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The Concert Review Thread



  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Psh, no references to homeless guys looking like 3rd grade teachers, no interest.
    I'm not that clever, I'm sorry. <_>
    It was fucking eerie.
    I can only imagine...
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    edited August 2010
    Ozzfest-Camden, NJ 8/22/10

    I had been checking the weather like crazy before the show and it was calling for thunderstorms, and fuck, did we get them. I got there around 12:20. While waiting to get frisked in the door, there were a few religious protesters with a megaphone and we heckled them right back. It was pouring on the way to the venue but it had stopped by the time we got inside. The first band had to start early due to the threatening rain.

    Skeletonwitch-I have never really listened to these guys before yesterday and I was not disappointed. The first band of the day and they got everyone moving. The turn-out for them was sort of small, yet dedicated. 7/10
    Submit to the Suffering
    Strangled by Unseen Hands
    Beyond the Permafrost
    Crushed Beyond Dust
    Within My Blood

    Kataklysm-I was so excited to see these guys again. We moved to the front-ish for them. Frontman was brutal and on point, as was the rest of the band. This is when the crowdsurfing began and it started to drizzle. 8/10
    As I Slither
    In Shadows & Dust
    Push the Venom
    Numb and Intoxicated
    Crippled & Broken

    Goatwhore-I've been dying to see Goatwhore for years so I was soooo happy that they could make it. More crowdsurfing, the sun came out, etc. Loved them. 8/10
    The All-Destroying
    Carving Out the Eyes of God
    Alchemy of the Black Sun Cult
    Apocalyptic Havo

    Saviors-Fuck this band. They would have been good if the singer would actually try to sing and forget about getting trashed on stage. The only thing that saved their set was the singer demanding the megaphone of the protesters. Crowdsurfers again, this time this one dude kicked my friend in the face and bent his glasses into oblivion. 4/10

    Kingdom of Sorrow-I am not a Hatebreed fan, but I like Kingdom of Sorrow. Crowd surfers went wild again. I got to the second row with my hand on the bar. At this point is when the BLS fans started to invade the crowd. 7.5/10
    Behind The Blackest Tears
    Led Into Demise
    Enlightened To Extinction
    Free The Fallen

    Drowning Pool-The band of the day in my opinion. The first time I saw Drowning Pool was last year on Cruefest and I was on the lawn so I didn't really pay much attention. Ryan McCombs is a beast. They opened up with Sinner. It started to drizzle during their second song and McCombs kept on saying "Fuck the rain!" "Fuck it!" The skies opened up during their 3rd song, 37 Stitches and it was glorious. I hated wearing my glasses yesterday because it was soooooo tough to see. I was packed against the guy in front of me and was jumping up and down to every word. Crowdsurfers were the most prevalent during this since they wanted to cool off. Green Man crowdsurfed (if you don't know who Green Man is, you're a fucking retard). The rain was coming down in sheets, visability was shit, but everyone when wild when they started their cover of Cowboys from Hell. The rain was at it's height during their last song, Fucking Bodies. Crazy. Awesome. Ryan McCombs braved the rain after their set ended and came down to the crowd and shook everyone's hand and I got a big, wet, hug. Hah! 12/10
    Feel Like I Do
    37 Stitches
    Step Up
    Tear Away
    Cowboys From Hell (Pantera cover)

    Black Label Society was cancelled due to lightning and a tornado nearby or some shit. We were "removed" from the sidestage and had to make our way inside. FUCK THE WEATHER/10

    Nonpoint-Made our way onto the lawn. I've seen Nonpoint before and then they were pretty good, but the vocalist's voice didn't really translate well in a giant crowd like that. 5/10
    What a Day
    Bullet With a Name

    Devildriver-I love these guys. We headed over the the mud-pit for this. It was hilarious and brutal. Green Man was moshing! Hah! 6.5/10 for the distance.
    End Of The Line
    Pray For Villains
    I Could Care Less
    Clouds Over California
    Fate Stepped In
    Not All Who Wander Are Lost
    Hold Back the Day
    The Mountain
    Meet The Wretched

    Rob Halford-It started to rain again right before his set. Fuck him. He was boring and I didn't give a shit about him. The 5 person mosh pit was more interesting than he was. A shit ton of people got thrown out for fighting. 2/10 (mosh pit-6/10)

    Motley Crue-They were better on Cruefest 2, but still fucking awesome! Their stage show is killer and I love them live. 9/10
    Kickstart My Heart
    Wild Side
    Shout At The Devil
    Saints Of Los Angeles
    Looks That Kill
    Live Wire
    Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)
    Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S.)
    Home Sweet Home
    Mutherfucker of the Year
    Helter Skelter (The Beatles cover)
    Primal Scream
    Dr. Feelgood
    Girls, Girls, Girls

    OZZY-Hah! The video before he came on with him in a whole bunch of popular movie/TV/music roles was god damn hilarious. "I'm not a fucking vampire (during the Twilight spoof), I'm the fucking Prince of Darkness!" HAH!!!! Ozzy really fucking loved getting the people in the pit wet, firehose and buckets of water. His band was spot on and kickass and the little kid he brought adorable. I was so glad I could remember Ozzy this time since last time I was waaaaay too drunk to remember him. 10/10
    Bark at the Moon
    Let Me Hear You Scream
    Mr. Crowley
    I Don't Know
    Fairies Wear Boots (Black Sabbath cover)
    Suicide Solution
    Road to Nowhere
    Into the Void (Black Sabbath cover)
    Shot in the Dark
    Rat Salad (Black Sabbath cover)
    Iron Man (Black Sabbath cover)
    I Don't Want to Change the World
    Crazy Train
    Mama, I'm Coming Home
    Paranoid (Black Sabbath cover)

    Goatwhore's singer:

    Jamey Jasta:

    Ryan McCombs of Drowning Pool before the rain:
    Post edited by KridesBrideBritt on
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Drowning Pool has yet to disappoint me live.
    I love winning with women
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    I have a way overdue book
    image Photobucket
  • slip_knotslip_knot Posts: 512 juggalo
    Great review Britt! Thanks for the KOS set, I've been looking everywhere for one.
  • AdamAdam Posts: 11,533 balls deep
    drowning pool live fucking rules.
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    whats up with the hate on the metal god?
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    whats up with the hate on the metal god?
    He sounded like shit, we couldn't understand him. I was also excited for the Crue.
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    Great review Britt! Thanks for the KOS set, I've been looking everywhere for one.
    You're welcome.
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    i am most excited for Halford. Seen Priest tons of times and hearing that he's playing stuff he doesn't normally do sounds really cool. love his solo albums.....

    The Crue reviews are better than they were for last years crue fest, so hopefully they keep it up and sound good tomorrow
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    edited August 2010
    Nice review.

    Crue's setlist was worlds better on Cruefest last year. And Drowning Pool is alright but Feel Like I Do is such a terrible song....
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • Its_Meh_ChewIts_Meh_Chew Posts: 7,380 just the tip
    Engine No. 9

    Since Chino was indeed on the new Whitechapel album, he should have talked the band into doing the Suicide Silence version just for a laugh
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    The song Chino is on is actually my favorite song off A New Era of Corruption
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    whats up with the hate on the metal god?
    This. I'm wondering if anyone else would point this out if the review was by someone else...
  • Its_Meh_ChewIts_Meh_Chew Posts: 7,380 just the tip
    i think its also people being pissed that no Priest songs are being played on this tour
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    They all won't need to wait long, since they'll be back on the road next year, possibly doing a full-scale tour for Nostradamus.
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited August 2010
    ozzfest review (camden)

    got there right as skeletonwitch came one, caught the train right as it was leaving, thank god, woulda had to wait like 45 more mins. they moved the sidestage from the normal spot, so i couldnt find it at first, but found it after walking like a mile.

    skeletonwitch - i dug these guys, they got the crowd(which wasnt that many people into it in the beginning. sounded clean, definately see them again! the best part was at the very end of the set he said something like "remember, not matter what happens in life (long pause) EAT SOME FUCKING PUSSY!" i thought that was funny. 6/10

    katakylsm - wow these dudes rock, smooth riffs, singer had a great voice, i know alot of people like them, but i never really got into them before, glad i got to see these guys, one of the best of the day, wish they could have played longer. 8/10

    goatwhore - been listening to these dudes for a while now, glad i finally got to see them, the sun cam out as soon as they came on great live, the pit was starting to grow, just not enough time like kataklysm. they shoula scratched saviours and had the 3 others play longer. 7/10

    saviours - i left and got a drink of water and ate, but they souded like ass from across the parking lot. ?/10

    kingdom of sorrow - i'm a huge hatebreed fan, i know they dont have the best music, but, their live shows are incredible. i thought KoS was awesome, i didnt think i would like them all that much, because i've been a huge hatebreed fan for 10 years, i thought it would be weird to see jasta with another band, but it was alot of fun, and the dude from type o negative played great. something about jasta, as soon as he hits the stage all hell breaks loose, he really knows how to get the crowd going, alot of fun and moshing! 8/10

    drowning pool - what the fuck? i almost left because i never really liked drowning pool, seen them 2wice live and they never got my attention, but i didnt want to loose my spot (right against the sound booth) for BLS so i stayed. holy shit these dudes rocked hard! biggest pit of the day, the rain was pouring down, everyone was jumping having a blast, then the played CFH! fuck yea man! they played a slow song and it was crowd surfing galore! i would love to see these dudes play a full set, so glad i stayed, most fun of the day and i saw the green man! 10/10

    BLS - :'(/10

    nonpoint - sucked, i like them on cd, but live on the mainstage, noway, i was bored and then we payed some dude to jump from the lawn to seats, and some bitch security guard hassled me for no reason, so i wasnt paying attention either. i would like to see them in a smaller venue. 5/10

    devildriver - i like this band and i seen them plenty of times on 2nd stages, but they sounded like ass to me on the mainstage, all i could hear were drums and the singer, no guitars. woulda been better on the sidestage, i think anyone besides motley and ozzy woulda been better on the side stage, but devildriver or nonpoint didn't compare to halford... 6/10

    halford - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! i thought the torture would never end, i almost left because they sucked so bad. when he 1st came on everyone got up and was excited, including me and im not a huge priest fan, but 10 mins later, the seats emptied and people were sleeping. the crowd was dead. it wasnt that his voice didnt sound good, you couldnt hear it, their whole set was just blah and boring and not loud and the band behind him sucked. 45mins felt like an eternity. the best part was seeing a few topless girls walk by. i wouldnt go see halford if it was free. britt was kind giving them 2/10, just horrible. they shoulda put on BLS instead. maybe if i was closer? 0/10

    motley crue - awesome. i was never a huge fan, but they put on a great show. the lighting, fireworks, stage props, tommy lee on the piano, it was alot of fun and they got the crowd awake after halford knocked everyone out for ozzy. the place filled up when they came on and the crowd was loving it, honestly i didnt think ozzy could top their set, but he did. ozzy' s ozzy. but motley was awesome, i'm a fan now. 9/10

    ozzy - was great! he's still got it and always will. the crowd screams the whole time, everyone knew every word and sang along, i wish i could see ozzy again tonight! ozzy's trademark phrase is the best part " I CANT FUCKING HEAR YOU!" they played alot of non mainstream songs which was awesome, i dont remember the entire setlist, but britt's looks close enough. they also had a killer guitar and drum solo, i guess so ozzy could take a break. the opening video was funny they made fun of jersey shore, twighlight, lady gaga, ect. ozzy never dissapoints! ozzy ftw! 10/10

    ozzy > halford

    then on the way out i barely caught the train home, so happy we got on it! had a blast, hope they do it again next year! the rain would have been the best part if it didnt fuck up bls from playing, i was really excited to see him, that was the only downer of the day. but the show as a whole was solid!
  • NOLANOLA Posts: 6,353 jayfacer
    here's "Engine No. 9" from the Deftones show last night.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited August 2010
    This is late, but I'll put it up anyways.

    American Carnage - August 20th - Chicago, Illinois - UIC Pavillion.

    Got there a bit late, so Testament was already playing, luckily I got in there just as they were playing Into The Pit. One of my favorite Testament songs. So at least I didn't miss that song.

    Testament - Got there when they had like 4 songs left, and I admittedly don't know too much of their material, So I didn't know anything except Into The Pit, and The Formation Of Damnation, but Chuck Billy is still a fucking BEAST. One of the best Vocalists I've ever seen live. Wanted to get in the wall of death so bad, but I ended up not going. HUGE regret. Really good though. They mentioned they were filming their set for their next DVD, so FUCK YEA. Hope to see them again soon. 8/10

    Megadeth - ................I still don't know what to say. They blew me the fuck away. Dare I say.........better than Slayer? MegaDave is just PERFECT on stage, for starters. He nails every last riff and solo with so much ease, it's not even funny. He was someone, who, like seeing Nergal and Inferno or Ozzy up on stage, had this God-like presence to him. I could hardly believe I was witnessing him shred in person. Another thing about this band, is that they were so absolutely perfect and spot-on, that they sounded EXACTLY like they do on record. It didn't sound live. Every riff, every solo, every Vocal line, every chorus, all the Drumming, all the Bass, it all sounded completely like it does on record. That's hard to pull off. They're just an amazing group of Musicians who work PERFECTLY together. Dave and Chris make an amazing Guitar duo. I was also having fun watching Shaun, as he's a lefty playing on a right handed kit. Anyways, finally getting to hear the opening riff to Holy Wars live, and seeing them rip into their set with so much goddamn ferocity was just absolutely euphoric. I screamed all the words for every song in their set, and God DAMN did it feel good. Rust In Peace in it's entirety was performed so perfectly. I also love how seamlessly A Tout Le Monde fit into their set, even though it's a slow song. Also, seeing Vic come out was really cool too. Favorite part of their set was obviously Take No Prisoners. Song is fucking relentless live. Only complaint is how little interaction Dave had with the crowd. Hardly said anything. I like how he got the crowd pumped for Headcrusher though. Absolutely perfect live band though, and yes, I will give them the infamous score. 11/10

    SLAYER - As mentioned earlier, there were an abundance of fat, bald, sweaty, drunk, jackasses, but it didn't really bother me. I find it rather funny, and honestly, it's a Metal show, a SLAYER Metal show at that, and you gotta expect that, bitching about it is just being a pussy. Plus, it sets in "that" feeling of a Slayer show. So I'll start by saying, that I liked their set at Mayhem better, maybe because it was the first time I saw them, idk, but I think it was just generally a better performance at Mayhem. That's not to say that they didn't absolutely slay (No pun intended.) this time. Finally hearing World Painted Blood and Hate Worldwide live was fucking brutal, and seeing both my favorite Megadeth and Slayer albums live in their entirety in one night was just amazing. Every song on Seasons live absolutely ripped. Especially War Ensemble, Spirit In Black, Expendable Youth, Dead Skin Mask, Skeletons Of Society, and Seasons In The Abyss. Just like Megadeth though, they had hardly any interaction with the crowd, didn't say much at all. Disappointing. It put a smile on my face to see Tom attempt the scream at the beginning of Angel Of Death, rather than completely skipping it altogether like he usually does. Their pits were surprisingly not all that violent this time around. Almost caught Kerry King's pick at the end of their set, but no cigar. Anyways, these guys know how to put on a fucking show, they do not disappoint. FUCKING SSLLAAYYEERR!! 10/10

    As I left, I got the Rust In Peace 20th Anniversary shirt, so I finally have a Megadeth shirt. As I walked out, all I could think is how much I can't fucking wait for the American Carnage show in October with Anthrax, which I already have a ticket for. FUCK YEA.
  • balanced_void91balanced_void91 Posts: 2,782 balls deep
    their Mayhem set was better
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