  • ComptonAssBertoComptonAssBerto Posts: 3,899 just the tip
    I'd love to see BG but I'm going to PR the night before.

    For anyone who hasn't seen it.

  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited November 2010
    Dimmu Borgir/Enslaved/Blood Red Throne/Dawn of Ashes - November 14th, 2010 - House Of Blues - Chicago, Illinois

    So I got there late, and I don't know what happened, but Dawn Of Ashes and Blood Red Throne got switched, so Blood Red Throne was up first, and Dawn Of Ashes second. So I missed Blood Red Throne entirely, but saw Dawn Of Ashes.

    Before I start, as any of you who saw it on my Facebook already know, the crowd was fucking HORRIBLE. Worst crowd I've ever experienced. Ruined the fucking night for me. I'll go more in depth for each band, though.

    Dawn Of Ashes: I know absolutely none of their material, but they had on these SlipKnoT/GWAR style masks, which made me rage a bit, it looked so fucking homo. But whatever, MUSICALLY, they were fucking sick. Some of their songs just made my jaw drop. They're like....Blackcore. Lolz. Black Metal with breakdowns pretty much. I shit you not. Anyways, I gotta listen to them more and download an album or two. 7.5/10

    Enslaved: This is when the pussy crowd started. So they come out, start playing Ethica Odini, and I was literally one of the only ones going apeshit. So I'm windmilling and screaming, and the 2 faggots in front of me keep looking back at me and giving me a dirty look. At one point, they both shoved me backwards really hard, and later on in the set they told me to "Calm the fuck down". And literally all I was doing was STANDING IN FUCKING PLACE, windmilling, and screaming for the band. Enslaved, after EVERY song, got pretty much a golf clap. -_- Anyway, fuck the crowd, but Enslaved were fucking perfect and spot on on-stage. Raidho was their absolute highlight, on the way there I just kept imagining that song live, and fucking A was it ridiculous live, everything I hoped it would be. But OF COURSE, faggots have to ruin it. During the snare and bass only part following that BADASS main riff, I started jumping and headbanging 'cause that part just gets me so pumped up, even at home. But anyways, while jumping, the beardo faggot to my side elbows me in the fucking rib and nearly knocks me on my ass while I was in the air. Cool. Ruined the rest of their set for me. The next song after Raidho I didn't know (I admittedly don't know their discography too well.) but after that they played The Beacon, which was sick, followed by Isa, which is just too perfect live. Something lulzy to point out, the Vocalist grabbed a beer and a water, and said "Now tell me Chicago, Budweiser, or water? BUDWEISER OR WATER? Ehh fuck it what's the difference right?!?". Lol FUCK YEA! Right answer. As a side note, I found it funny that the entire band is beardos that look like Vikings, and then the least manly looking one is the Keyboardist who sings the clean Vocals. Lolz. But his voice was amazing live. Sounded just like it does on album. Anyways, they were amazing, and I may go to their headlining tour depending on support. 9/10 (If it were based on how the crowd was, they'd be about 6, but for this show specifically, I'm trying REALLY fucking hard to base it solely on the band's performance, because if I factored the crowd into it, Dimmu would get a 0, a 1 would be too fucking generous.)

    Let's move on to the nightmare of the nigh- I mean, Dimmu Borgir.

    Dimmu Borgir: Aight, so when they started, it seemed like it was gonna be an epic set (Which, by performance, the band was, but the crowd fucking killed it so bad.) they used Xibir as an intro and it just built up the excitement for them to get the fuck on stage. So they get on, and start with Spellbound, cool enough, but the fags start already. I start headbanging and the fat fuck piece of shit tough guy beardo next to me starts shoving me to get me away from him, while he stands there motionless like a fucking brick. He didn't bother for the next few songs, but just wait. 2 things I wanna say, Dimmu uses WAY too much lighting and strobe effects. The constant flickering of bright blue and red lights the entire fucking set hurt my eyes after a while, and blinded me a bit. Second, their sound was pretty much horrible. I could BARELY hear the keys, which strained greatly on songs that have heavy keyboard, like Gateways. All of Vortex's Vocal lines and the orchestral stuff was all over the P.A. which is fine I guess, except it wasn't loud enough, so it was almost as if Vortex's lines were taken out completely. The sound was bad the entire set, but luckily did improve as the set went on. It was so bad at the beginning though that I had no idea that they started playing The Chosen Legacy until Shagrath did the opening scream, and that's one of my favorite Dimmu songs. I constantly listen to it, I would know that song anywhere. Their Drummer also SEVERELY fucked up the opening Drum fill on The Chosen Legacy. -_- They'll never replace Hellhammer. He also slowed down that 290 BPM part during the "IN SORTE DIABOLI!" chant to about half the speed in triplets. Dude needs to get his shit together or Dimmu needs to get a better Drummer. But yea, anyways. During The Chosen Legacy, was the highlight of the night. During the In Sorte Diaboli chant, I went apeshit and was screaming it as loud as my lungs would allow, and Shagrath saw, looked me directly in the eyes and we were screaming it at eachother, and then he nodded at me. It was so fucking sick. But of course, pussy fans ruined this, because the fatass in front of me told me to shut the fuck up. During Indoctrination is when I could have gotten kicked out for rocking this motherfucker, because I about lost it at that point. Fat boy beardo next to me decides it's time to get me out of his way for good, so he literally fucking charged at me and did this fucking...cyclone thing to push me, which naturally caused the crowd to push him back, so I went flying to the left, almost fell over, and slammed into this dude, who got in my fucking face, and he tried to fucking start shit with me, and I could have fucking killed him at that point I was so pissed, but I wasn't about to get kicked out. So I moved with the crowd 'til I was up close again. During Gateways, 2 dudes got pissed at me for yet again....headbanging, and kept repeatedly pushing me. After that, I ended up even closer to the rail, only 2 people behind it. Fag to my left kept giving me dirty looks for headbanging and pumping my arm in the air though. During Chess With The Abyss, the broad in front of left her spot one person behind the rail, so naturally, I took it, fair and square. Stupid fucking cunt comes back 2 songs later, pissed at me because I took it and refused to let her take it back. So she kept hitting me so I finally nudged to the right and let her cut in, and then she fucking leaves again at the end of the song.... -_- After that, the "huge" problems ended, but the fat boy in front of me still kept giving me dirty looks for the rest of the fucking night because I was pumping my arm in the air and getting slammed into him. DON'T BLAME ME FATFUCK BLAME THE 200 PEOPLE BEHIND ME AND THE HUGE PIT GOING ON RIGHT BEHIND ME AND FUCKING DEAL WITH IT.

    Anyways, Musically, besides all the bullshit, Born Treacherous and A Jewel Traced Through Coal were too sick for words live. Screaming the line "ILLUSIVE BLISS FEEDS OBSESSION, A FEEBLE ORIENTATION IS PROVOKED! IS PROVOKED! IS PROVOOOOKED!" Was so fucking amazing. Gave me chills. That opening riff gave me chills as well. It hits so fucking hard live. Born Treacherous is just the heaviest shit ever live. During that opening riff and the snare hit that follows it, I just slammed down and went apeshit and started screaming the song. During the "BORN TREACHEROUS!" chant, me and this other guy were screaming it in eachother's face. First cool guy of the night. What a surprise.
    -_- At the intro of The Serpentine Offering, when the Drums kick in, Galder spit a mouthful of water directly at me. I'm....honored? Lolz. It was cool in an extremely weird way.. >_> Lol. But yea The Serpentine Offering live is just amazing. I loved screaming that along with Shagrath "MY DESCENT IS THE STORY OF EVERY MAN! I AM HATRED, DARKNESS, AND DESPAIR!". Their set was one song short compared to the other setlists I've seen. Ended with Mourning Palace, instead of Perfection Or Vanity. Almost caught a pick AND a fucking Drum stick, but no cigar. Also, I gotta say, most of the time, corpse paint and the Black Metal "Get up" is fucking cheesy, but it really fit Dimmu in a live setting. Looked really fucking cool and straight up Metal as Hell. They had on these Wintery looking white outfits. Similar to the ones in the Gateways video. They had the mask from the Abrahadabra on this epic looking display next to the Drumset. Really cool stage set-up in general, actually looked "evil" for once. Lol.

  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited November 2010
    So, overall... 8.5/10 They would've gotten a 9.5 or even a 10 if it wasn't for how bad the sound was, and as I mentioned earlier, the Drummer slacking a lot throughout the set. Would've gotten a fucking 0 if I factored in the crowd. Pretty much ruined the night for me. Whatever.

    As far as merch, I originally got the Abrahadabra V-Neck, but decided I didn't like it much, so I got the tour shirt with the (New) Abrahadabra album art on it instead. Sadly it doesn't have the mask. The skull is kinda gay, but whatever.

    This is sadly probably my last show of the year, but I've racked up 16 shows total. It's been a good and fucking Metal year for me. Even if the last show ended on a sour note and was ruined by the crowd.
  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    I dont think the crowd sucked, it was prolly just you.
    Theres prolly some other person doing a review sayin there was a 6 foot kid tryin to protect people from invisible ninjas.
    There's obviously times where windmilling n shit is acceptable but at this show it was a no-no.
    Learn about show etiquette.
    Deputy_Cheeze's Profile Page Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Show etiquette? It's a fucking Metal show! Windmilling is to be expected. Fuck that shit.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    And yea, I was really hardcore dancing. -_-
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I don't know if you think I mean windmilling my arms, in which case, no. That's pussy ass bullshit. I was windmilling as in headbanging style windmilling. If there's a single Metal show that it's not "acceptable" to do at, then fucking kill me now.
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,661 master of ceremonies
    Well, he was sober for both, so I believe him.
    lol XD
  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    edited November 2010
    lol, i meant with the arms.
    Just cuz its metal that doenst mean there isnt etiquette to it.
    EX: someone falls in the pit, help em up
    if what youre doin annoys people, then move to another spot, or let them move, or just stop.

    Deputy_Cheeze's Profile Page Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    get ready
    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    new page?
    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Tempe AZ, 11/14/10

    What a night this was. First of all, strangest lineup I have ever seen/heard. Secondly, the whole reason I went was because my friend Kyle, who I work with at the station, got me in (and backstage) for free. I got to join him for the interview with GWAR's singer too. That guy is fucking hysterical... I cannot wait to post the interview once Kyle processes it. Best interview ever. We walk into the band's room and he offers us some beers and we just end up hanging for a good 20 minutes. Haha. Also ended up getting two picks from both of their guitarists, which is always a win.

    Mobile Deathcamp - I enjoyed these guys. I don't quite know exactly how to describe their sound, but they were good. They had this shirt that said "DEATH TO FALSE METAL" on the back, which I was very tempted to get. lol 7/10

    Inferneon - Much more death metal than any other band on the tour. They were they kind of guys who you would typically see opening for bands like Nile or Skeletonwitch in a small club. So playing the Marquee (Phoenix's medium sized venue) caught quite a lot of people off guard, but for the most part the crowd loved em, myself included. 7.5/10

    The Casualties - I'd like to start out by saying that I hate most all punk. With the exception of a handful of bands (Offspring, Ramones, a couple others), I can't stand it. And I hate being at shows where punk bands are on the bill more. Their fans (here at least) comprise mainly of skinny white guys and huge native Americans, both of whom do nothing but push forwards the entire set. And that's exactly what they did this time too. I kept my rail spot for about three or four songs and then I had to bail because it felt like my ribcage was going to give in. About the band? They spent most of their time bitching about how "punks are being oppressed." That's not really the case anymore. Get over it. I didn't enjoy their set and if I never saw them again, that would be fine. 3/10

    GWAR - Very fun set. People got absolutely drenched. I had a different rail spot about ten feet to the left of the center this time. I held it for the first song and a half, and then got into a fight.

    Here's how it went:

    I was on he rail, and out of nowhere, this scrawny ass whit boy comes up from behind me. Instead of trying to squeeze his way into my spot, he yanks my ear back as hard as he can. So obviously, I lose my spot and as soon as I get back up, I shove him from behind and he turns around and takes a swing at me. I duck, and then go up to deck him in the face, but he lifts his head up and I end up clocking him in the neck. By this time, the security guards are shining their lights at us telling us to stop or we'll get kicked, and the whole left side of the venue has taken notice to our debacle. I've never been more pissed off at a show in my life. Anyways, the band just went about their merry way cumming on the audience and playing their songs. Good stuff. 9/10
    I love winning with women
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