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The Concert Review Thread



  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    "As soon as the vocalist walk up to the crowd, he spits straight into the crowd"

    Ughhh I friggin hate that!!
  • AdamAdam Posts: 11,533 balls deep
    Papa roach , skillet , trapt , my darkest days review

    My Darkest Days
    awesome opening band just some straight up cock rock.
    Save Me
    Move Your Body
    Every Lie
    F*cked Up Situation
    Porn Star Dancing
    these guys suprised me really good lot's of energy. the new songs sounded the best.

    Stand Up
    Still Frame
    Sound Off
    Who's Going Home With You Tonight
    Bleed Like Me
    Stranger In The Mirror
    Head Strong

    second time seeing them this year wow what a fucking band, so good live they have
    a chick drummer is sexy. she tore that kit up. if you haven't seen these guys before go see them.
    Whispers in the Dark
    It's Not Me, It's You
    Awake and Alive
    The Last Night

    Papa roach
    one of my all time favortie bands. what a fucking set they know how to command a crowd
    the bass was awesome, and super loud.
    Kick in the Teeth
    Blood Brothers
    Broken Home
    Hollywood Whore
    One Track Mind
    Getting Away with Murder
    Born With Nothing, Die With Everything
    ...To Be Loved
    Dead Cell
    Last Resort
    Between Angels and Insects

    now on to the pictures.

    My darkest days






    Papa Roach

  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    For anyone going to the Nevermore show...
    I love winning with women
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    edited October 2010
    You interview anyone there?

    Not gonna write a longer review like last time. Same place as yesterday, same time, yet smaller crowd. Black Dahlia Murder/Goatwhore/Arkaik

    Trust Me I'm A Doctor - Only local band on the bill, sounded alright...really the only scenester band though if you ask me. They did a brvtal cover of Safety Dance which I absolutely adored.

    Arkaik - Actually liked these guys, never heard them coming into the show.

    Goatwhore - Not sure why I never really gave these guys much of a listen..They blew me away once they got onstage. Everything just sounded great and they were so involved with the crowd with the high fives and bro fists and stuff. Later bought Carving Out the Eyes of God and got it signed.

    Black Dahlia Murder - Stage setup was incredibly fast, I had just bought the CD previously mentioned and was sitting outside for a minute when I heard they were taking the stage. Ran in and got my place up front before the crowd got really crazy. Big shocker, the set was almost exactly the same as last time, only difference being the order of the songs. Still great watching them play.

    Statutory Ape
    Everything Went Black
    Closed Casket Requiem
    Black Valor
    Christ Deformed
    Elder Misanthropy
    What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
    Funeral Thirst
    A Vulgar Picture
    Deathmask Divine
    I Will Return

    Only difference this time is that they cut out Unhallowed and I'm Charming.
    Post edited by Gazorpazorpfield on
    image Photobucket
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited October 2010
    Bring Me The Horizon - October 17th - Chicago, Illinois - House Of Blues

    OK, so to start off, I had no intention of going to this show 'til right after Megadeth played last night, because Bring Me The Horizon was playing in the basement, and the entire time time I was tempted to just say "Fuck this." and go downstairs and see BMTH. So I've known about it for a while, and figured I was fucked since I've never done a back-to-back, and I figured there'd just be no way with my Mom, but it came to mind that I had an extra $20 and I could just take the train down to House Of Blues, so I texted my Mom and asked, and she surprisingly had no problem with it, so at that point I was just fucking stoked.

    Well, as anyone on here who read my Facebook status today would know, I left early to get there early and get front and center on the rail.......however, I arrive and my day is fucking are sold out. So I'm sitting outside, pissed the fuck off, asking everyone and anyone if they had extra tickets to sell, and no dice. I asked This Is Hell's Drummer and Jona from BMTH if they could get me in, and neither could do it. So as I'm waiting outside, things get better. I see Oli fucking Sykes walking my way, and I'm just like ".....No fucking way." So I was the first one who noticed him, and I ran up to him, and shook his hand right away (Also asked him if he could help get me in, but yet again, no dice.) but he went in the venue, and as soon as he did, girls saw him and were shrieking, screaming, shaking, crying, breaking down, all this ridiculous bullshit, it was fucking insane. I was like, what is this, a fucking Bieber show? I mean it's not his fault, it's just girls being fucking morons, but Jesus fucking Christ. But yea I met him and got my picture with him, and as I said, I was shaking a bit and I was just nervous as all hell. I think part of it was due to the fact that he's literally the most famous person I've ever met, and just the fact that he walks into the room and has girls crying about him almost instantly (Even heard a girl scream "Ohhh he's so fucking beautiful".) It was retarded on the girls' parts, but still fucking insane that one dude could do that just by his presence. So after he left, I figured, game over. Might as well walk back to Union Station, at least I met Oli, right? So just as I'm about to leave, this dude asks me what happened, and I explained, and he felt bad for me, so he took me back to his car in the parking garage and gave me a few of his beers, and we chugged a few beers together and walked back to the venue afterwards. So I get back there, and not 2-3 minutes am I there, and these guys are in front of the venue, and I was like do you have extra tickets? And his response was: "Do you have money?" so I'm thinking FUCK YESSS. $10 dollars for a fucking ticket. So at this point I'm just jolly as a fucking kid in a candy store. Best 10 dollars I've EVER spent. So I get in, and I was still a bit early. BMTH was doing a signing, but I said fuck it. And thus starts the show.

    Before I write about each individual band, I wanna say, A: I don't particularly like any of the 4 support bands, so it was somewhat of a waiting game for me. B: I. FUCKING. LOATHE. TEENAGE. SCENE. FAGGOT. CROWDS. Oh my fucking God I wanted to slaughter every fucking person there. Nearly ruined the night for me. This reassured me how much I hate Teens, and I fucking AM one. If this is seriously how my generation is, I'm beyond ashamed. EVERYONE there was kids, with the oldest people there probably being early 20s at the most. 75% Female too. Completely outnumbered the dudes. Now, neither of these things would be bad.........IF THEY KNEW HOW TO FUCKING ACT. I swear to God these motherfuckers must have never been to a Metal show at all. I don't know if it's 'cause they're kids, 'cause they're Scenies, or both, but these motherfuckers have NO respect, manners, or concert etiquette. Now I know it's a Metal show, it gets crazy, that's fine and dandy by me, but there's a line between crazy and borderline ignorant, rude, and obnoxious. Slayer last night was crazy, yet respectful. This shit was just a fucking free for all of tough guy kids. First off, you know how the crowd always pushes forward when the band starts...? Yea, that happened at this show....CONSTANTLY. Fucking faggots were pushing and fighting to get to the rail even when bands were setting up. Which caused a 10 or so person pile-up....including me. Yes it was strong enough to knock me down and a band wasn't even fucking playing. Despite this, I eventually got just one person behind the rail by fairly fighting for it throughout Emarosa and August Burns Red. Oh but wait, it wasn't game over once I was on the rail OHHH NOOO. To start, bitch behind got pissed because I was in front of her, and she wanted to be on the rail, and since she couldn't get past me, I was an asshole, and I wasn't "being fair". So throughout ABR and BMTH, this cunt is elbowing me in the ribs and kicking the back of my knees. Had it been a guy I would've fucking leveled him, but I tried my absolute fucking hardest to keep cool since it was a girl, and there was NO way I was gonna get kicked out. Then she starts calling the dude ON the rail an immature jackass because he wouldn't move for her and let her on the rail. Then, during BMTH, their ENTIRE FUCKING SET, this drunk bitch got pissed at me for windmilling and pumping my fist/horns, and kept yanking on my fucking hair and slapping the shit out of me and pulling my head back. Once again, I wanted to KNOCK. THIS. CUNT. THE. FUCK. OUT. But I was having way too much fucking absolute fun with BMTH to get TOO pissed, but fucking A. As I said, these kids have no idea how to act at a show, as if they've never been to one. I HATE OBNOXIOUS FUCKING KIDS. ESPECIALLY SCENE ONES.

    Now, let's move onto to the individual bands, shall we? -_-

    This Is Hell: Never heard them prior to the show, never even heard OF them, so I didn't know what to expect, but they were pretty fucking badass. The SECOND they started, Vocalist fucking jumps into the crowd lol. And for an opening band, they got the pits going pretty intense. Real pits too. Which surprised me. No ninjas. They were straight up Hardcore though. I'd describe them as Terror, but with Guitar solos ala Slayer. 7.5/10

    Polar Bear Club: Once again, never even heard of them, but they're like an Indie band, so nothing too heavy, but they reminded me a lot of Rise Against. Really liked what I heard. I'll have to check them out. 7.5/10

    Emarosa: This is when the crowd was being the most downright obnoxious, so it killed it for me, but whatever. Let me start by saying, Jonny Craig has the voice of a fucking God, probably the best Male singer I've ever heard, and I love his solo shit, however I don't like Emarosa all that much. Jonny however, is like Oli, in the fact that he has nothing but horny bitches obsessed with him. The entire set all I heard was "I love you Jonny! Fuck me Jonny!" it got old REALLLL fast. Emarosa is Post Hardcore and very reminiscent of A Day To Remember, which isn't bad, but I just never really got into Emarosa. However, just seeing Jonny sing live made it amazing for me. He's a perfect singer if there ever was one. He sings with so much soul and power to his voice. I thought only Black dudes could sing like he does lol. But yea, just seeing him sing live makes their score higher than it would have been. 8/10

    August Burns Red: Second time seeing them. First time at Summerfest. And just like the first time, nothing special. Generic Metalcore at it's finest. Not horrible or bad, but not amazing. It's neutral for me. I don't know why they have such a huge fanbase saying they're so amazing. *Shrugs* 7/10

  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited October 2010
    Bring Me The Horizon: ................I'm still not sure what to say. Right as ABR was ending, I was really feeling the pain and soreness from yesterday's show, and was wondering if I'd even have it in me to go all out for BMTH, but as soon as they fucking hit the stage, that went right out of the fucking window. They opened just like I thought they would, the ending of Anthem leading into It Never Ends (The spoken part that says "....I my heart, has been touched by Christ...") and JESUS FUCKING CHRIST it was relentless. I thrashed like a madman the minute that riff came in. I just lost control. Screamed every last fucking word, and it felt goddamn amazing. Repeated that for pretty much every song, and my voice is absolutely fucked right now. Screaming "I'VE SAID IT ONCE! I'VE SAID IT TWICE! I'VE SAID IT A THOUSAND FUCKING TIMES! THAT I'M OKAY! THAT I'M FINE! THAT IT'S ALL JUST IN MY MIND!" was just as rewarding in a live setting as I imagined it would be. Let me say right now, and I don't care how much it gets me bashed. Oli is THEE best fucking frontman that there is. Period. Right off the bat, he climbed onto the P.A. to my right, and was literally ABOVE me looking down at me screaming It Never Ends. That gave me chills, it was so fucking epic. He jumped in the crowd 3 times throughout the night. The first time was just ridiculous though. -_- Jumped in, and OF COURSE, the girls ripped his shirt off, and when he got out of the crowd, the shirt was still around his waist, and the girls were fighting for it to try and keep it, and it was pulling him back, so him and security had to fight them for it for a few minutes for him to even get back up on stage. -_- Stupid fucking bitches. But anyways, yea, jumped in the crowd 3 fucking times. And THEN, this maniacal ass motherfucker, climbs up on the fucking BALCONY during Pray For Plagues. I thought he was gonna jump, but sadly he didn't. But it was just insane, never seen that and it was just unexpected. He was quite literally ALL OVER the place. I love how much he gets the crowd involved. Fucking threw the mic into the crowd a few times and let them sing for a good 30 seconds or so. I've never seen someone make an entire crowd their little bitch like that, but he fucking commanded it. He's fucking psycho. Best frontman I've ever seen in my life. Got 4 walls of death successfully started throughout the night, and GOOD ones too. Not small either. Very fucking violent like they should be. After he got back on stage during The Comedown, he mooned the crowd, and what followed was the most ear shattering high pitched obnoxious Female screams I've ever heard in my life. -_- Same thing happened when he announced Fuck, it was something I found lulzy, but the girls found jizz-in-my-pants-worthy apparently, he said "This about uh......sexual intercourse.......". Anyways, it was only an 8 song set, but it was the best 8 songs I've ever had the pleasure to see live. Every song was absolute fucking madness, although I'm disappointed that it didn't last longer. It was a shame that more of the songs from TIAHBISITIAHLKIAS weren't played. I actually fucking wish they played the album in it's entirety. This show could never be beat for me if they did. But nonetheless, Crucify Me was absolutely fucking mindblowing live. Just a bit disappointing that the choir part and part sung by Lights were just the studio versions of the song being played on the P.A., but then again there's no other way they could do it unless they literally had a fucking choir and Lights with them. Fuck was insane as well. Fuck, every song was. Chanting Diamonds Aren't Forever live with 1,000 other people screaming it with you....indescribable. Gave me goosebumps. Every breakdown was insane throughout their set, because everyone jumped in sync, and the fucking floor was dipping since it's upstairs. Felt like we were all gonna fall through and die. Fucking epic way to go out I say. They ended it in the most epic of ways. They extended the end of Chelsea Smile, and Oli called for the last wall of death of the night, and then him and Matt, their Bassist, both climbed up these 8 foot or so tall speakers, and there was one on each side, after Oli was up there, Oli said the line of the night, and quite possibly the most epic line I've ever heard at a live show before a wall of death or pit....: "LET'S GET READYYY TOOOO RUMBLLLLEEEEE!!!!!". And then he counted off the wall of death, and him and fucking Matt jumped off the speakers simultaneously and stomped the fucking ground. Most epic shit I've ever seen. Unearth did something similar, but it was a very short jump, not so high up. After that they finished up the crushing fucking ending to Chelsea Smile, and I was left blown away with a smile on my face and an absolutely sore body. But goddamnit it hurt so good. Arguably the best show I've ever seen JUST because of BMTH's beyond perfect performance. It's neck and neck with Behemoth back in January. Definitely blew American Carnage from last night away by a loooonnnngg shot though, and I HATE to say that, but oh well. Yes, it gets the infamous score. 11/10
  • SGNL_05SGNL_05 Posts: 3,501 just the tip
    <_> call yourself a brutal fucking metal head...

    ..then you go and do this...

    damn...Teens are lame now-a-days
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • AdamAdam Posts: 11,533 balls deep
    August burns red fucking rule dude. i still haven't listened to the new BMTH yet.
    might have to listen to that soon.
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Hahahahahahahaha, I commend you for this response, I seriously do, but he's sorta right.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies've got to be kidding me with that review. Not to mention I find it funny that some random dude let a 14 year old into his car to "throw back some brewskies".

    I'm still so happy I skipped BMTH at Warped Tour to see The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band instead.
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    the fact that he walks into the room and has girls crying about him almost instantly (Even heard a girl scream "Ohhh he's so fucking beautiful".) It was retarded on the girls' parts, but still fucking insane that one dude could do that just by his presence.
    Whoa! You've discovered a new phenomenon! But seriously, it's nothing new. It happens at nearly every music show that the artist is somewhat know. Hell, I'll admit it. It even happens to little ol' me. Get me in the same room with Kristian Ranta....all bets are off.
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    Friday October 15, Jaxx, Springfield VA
    Nevermore/Warbringer/Blackguard/Hatesphere/Apothys/Cab Ride Home

    Cab Ride Home-Last time I saw them was with Death Angel and Soilwork. Honestly I don't know what people like about them. I can't get into them. Moshed around some but that's about it. 5/10

    Apothys-These guys are definitely my favorite local band. They have this really evil sound about them that just gets to me. Sounds great. No one else was really getting into them I guess because they're the local band but they sounded great to me. One of the guitarists had the same guitar as me. I'm willing to bet his was the better model but it was the same model nonetheless. 7/10

    Hatesphere-Setting up, the Blackguard drummer sat down so I thought they were going out of order but the Hatesphere drummer ended up coming up and setting the drums up for him. These guys were pretty good. The singer kept making weird, crazy faces whenever he wasn't singing. 7/10

    Blackguard-First time seeing these guys and I have to say they did great. The singer had so much energy. Climbing up on the PA system and all. A few guys and myself were yelling for a wall of death but the singer never called for one so we just did one ourselves. Everyone separated but just me and like two other people ran for it. Until the whole thing got started, people joined in. Lame fail of a wall of death. Whatever though, Blackguard was great. I talked to the lead guitarist before the show and bought a beanie off them for $10. I only had $10 on me when I went to get it and the guy said it was $15, as I was about to leave, I said sorry I only have $10, and he said $10? Ok. And gave me the hat for $10 which was awesome. Also my friend caught one of their picks. 9/10

    Warbringer-Second time seeing them. Bought their "Shoot to Kill" Shirt from Kevill and just realized when I was walking away who I bought it from. This was definitely better than last time seeing them. Last time everything was great but the energy seemed a lot higher than last show. The best part of their set was when Kevill came over and was yelling the chorus to Prey for Death right at me. Literally came half a foot away from my face and he and I were yelling the chorus right at each other. I knew he was yelling it towards me because when the chorus was over I put the horns up towards him and as he was leaving he pointed his horns directly at my face. That was just freaking awesome. The most any artist has done on stage towards me was a fist bump but this was just really cool. I yelled later for the bassist to hand me his pick but he said he only has one so I just shook my head and let it be. As usual Kevill went around and slapped everyone's hands. Didn't crowd surf this time though. Oh, almost forgot, the next best part of their set was the enormous circle pit they had going during their last song. My friend and I both got in it and when I went around the back railing some douche tried to trip me. I looked directly over at him when it was all over and I quickly picked out who it was because he was just looking over with this dumbass look on his face. Didn't fall but I still wanted to deck the kid. Also, right before Combat Shock, we all screamed wall of death again and Kevill said, We've never done this to this song before but we'll try it anyway. So I want everyone front to back to split down the middle. Once the song got started, so did the chaos. I didn't get in it because I wanted to get a good video of it but alas the video didn't come out well. I ended up getting in once the whole mess turned into a regular pit. 10/10 Best band of the night

    Nevermore-Disappointing. Very very disappointing. The singer could barely sing. Couldn't hit any of the notes in the first line of the chorus to Emptiness Unobstructed. The instrumentals, like on album, were great. I'm not a big fan of the singer but to hear his voice cracking all over the place was like listening to a 14 year old boy going through big time puberty. There was this one really really drunk dude that was thrashing all over the place. Mexican guy who was built really tough. He kept swaying around and then all of a sudden he would jump forward and attack the people in front of him. The one thing about this guy was, you barely had to push him and he would fall, literally, on his face. Any time he head banged he had to grab the floor so he wouldn't fall over. Then during one of the slow intros he was just standing there grabbing his nuts.....Another guy who was either extremely drunk or on something very very hard, went into the pit and was spinning around in circles while doing crazy hand motions. It looked like a walking exorcism. It was so hilarious I could not stop laughing any time I looked at the dude.
    So I'll break Nevermore's set into two parts Vocals-0/10, Drunks/instrumentals-10/10

    Blackguard beanie-$10
    Warbringer "Shoot to Kill" shirt-$20

  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    Wow that BMTH show sounds disappointing. They sound really tame now when it comes to "going crazy". Before they use to be 10x more energetic and "insane" live.

    I will have to find out myself then on the 5th <_>
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    "Unearth did something similar, but it was a very short jump, not so high up."

    Probably because they had to actually play their instruments.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    I was waiting for Erik's review, but calling ABR generic metalcore and giving BMTH a 11/10 is downright fucktarded.

  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    "Unearth did something similar, but it was a very short jump, not so high up."

    Probably because they had to actually play their instruments.
  • ComptonAssBertoComptonAssBerto Posts: 3,899 just the tip
    calling ABR generic metalcore and giving BMTH a 11/10 is downright fucktarded.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    calling ABR generic metalcore and giving BMTH a 11/10 is downright fucktarded.
    I think ABR is generic and even I agree with this
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