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The Concert Review Thread



  • balanced_void91balanced_void91 Posts: 2,782 balls deep
    and when it comes to shitty thrash fanbase, Slayer fans come in a good second place behind Metallica's shitty unintelligent white trash fans who only know shit from The Black album
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    Obviously their Mayhem set was better. Chemical Warfare, Hell Awaits, Ghosts of War, Disciple, Psychopathy Red are all worlds better than World Painted Blood, Hate Worldwide, Temptation, Born of Fire, and Hallowed Point. I still loved Seasons for the most part.
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  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    edited August 2010
    Playing Skeletons of Society and Expendable Youth make up for the lack of Disciple.
    I love winning with women
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    Not for the lack of Chemical Warfare or Hell Awaits though...
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  • ComptonAssBertoComptonAssBerto Posts: 3,899 just the tip
    edited August 2010
    The Hard Rock Live that the Jager Music Tour (American Carnage) plays doesn't allow moshing. What the hell do I do during Slayer?
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,956 spicy boy
    how do you stop people from moshing
    This will be my 5th time seeing Slayer. The first 4 times they essentially played the same damn set, except with one song off the newest album at the time. So this is the most excited ive been for a Slayer show since the first time I saw them back in 2004. Sure, classics like Hell Awaits and Ghosts of War might be better songs, but after hearing them 4 times I would rather hear new shit.

    And I have only seen them 4 times. Imagine how the old school fans feel.
  • ComptonAssBertoComptonAssBerto Posts: 3,899 just the tip
    edited August 2010
    how do you stop people from moshing
    They have security kick out anyone that does. The only shows that got away with it that I know of were Lamb of God/Gwar and Dethklok.
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Exodus Review (I'll be brief)

    Diamond Plate (local opener) - I've talked to these guys before, they are a great younger thrash band and played great. I recommend you check them out.

    Bonded By Blood - These guys were awesome. They sounded great, my only complaint is that the vocals were too low in the mix.

    Holy Grail - Here's the deal. I like these guys, they played great, and they sounded good. But they played 2 new songs and I was not impressed. The singer had mentioned in an interview that the new album would have parts that sound like Lamb Of God, but I hoped he was kidding. He wasn't. What ensued were two Priest/Maiden-esque songs with Lamb Of God breakdowns. I'm not kidding. It was sickening to be quite honest.

    Malevolent Creation - Sounded phenomenal. Every part was great, and they had an awesome mix. I would definitely see them again.

    Exodus - They kicked serious ass. I was front row right in front of Gary Holt, and it was just awesome. I laughed because Gary had said before in an interview THIS YEAR that he didn't like the EMG active pickups Lee Altus was using, so he used Seymour Duncan passive pickups. I noticed last night his guitar had EMG's. Hahahaha.

    Setlist (I know they played all of these songs, order should be just about right)
    Ballad Of Leonard and Charles
    Beyond The Pale
    Children Of A Worthless God
    War Is My Shepard
    Toxic Waltz
    Bonded By Blood
    Strike Of The Beast
    Good Riddance

    Show ended at 11:40. The thing I liked about this show is that every band felt like the headliner. If you have this tour going near you and you like at least one of the bands, I highly recommend you go to it.
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Nothing surprising in that set. I'd like to see them shake it up a bit.
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  • SGNL_05SGNL_05 Posts: 3,501 just the tip
    "Fear Factory - This was by far the most fun I have ever had at a concert. I couldn't believe that Burton was standing right there in front of me the whole time, after so many fucking years of listening to them. To avoid rambling on about their awesomeness, I'll keep this short cuz I have shit to do today. The whole band sounded awesome, and they had awesome smoke things that shoot up. They unfortunately did not play Christploitation, but I didn't care. During Fear Campaign there was a drunk asshole trying to push us away from the rail, so everyone there, myself included, started hitting himn as he tried choking me and pushing me away and the kid next to me got the same treatment. Security finally came and took his stupid ass to the back. During Martyr, Burton was standing right over us and during the I'VE GOT TO GET AWAY part he stood right over us. At one point I was screaming the chorus with him as he was looking right at me and he pointed at me afterwards. It made me feel special. Right before they started the encore, Burton did a speech and started a "BP must pay" chant. Their set was scheduled to end with four Demanufacture songs, but after three, they said "We're gonna do the rest of our songs" and ripped into a ferocious performance of Hunter-Killer. Afterwards, they finished with Replica and it was all done. I got a tour shirt for 25.

    Acres Of Skin
    Fear Campaign
    Final Exit
    - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Self Bias Resistor
    Zero Signal

    they played Christploitation at my show <_>
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    they played Christploitation at my show <_>
    That's cool
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    Nothing surprising in that set. I'd like to see them shake it up a bit.
    Not everyone can see them 4 times in one year....or even once..... <_>
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  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    Ozzfest August 24th Mansfield Review

    I had to meet my brother-in-law before the show to give him his ticket, which got me there a little late. It was cold and rainy. I was wearing my Patriots hooded sweatshirt to try and keep dry. Forecast was for off and on light rain, but it rained the whole time. I ended up spending the day by myself (brother-in-law ditched me) and did not see anyone from the boards there. My first impression when i saw the second stage area (at 1:05PM when i got there), was what a difference from Mayhem. Very empty. not many tents set up, and only a couple hundred people. I am not including set lists because they've allready been included in all other reviews.

    Goatwhore: Enjoyed their set. They had a lot of energy and their songs were really good. Never really listened to them before, but they got my attention. 7/10

    Saviors: Singer was definately drunk. Got to extend their set by one song, not sure why. They were heading off the stage and told they had one more. Thought they were OK. Got my head bobbing up and down, but thats about it. 4/10

    Skeletonwitch: Thought the singer was funny. Kept on randomly saying words, like the occasional "love pussy". Musically, thought they were much better than Saviors, but not as good as Goatwhore. 6/10

    Kingdom Of Sorrow: Extremely impressed with them. Kept on hearing how bad they would be without Kirk, but i thought they were the best on the 2nd stage. At one point got sucked into the pit. I usually stick to the borders. Made up for missing Hatebreed at Mayhem: 9/10

    Drowning Pool / BLS: cancelled due to rain. Made us wait awhile before telling us. I figured it out before most people, went to the main stage and sat for the hour, waiting for nonpoint.

    Nonpoint: Meh, didnt really care for their set. They get bonus points though for having Drowning Pool come up and play Bodies with them: 6/10

    Devildriver: i was still in a funk from being wet, cold and pissed about BLS, so really didnt enjoy their set. other people around me did, and they weren't as bad as Saviors or nonpoint, so i'll give them a 6/10

    Halford: Man can still sing. Enjoyed his set, but will admit it got a bit boring. First half had a lot more energy than the second half. Crowd didn't really dig it. Didn't really understand why, thought the band sounded great and his voice was top notch. Played Never Satified by JP and Nailed to the Gun by Fight. Halford's birthday is today, so they had a cake for him afterwards. 9/10

    Motley Crue: tons better than the last couple times i saw them. Vince's voice was annoying me. Kept on singing every other word, like he was bored. Band sounded awesome. Tommy improvised when they had trouble with the piano before home sweet home by having women flash (no titty cam). Tommy, great as always on drums. Nicki fell down during MF of the year, got back up like nothing happened.
    Mick looked and sounded a lot better than the last time i saw him. Loved the set, even though 3 songs from Dr Feelgood is too much, and 2 from saints is also too much. Would have liked more from the first 2 CD's: 9/10

    Ozzy - totally shocked. Last time i saw him was in 2006 and he was horrible. He looks like a new man. Voice was spot on. Had tons on energy. intro video was entertaining. Crowd was really into and rightfully so. Gus did a great job on guitar. 10/10
  • slip_knotslip_knot Posts: 512 juggalo
    edited August 2010
    What a shitty, rainy day weather-wise. I had a ton of fun for the bands that played, although I left after Nonpoint due to how bad the rain was. There was no way I could stay in my open air seat for 5 more hours after Nonpoint's set. I was soaked beyond belief, felt like I weighed double my weight.

    Anyways, on to the show. We got there a little after 12:00, as the doors were opening. The line was small and we got in fast. The side stage area had a very small crowd at it, and as the time approached 12:45 and there was no band playing, I realized that Kataklysm dropped. Shit. However, 1:15 came and Goatwhore immediately took the stage. They got the crowd moving and played a great set. First time seeing them and they sounded awesome. Set might be a bit out of order. 8/10.

    The All Destroying
    Provoking the Ritual of Death
    Carving Out the Eyes of God
    Reckoning of the Soul Made Godless
    This Passing Into Power of Demons
    Alchemy of the Black Sun Cult
    Apocalyptic Havoc

    Saviours was up next. I personally thought that they kicked ass. They were awesome live, and it was fun to burn one to their music. The singer/guitarist looked drunk out of his mind but they still played perfectly. The set is incomplete and out of order, but this is what I could come up with. 9/10.

    Circle of Servants Bodies
    Narcotic Sea
    Slave to the Hex
    We Roam

    Skeletonwitch took the stage after Saviours and they were pretty sick. The crowd was into it, and they flew through a quick, yet punishing, set. 8/10.

    Submit to the Suffering
    Upon Wings of Black
    Strangled by Unseen Hands
    Beyond the Permafrost
    Crushed Beyond Dust
    Within My Blood

    Kingdom of Sorrow was after Skeletonwitch and all I can say is WOW. Fantastic set, they got the crowd going crazy, and Jamey Jasta once again proved how great of a frontman he truly is. Excellent set, turned out to be my favorite of the day. 9.5/10

    Begging for the Truth
    Behind the Blackest Tears
    Led Into Demise
    Grieve a Lifetime
    Enlightened to Extinction
    Monuments of Ash
    Free the Fallen
    Buried in Black

    After Kingdom of Sorrow, everyone was standing around for an hour, wondering when Drowning Pool would play...when they announced they were closing the side stage and that we all had to move to the main stage. I thought it was bullshit, the rain wasn't unbearable at that point but for "safety reasons" they closed the stage. No Drowning Pool or BLS.

    During the hour wait until Nonpoint was supposed to take the stage, the rain started coming down extremely hard. I was drenched and pissed sitting in my open air seat, and Nonpoint's set dragged on and on. I was actually kind of looking forward to seeing them, but the rain made their set miserable. I did think that getting members of Drowning Pool on stage to play Bodies was pretty cool. 5/10.

    The Wreckoning
    Bodies (with members of Drowning Pool)
    Bullet With a Name

    After Nonpoint it was a group decision to call it a day. We all really wanted to see Ozzy but decided that it wasn't worth sitting in the pouring rain for 5 more hours. So we left right after Nonpoint finished, along with several other people in the same boat as us.

    All in all, the day was definitely worth 10 bucks. Although it sucked that bands dropped and that I left early, I enjoyed myself thoroughly until I was so wet that I couldn't stand it anymore. If there's an Ozzfest 2011, I'll definitely be going. Let's hope for better weather next year though.
    Post edited by slip_knot on
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    3 songs from Dr. Feelgood is not too much....
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  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    3 songs from Dr. Feelgood is not too much....
    They focused on Dr Feelgood last year, playing the album in its entirety. I would love to hear more stuff from their first album
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    edited August 2010
    Next year is the 30th anniversary of that album and they'll be back on Cruefest. I'm sure they'll be doing something with it, maybe playing it in full?
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  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    New page.
    I love winning with women
  • SGNL_05SGNL_05 Posts: 3,501 just the tip
    Deftones feat. Baroness 8/22 - HOB New Orleans.

    started off the afternoon having a few beers with the band in the Foundation Room in the HOB. Everybody was cool as fuck. I had a Faith No More shirt on which led to probably a 15 minute conversation with Frank Delgado about FNM. We just sat there marking out for the band and how much we both loved the "Angel Dust" album. It was a bit ridiculous, but hey.

    Baroness opened the show. Really didn't know much about the band. They were really solid, and sounded fucking great live. If your into progressive/sludge metal. Then I recommend given them a listen. Everybody else seemed really into it as well. Can't give a set. 8/10

    Deftones were up next. They fucking tore shit up. With this being my 5th time seeing the band, it was by far the best Deftones show I've ever seen. The set-list was awesome. Chino was on fire. The entire band was just energetic and fired up like i've never seen. Sergio came damn near close to falling off the stage jumping around with the bass a few times. Dude was wild. The crowd was fucking intense and wild the whole time. Just the way I like it, and the way it should be for a show like this. Chino himself said, and I quote... "Every time we play here, you motherfuckers absolutely shit on every other city on the tour. We fucking love it." This was by far the funnest show i have ever attended by any band or artist. If your a Deftones fan, get out there and go see on this run. One of the most intense shows I have ever been to. Shit was wild. 10/10


    Rocket Skates
    Diamond Eyes
    Beauty School
    Be Quiet and Drive
    My Own Summer
    Knife Party
    Digital Bath
    Needles and Pins
    Dai the Flu
    Hole in The Earth
    You've Seen The Butcher
    Engine No. 9
    7 Words

    i want to see them again...they just wont come to az :(
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