no but theyre not just gonna hang up the towel like [that]. hopefully there will be late fall/winter dates, but whenever they get announced I will be there.
Don't count on a tour without a new album...this cycle has run it's course
I go to the rail every show If I can get there early. I have moved away from the running around like crazy part and enjoy being up on the rail with perfect view. I like when the crowd is going crazy though I don't care if I get smashed into the rail.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Depends on the show with me their are some bands that I would much rather be up front and going crazy for then their are the bands where I like to throw down in the pit and hang around the edge of it. It differs from show to show but normally I'm on the rail.
I only mosh at thrash shows where everyone's having a good time and hardcore dancers get instantly fucking destroyed. Megadeth and Anthrax are the two funnest pits I've ever been in.
When i saw them in Jan of last year on that little 6 date club tour they did before Randy got arrested. We were right where he stage dives at the end. landed right on my head. Britt was there she will agree that show was absolutely fucking insane
I've been lost in endless seas
My heart died long ago
I curse my failures as I fall from you
When i saw them in Jan of last year on that little 6 date club tour they did before Randy got arrested. We were right where he stage dives at the end. landed right on my head. Britt was there she will agree that show was absolutely fucking insane
That was probably the most intense insane hot crushing show I've ever attended. Such a bad idea. So worth it. You remember seeing me to the side trying not to puke.
kc is the worst wall of deathers ever. when i saw log there people were like "dude get out of the middle!" "dude they are about to run at you get to the side!" had some niggers literally try and drag me out of the middle
Don't count on a tour without a new album...this cycle has run it's course
Megadeth and Anthrax are the two funnest pits I've ever been in.
When i saw them in Jan of last year on that little 6 date club tour they did before Randy got arrested. We were right where he stage dives at the end. landed right on my head. Britt was there she will agree that show was absolutely fucking insane
I was on the lefthand side of this video... all they did was merge and trip over each other into a dogpile #-o