drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
I've one upped you. I went to a 4/20 show they do every year here and I was high just walking in the place. The merch people were high, the security were high, everyone was high.
First of all, my mother-in-law is a cunt. as me and my wife were leaving for the show, she got into her car and left my son in the house. my mother came and bailed us out so we could go, but was very late and missed 38 special.
There were a lot of junkies at the show on a lot of different substances, made me remember why i like the younger crowds at shows better than the older crowds. few people i really wanted to take my aggression on, but it was a classic rock show so couldn't.
They were selling $10 and $15 seats for the ozzfest, mayhemfest and santana shows. i didnt pick anything up
Bret Michaels - impressed me. for a guy that nearly died a month and a half ago, he was very good. his voice sounded sharp and he had a lot of fun. his guitarist looks like vince neil and his bassist looks like captain jack sparrow. he played 7 poison songs, 2 of his and a cover of sublime's "what i got". overall a fun show
Lynyrd Skynyrd - very impressed with the guitar work. all 3 guitarists had a lot of talent. even though it is basically a cover band, pulled through great. i dont know all their songs, so a lot were new to me, but the best song of the night was Simple Man...love that song
7-1-10 - DTE Energy Music Theatre - Clarkston, MI - Scorpions
As opposed to the Foreigner/Styx/Kansas show this past Sunday, I had no problem arriving at the venue in plenty of time for the opening band, which makes sense, seeing as the Foreigner concert was a much bigger draw. As a result, we had a much better view of the stage than we did most of the night at Foreigner. The opening band took the stage at about 7:30.
Cinderella - Another classic/glam rock band I do not know very well. As a result, I had pretty much no idea what to expect. But they were pretty solid. They sounded fine musically, the vocal harmonies were tight, and they had decent energy on stage. The main vocals were admittedly pretty annoying at times, but overall he still had a pretty good range and seemed to have no problems going high. Nobody's Fool, the only song I know by this band, was performed very well and obviously the highlight of the set for me. Other songs that I particularly enjoyed include Push Push, Shelter Me, and the closer, Shake Me. A couple of the songs were extended, but not obnoxiously so. Despite the marginal crowd on the lawn at this point, they managed to get the early arrivals into the performance. Overall, not sure if I would see them again, but they put on a good opening performance and kept me entertained for the 45 minutes they played. 7/10
Somebody Save Me Push Push Night Songs Bad Seamstress Blues / Falling Apart at the Seams Heartbreak Station Coming Home Shelter Me Nobody's Fool Gypsy Road Don't Know What You Got (Till It's Gone) Shake Me
Scorpions - My first and last time seeing these guys, and it was a pretty memorable farewell performance from the German quintet. Counting the drum solo and the guitar solo, both lengthy enough to be counted as real songs, the band plowed through 19 songs in nearly 2 hours, and impressively so. The entire band was on its A game tonight; Rudolf Schenker and Matthias Jabs provided some great playing on the guitars, both in tandem and individually. James Kottak was fun to watch all night and provided great energy and crowd interaction, especially for a drummer. More on him later. The bass was audible but never overpowering. And finally, the vocals from Klaus Meine were better than I had hoped. This show was the first after the band had to cancel a show in Columbus the night before due to Klaus fighting some flu-like illness. As a result, I wasn't expecting much from him in this performance. But he was as good as I thought he could be. He sure as hell didn't sound sick anymore; he sang all the songs very well and didn't sound strained at all when he had to stretch his range on some of the higher songs like No One Like You. He let the crowd sing for him at points, but for the most part, he beared the weight of singing for the near 2 hours they played. The stage setup was modest but effective. The drummer was perched on a rising tower in the center of the stage, flanked by towers of speakers that doubled as video screens, which I thought was pretty clever. Above the drummer was another larger video screen, similar to the one used at the Foreigner concert. The setlist consisted of a good mix of songs from the new album, some lesser known hits like The Zoo and Make It Real, and the big hits such as No One Like You and Rock You Like A Hurricane. Highlights of the set for me were Sting In The Tail, the highly effective opener from the new album, The Zoo, a catchy melodic rocker that featured Jabs doing an extended talkbox solo, Dynamite, Blackout, Wind of Change, a beautiful ballad about the fall of the Iron Curtain, and of course, No One Like You and Rock You Like A Hurricane. The crowd responded well to pretty much every song they played, even the new ones, and gave them long ovations following every song. It made the entire performance feel like one big encore, as it should be, considering it is their farewell tour. Finally, the drum solo, named Kottak Attack, gets my vote as the best I've seen so far. Instead of a couple minutes of random jamming, he used the huge video board in tandem with his drumming to make it seem like he was playing the soundtrack to a story on the screen. It was incredibly entertaining, and it enhanced what was already a great farewell performance by a solid band. 9.5/10
Sting In The Tail Make It Real Bad Boys Running Wild The Zoo Coast To Coast Loving You Sunday Morning The Best Is Yet To Come Send Me An Angel Holiday Raised on Rock Tease Me Please Me Dynamite Kottak Attack (drum solo) Blackout Six String Sting (guitar solo) Big City Nights ------------------- No One Like You Wind Of Change Rock You Like A Hurricane
Great show and great value. If this tour comes near you, go see it. Unlike many bands, this band will probably not come back if you miss them. It's worth seeing them at least once.
7-3-10 - I-Rock Nightclub - Detroit, MI - Halestorm
I got there a little before 7, with the doors opening at 6. It didn't take long for me to realize how hot the I-Rock was, making me thankful I had hydrated pretty well prior to heading to Detroit. I took my spot right in front of the mic stand on the left side of the stage and prepared for a long night. Shortly after, the first local band came on stage.
Point2Blame - Apparently a relatively new band from Detroit, having formed less than a year ago. However, they seem to be learning pretty quickly, with a 5-track demo already recorded to get their name out there. Anyway, they weren't bad by any means. Probably the most poppy of the bands that performed on this night, but it still featured some decent riffs and solos. To me, they sounded like a slightly heavier version of Paramore. This corresponds pretty well with the female vocalist, whose hair screams resemblance to Hayley Williams. She was definitely the most energetic of the group as well, which deserves mention, even though her vocals sounded buried in the mix sometimes. I'll have to listen to the demo to form a more complete opinion, but a decent opener for the show. http://www.myspace.com/point2blame 5/10
Ground Effect - From the poppiest band of the night to the most metal. This band came from southwest Michigan to play this show, and apparently brought a bit of a following with them, as there was a pretty significant increase in the size of the crowd when they took the stage. I didn't hear anything particularly special from them. The vocals were very similar to that of Dez from Devildriver, and the music itself resembled the work of Hatebreed. If they took the best parts of those bands and combined them, then we may have something. Unfortunately, this was not the case. I didn't find them to be bad by any stretch of the imagination, and they were pretty energetic in their performance, but it feels like I've heard their music a million times before. http://www.myspace.com/groundeffectmetal 5/10
Black Aces - Probably the closest in sound to the two main bands playing at this show, this band from Mt. Clemens brought an alternative kind of sound. Out of the three locals that played, they were probably my least favorite. I just couldn't get into them at all. Nothing really interesting to offer in the guitars or drums, and the vocals were whiny and average. They even threw in a cover of Addicted by Saving Abel, which didn't score any more points with me. Even though they have a sound closest to Adelitas Way and Halestorm, they did not connect with me in any way. I'll have to listen to them another time and see if I was wrong, but for now, a pretty forgettable performance in my opinion. http://www.myspace.com/blackacesmi 3/10
Adelitas Way - The first big band to play and the special guest at this show. Even though I know exactly one song by them and they have only one album out, I was pretty impressed with their performance. Lots of energy from all the members of the band, especially the vocalist, and pretty solid rock. The crowd reacted really well to them and soon the floor in front of the stage was flooded with people. The band revealed that this was their first time performing in actual Detroit, and they made the most of it by making a lot of effort to get the crowd involved, which they did easily. As for the music, the band played 7 songs, which included Scream, All Falls Down, Last Stand, and Invincible, the last two of which are the singles from their album. A few of them sounded the same, but overall I enjoyed the set, with Invincible being the highlight. A nice warmup for Halestorm. 7/10
Halestorm - Well worth the wait. Last time I saw them, what stuck out to me was not only the amount of energy they put into their performance, but how much fun they seem to have while on stage. They brought all of that and more with them to this headlining performance. Lzzy's vocals impressed me just as much as they did the first time. She has an impressive range that is just as good live as it is on the album. Plenty of energy and crowd interaction from the guitarist and the bassist as well. Arejay, the drummer, is definitely one of my favorite drummers to watch live. He's always headbanging or doing something crazy. Highly entertaining no matter what you see him doing. Musically, they play just as well as they do on the album and then some. As mentioned before, the vocals were top-notch on Lzzy's part, the guitars and bass are solid and balanced, the solos, though few and far between, were good when they were there, and the drumming was very solid. There were even some times where Arejay would add an extra fill or something in, which sounded great without feeling out of place in the song, such as in It's Not You. The setlist, as expected, consisted of their entire debut album, along with a couple bonus tracks released with the album, Dirty Mind and Tell Me Where It Hurts. In addition, they kept one of the other parts of their set that stuck out to me last time I saw them, and that was the drum jam. This consisted of a drum solo by Arejay, then the entire band brings some modified trash cans and bashes on them for a couple minutes, then Arejay closes it out with another solo. It was a treat to watch again and one of the highlights of their set again for me. The band also turned it down for I'm Not An Angel, with it being performed acoustically and Arejay on the bongos. Overall, the band connected with the crowd a lot better than they did the first time, partly because it was a much smaller venue and partly because they made a greater effort to do so. Lzzy took some time between songs to talk and joke around with the crowd, who responded very well to the entire band all set long. After I Get Off, I was able to get the setlist from one side of the stage. I thought the show was over, because there were no other songs left on the setlist. However, they came out and performed a couple more songs before calling it a night, which was greatly appreciated by the pretty sizable crowd. The band stuck around to shake hands and talk once the performance was over. I ended up leaving with the setlist, one of Lzzy's wristbands, and a drumstick. Successful concert and a successful night. 9.5/10
It's Not You What Were You Expecting Innocence Dirty Mind Bet U Wish U Had Me Back I'm Not An Angel Familiar Taste of Poison Drum Solo/Jam Nothing to Do with Love Dirty Work Love/Hate Heartbreak I Get Off ------------------------- Tell Me Where It Hurts Better Sorry Than Safe
I just had three shows in the span of a week...it just kind of worked out that way. That probably won't happen again this summer. I have a couple back to back shows though.
And yeah, I agree, The Zoo is definitely one of my favorites of theirs now, especially after hearing it live.
Vektor- This band became my fourth favorite Thrash revival band after tonight! These guys truly know how to thrash it up and I see nothing but good things for them in the fututre. 9/10
Skeletonwith!!!- My favorite Thrash revival band and this was a random off date before they go on tour with High on Fire in Canada. These guys are seriously pure talent and never fail to amaze. I know Skeletonwitch will only be getting better and better in the future. 10/10
Merch I bought Skeletonwitch Pint Glass $5
Skeletonwitch setlist: Submit to the Suffering Upon Wings of Black Where the Light has Failed Repulsive Salvation Sacrifice for the Slaughtergod Fire From the Sky Limb from Limb Stand Fight and Die The Despoiler of Human Life Crushed Beyond Dust Beyond the Permafrost Soul Thrashing Black Sorcery Strangled by Unseen Hands Vengeance Will be Mine Blinding Black Rage Within My Blood
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
"Vektor- This band became my fourth favorite Thrash revival band after tonight! These guys truly know how to thrash it up and I see nothing but good things for them in the fututre. 9/10"
Fuck I'm sad they couldn't make it here. But you're right, this band is amazing.
July 12th, 2010 - House of Blues - Orlando, FL - As I Lay Dying, Cool Tour
Not to try to be funny or anything, but this was actually a pretty cool show.
War of Ages - They're a pretty good metalcore band, and can pull their shit live. A lot of feeling coming from their frontman alone, his voice got annoying after a while however. They had some nice solos in their songs. I liked them.
Cancer Bats - These guys play a style of hardcore that I've only heard otherwise in Maylene. Their singer killed it but there wasn't a whole lot else going on on stage. Kind of boring, but I like their music in general.
Architects - Didn't pay a whole lot of attention to them, a lot of breakdowns, and apparently their singer's accent is cute. That's all what the girls behind me would talk about.
The Acacia Strain - Didn't play my show.
Blessthefall - I was skeptical because I thought I wouldn't like their singer (Beau I think?) live. Having that he's been with the band for a while now I should have expected more, I was genuinely impressed. But the guy doesn't scream too much, that's left to their bassist. I'm glad the could play some of their old songs (although they didn't play many), and the band seemed really ecstatic to play. Their singer brought out his cousin (11 yrs old) to stage dive, which I thought was pretty cool of him. The pits were surprisingly good for this band, not a lot of hardcore dancing.
Setlist: What’s Left of Me To Hell and Back God Wears Gucci Guys Like You... Skinwalkers We’ll Sleep When We're Dead A Message to the Unknown
Between the Buried and Me - They were good but I had the same problem as the first time I saw them. Their songs are pretty fucking boring at times. Anyways, good sound and good playing, monstrous pits that covered half the floor. Superdeduper progressiveness. Sorry, I don't like them or listen to them so I'm just bullshitting here.
Underoath - Pretty fucking dreadful live. All new shit, but what else should I expect? They're not even the same band anymore, literally. Bastards. Some songs I know they played: Writing on the Walls, Desperate Times, Desperate Measures, and In Regards to Myself.
As I Lay Dying - Pretty fucking amazing. This is the first time I've seen them live and I was not disappointed. Second to best live band I've seen right next to Machine Head. All of their playing was on the spot, and I can say it and mean it because I knew all of the songs the played (setlist down below). I was singing almost every word. The Within Destruction circle pit was the most intense circle pit I had ever seen. They had fog machine on the stage but they didn't use them to much. The only things that bothered me was the amount of time they had (about 50 minutes to an hour) and that there was enough off of Shadows Are Security, only two songs. They told us, "No BS (didn't really say it), we're gonna play these three songs and that's it." We tried to get em to play another but the crew was already putting shit away.
Setlist: 94 Hours (Opening) Anodyne Sea An Ocean Between Us The Sound of Truth Beyond Our Suffering Vacancy Within Destruction Nothing Left Through Struggle Confined (closing/Wall of Death) Drum solo thrown somewhere in there.
AILD and Underoath T's were $20. CD's were twelve. They had a hoodie for $40. A bandana was $10. Didn't check for anything else, nor did I look at most shirt designs. They had a label merch table selling a bunch of CD's from different bands.
First of all, my mother-in-law is a cunt. as me and my wife were leaving for the show, she got into her car and left my son in the house. my mother came and bailed us out so we could go, but was very late and missed 38 special.
There were a lot of junkies at the show on a lot of different substances, made me remember why i like the younger crowds at shows better than the older crowds. few people i really wanted to take my aggression on, but it was a classic rock show so couldn't.
They were selling $10 and $15 seats for the ozzfest, mayhemfest and santana shows. i didnt pick anything up
Bret Michaels - impressed me. for a guy that nearly died a month and a half ago, he was very good. his voice sounded sharp and he had a lot of fun. his guitarist looks like vince neil and his bassist looks like captain jack sparrow. he played 7 poison songs, 2 of his and a cover of sublime's "what i got". overall a fun show
Lynyrd Skynyrd - very impressed with the guitar work. all 3 guitarists had a lot of talent. even though it is basically a cover band, pulled through great. i dont know all their songs, so a lot were new to me, but the best song of the night was Simple Man...love that song
dies a little inside.......
As opposed to the Foreigner/Styx/Kansas show this past Sunday, I had no problem arriving at the venue in plenty of time for the opening band, which makes sense, seeing as the Foreigner concert was a much bigger draw. As a result, we had a much better view of the stage than we did most of the night at Foreigner. The opening band took the stage at about 7:30.
Cinderella - Another classic/glam rock band I do not know very well. As a result, I had pretty much no idea what to expect. But they were pretty solid. They sounded fine musically, the vocal harmonies were tight, and they had decent energy on stage. The main vocals were admittedly pretty annoying at times, but overall he still had a pretty good range and seemed to have no problems going high. Nobody's Fool, the only song I know by this band, was performed very well and obviously the highlight of the set for me. Other songs that I particularly enjoyed include Push Push, Shelter Me, and the closer, Shake Me. A couple of the songs were extended, but not obnoxiously so. Despite the marginal crowd on the lawn at this point, they managed to get the early arrivals into the performance. Overall, not sure if I would see them again, but they put on a good opening performance and kept me entertained for the 45 minutes they played. 7/10
Somebody Save Me
Push Push
Night Songs
Bad Seamstress Blues / Falling Apart at the Seams
Heartbreak Station
Coming Home
Shelter Me
Nobody's Fool
Gypsy Road
Don't Know What You Got (Till It's Gone)
Shake Me
Scorpions - My first and last time seeing these guys, and it was a pretty memorable farewell performance from the German quintet. Counting the drum solo and the guitar solo, both lengthy enough to be counted as real songs, the band plowed through 19 songs in nearly 2 hours, and impressively so. The entire band was on its A game tonight; Rudolf Schenker and Matthias Jabs provided some great playing on the guitars, both in tandem and individually. James Kottak was fun to watch all night and provided great energy and crowd interaction, especially for a drummer. More on him later. The bass was audible but never overpowering. And finally, the vocals from Klaus Meine were better than I had hoped. This show was the first after the band had to cancel a show in Columbus the night before due to Klaus fighting some flu-like illness. As a result, I wasn't expecting much from him in this performance. But he was as good as I thought he could be. He sure as hell didn't sound sick anymore; he sang all the songs very well and didn't sound strained at all when he had to stretch his range on some of the higher songs like No One Like You. He let the crowd sing for him at points, but for the most part, he beared the weight of singing for the near 2 hours they played. The stage setup was modest but effective. The drummer was perched on a rising tower in the center of the stage, flanked by towers of speakers that doubled as video screens, which I thought was pretty clever. Above the drummer was another larger video screen, similar to the one used at the Foreigner concert. The setlist consisted of a good mix of songs from the new album, some lesser known hits like The Zoo and Make It Real, and the big hits such as No One Like You and Rock You Like A Hurricane. Highlights of the set for me were Sting In The Tail, the highly effective opener from the new album, The Zoo, a catchy melodic rocker that featured Jabs doing an extended talkbox solo, Dynamite, Blackout, Wind of Change, a beautiful ballad about the fall of the Iron Curtain, and of course, No One Like You and Rock You Like A Hurricane. The crowd responded well to pretty much every song they played, even the new ones, and gave them long ovations following every song. It made the entire performance feel like one big encore, as it should be, considering it is their farewell tour. Finally, the drum solo, named Kottak Attack, gets my vote as the best I've seen so far. Instead of a couple minutes of random jamming, he used the huge video board in tandem with his drumming to make it seem like he was playing the soundtrack to a story on the screen. It was incredibly entertaining, and it enhanced what was already a great farewell performance by a solid band. 9.5/10
Sting In The Tail
Make It Real
Bad Boys Running Wild
The Zoo
Coast To Coast
Loving You Sunday Morning
The Best Is Yet To Come
Send Me An Angel
Raised on Rock
Tease Me Please Me
Kottak Attack (drum solo)
Six String Sting (guitar solo)
Big City Nights
No One Like You
Wind Of Change
Rock You Like A Hurricane
Great show and great value. If this tour comes near you, go see it. Unlike many bands, this band will probably not come back if you miss them. It's worth seeing them at least once.
Halestorm review coming soon...
I got there a little before 7, with the doors opening at 6. It didn't take long for me to realize how hot the I-Rock was, making me thankful I had hydrated pretty well prior to heading to Detroit. I took my spot right in front of the mic stand on the left side of the stage and prepared for a long night. Shortly after, the first local band came on stage.
Point2Blame - Apparently a relatively new band from Detroit, having formed less than a year ago. However, they seem to be learning pretty quickly, with a 5-track demo already recorded to get their name out there. Anyway, they weren't bad by any means. Probably the most poppy of the bands that performed on this night, but it still featured some decent riffs and solos. To me, they sounded like a slightly heavier version of Paramore. This corresponds pretty well with the female vocalist, whose hair screams resemblance to Hayley Williams. She was definitely the most energetic of the group as well, which deserves mention, even though her vocals sounded buried in the mix sometimes. I'll have to listen to the demo to form a more complete opinion, but a decent opener for the show. http://www.myspace.com/point2blame 5/10
Ground Effect - From the poppiest band of the night to the most metal. This band came from southwest Michigan to play this show, and apparently brought a bit of a following with them, as there was a pretty significant increase in the size of the crowd when they took the stage. I didn't hear anything particularly special from them. The vocals were very similar to that of Dez from Devildriver, and the music itself resembled the work of Hatebreed. If they took the best parts of those bands and combined them, then we may have something. Unfortunately, this was not the case. I didn't find them to be bad by any stretch of the imagination, and they were pretty energetic in their performance, but it feels like I've heard their music a million times before. http://www.myspace.com/groundeffectmetal 5/10
Black Aces - Probably the closest in sound to the two main bands playing at this show, this band from Mt. Clemens brought an alternative kind of sound. Out of the three locals that played, they were probably my least favorite. I just couldn't get into them at all. Nothing really interesting to offer in the guitars or drums, and the vocals were whiny and average. They even threw in a cover of Addicted by Saving Abel, which didn't score any more points with me. Even though they have a sound closest to Adelitas Way and Halestorm, they did not connect with me in any way. I'll have to listen to them another time and see if I was wrong, but for now, a pretty forgettable performance in my opinion. http://www.myspace.com/blackacesmi 3/10
Adelitas Way - The first big band to play and the special guest at this show. Even though I know exactly one song by them and they have only one album out, I was pretty impressed with their performance. Lots of energy from all the members of the band, especially the vocalist, and pretty solid rock. The crowd reacted really well to them and soon the floor in front of the stage was flooded with people. The band revealed that this was their first time performing in actual Detroit, and they made the most of it by making a lot of effort to get the crowd involved, which they did easily. As for the music, the band played 7 songs, which included Scream, All Falls Down, Last Stand, and Invincible, the last two of which are the singles from their album. A few of them sounded the same, but overall I enjoyed the set, with Invincible being the highlight. A nice warmup for Halestorm. 7/10
Halestorm - Well worth the wait. Last time I saw them, what stuck out to me was not only the amount of energy they put into their performance, but how much fun they seem to have while on stage. They brought all of that and more with them to this headlining performance. Lzzy's vocals impressed me just as much as they did the first time. She has an impressive range that is just as good live as it is on the album. Plenty of energy and crowd interaction from the guitarist and the bassist as well. Arejay, the drummer, is definitely one of my favorite drummers to watch live. He's always headbanging or doing something crazy. Highly entertaining no matter what you see him doing. Musically, they play just as well as they do on the album and then some. As mentioned before, the vocals were top-notch on Lzzy's part, the guitars and bass are solid and balanced, the solos, though few and far between, were good when they were there, and the drumming was very solid. There were even some times where Arejay would add an extra fill or something in, which sounded great without feeling out of place in the song, such as in It's Not You. The setlist, as expected, consisted of their entire debut album, along with a couple bonus tracks released with the album, Dirty Mind and Tell Me Where It Hurts. In addition, they kept one of the other parts of their set that stuck out to me last time I saw them, and that was the drum jam. This consisted of a drum solo by Arejay, then the entire band brings some modified trash cans and bashes on them for a couple minutes, then Arejay closes it out with another solo. It was a treat to watch again and one of the highlights of their set again for me. The band also turned it down for I'm Not An Angel, with it being performed acoustically and Arejay on the bongos. Overall, the band connected with the crowd a lot better than they did the first time, partly because it was a much smaller venue and partly because they made a greater effort to do so. Lzzy took some time between songs to talk and joke around with the crowd, who responded very well to the entire band all set long. After I Get Off, I was able to get the setlist from one side of the stage. I thought the show was over, because there were no other songs left on the setlist. However, they came out and performed a couple more songs before calling it a night, which was greatly appreciated by the pretty sizable crowd. The band stuck around to shake hands and talk once the performance was over. I ended up leaving with the setlist, one of Lzzy's wristbands, and a drumstick. Successful concert and a successful night. 9.5/10
It's Not You
What Were You Expecting
Dirty Mind
Bet U Wish U Had Me Back
I'm Not An Angel
Familiar Taste of Poison
Drum Solo/Jam
Nothing to Do with Love
Dirty Work
Love/Hate Heartbreak
I Get Off
Tell Me Where It Hurts
Better Sorry Than Safe
The Zoo is the Scorps best song imo. I'll admit I like Bruce Dickinson's version better, but it is an awesome song.
(it's not Iron Maiden, people are just stupid when naming things, most likely due to downloading)
And yeah, I agree, The Zoo is definitely one of my favorites of theirs now, especially after hearing it live.
Vektor- This band became my fourth favorite Thrash revival band after tonight! These guys truly know how to thrash it up and I see nothing but good things for them in the fututre. 9/10
Skeletonwith!!!- My favorite Thrash revival band and this was a random off date before they go on tour with High on Fire in Canada. These guys are seriously pure talent and never fail to amaze. I know Skeletonwitch will only be getting better and better in the future. 10/10
Merch I bought
Skeletonwitch Pint Glass $5
Skeletonwitch setlist:
Submit to the Suffering
Upon Wings of Black
Where the Light has Failed
Repulsive Salvation
Sacrifice for the Slaughtergod
Fire From the Sky
Limb from Limb
Stand Fight and Die
The Despoiler of Human Life
Crushed Beyond Dust
Beyond the Permafrost
Soul Thrashing Black Sorcery
Strangled by Unseen Hands
Vengeance Will be Mine
Blinding Black Rage
Within My Blood
Fuck I'm sad they couldn't make it here. But you're right, this band is amazing.
Also, quite a lengthy Skeletonwitch set, I'm jealous.
Not to try to be funny or anything, but this was actually a pretty cool show.
War of Ages - They're a pretty good metalcore band, and can pull their shit live. A lot of feeling coming from their frontman alone, his voice got annoying after a while however. They had some nice solos in their songs. I liked them.
Cancer Bats - These guys play a style of hardcore that I've only heard otherwise in Maylene. Their singer killed it but there wasn't a whole lot else going on on stage. Kind of boring, but I like their music in general.
Architects - Didn't pay a whole lot of attention to them, a lot of breakdowns, and apparently their singer's accent is cute. That's all what the girls behind me would talk about.
The Acacia Strain - Didn't play my show.
Blessthefall - I was skeptical because I thought I wouldn't like their singer (Beau I think?) live. Having that he's been with the band for a while now I should have expected more, I was genuinely impressed. But the guy doesn't scream too much, that's left to their bassist. I'm glad the could play some of their old songs (although they didn't play many), and the band seemed really ecstatic to play. Their singer brought out his cousin (11 yrs old) to stage dive, which I thought was pretty cool of him. The pits were surprisingly good for this band, not a lot of hardcore dancing.
What’s Left of Me
To Hell and Back
God Wears Gucci
Guys Like You...
We’ll Sleep When We're Dead
A Message to the Unknown
Between the Buried and Me - They were good but I had the same problem as the first time I saw them. Their songs are pretty fucking boring at times. Anyways, good sound and good playing, monstrous pits that covered half the floor. Superdeduper progressiveness. Sorry, I don't like them or listen to them so I'm just bullshitting here.
Underoath - Pretty fucking dreadful live. All new shit, but what else should I expect? They're not even the same band anymore, literally. Bastards. Some songs I know they played: Writing on the Walls, Desperate Times, Desperate Measures, and In Regards to Myself.
As I Lay Dying - Pretty fucking amazing. This is the first time I've seen them live and I was not disappointed. Second to best live band I've seen right next to Machine Head. All of their playing was on the spot, and I can say it and mean it because I knew all of the songs the played (setlist down below). I was singing almost every word. The Within Destruction circle pit was the most intense circle pit I had ever seen. They had fog machine on the stage but they didn't use them to much. The only things that bothered me was the amount of time they had (about 50 minutes to an hour) and that there was enough off of Shadows Are Security, only two songs. They told us, "No BS (didn't really say it), we're gonna play these three songs and that's it." We tried to get em to play another but the crew was already putting shit away.
94 Hours (Opening)
Anodyne Sea
An Ocean Between Us
The Sound of Truth
Beyond Our Suffering
Within Destruction
Nothing Left
Through Struggle
Confined (closing/Wall of Death)
Drum solo thrown somewhere in there.
AILD and Underoath T's were $20.
CD's were twelve.
They had a hoodie for $40.
A bandana was $10.
Didn't check for anything else, nor did I look at most shirt designs.
They had a label merch table selling a bunch of CD's from different bands.
I got a big font shirt, am I hardcore yet?