Got into NYC at like 3:00 with Alex and our friend Marc. Marc's aunt wanted to see us so we went to her office building which turned out to be one of the WTC buildings. Alex and I started freaking out when we found out she worked at BMI. Fucking BMI. She gave us a tour.
View from her office on the 31st floor.
After walking around the city for five hours, with a stop at the a fafafel house and a hipster bar on NYU campus, we finally met up with 6 other people at the venue at 8. We were pretty close to te front of the line. Then we started to see a guy with a camera...filming us and all our shoes. He stood filming us for a good two minutes because we were, as usual, the loudest ones in line and he liked my shoes. Doors opened at 8:10. Got inside. It was a fucking basement! Fuck yeah! Went over to the merch table and bought a girl shirt. All shirts were $20. There was a hoodie too. Then when we went back into the "venue", we encountered this sign. They were filming a video.
The size of the stage.
Car Bomb-Came on at 9. While not many people were going nuts, they were still well recieved since they're local to the area. The singer started a GO-JIR-A chant that was pretty hilarious. Played for 45 minutes. 7/10.
GOJIRA-By the time they hit they "stage" at 10:15, everyone was there. It felt like a sold out show. Cameras were attached tithe pipes on the ceiling and the camera guy positioned himself near the bassist. Now, there was no barrier. There was no security. Lights went down and they ripped into Space Time and everything went apeshit. Broke my spare glasses during Backbone. Crawled on the stage during Toxic Garbage Island, stage dived, got dropped back on the stage in front of Joe and dived again. Got smacked into the face during Planned Obsolescense and my eyes started going out of focus. Stage dived and surfed again during Flying Whales. Almost took down a light with my foot. Hung behind the pit for the rest of the show. Band stage dived at the end.Amazing. While I enjoyed the setlist more in 2009, this show was by far one of the best shows I've ever been too. I totally have the beginnings of a black eye. So worth it. 12/10
Setlist. Too lazy to type it.
Edit: Apparently we got Wisdom Comes also. Totally forgot about that.
dudez if you like this chick...which assuming by that last post you do, the friend zone is only going to get you hurt...either start hinting hard at your feelings and flirting with her hard....or gtfo
They want a guy who is going to do the unexpected....not the guy who they know is gonna be there for them with a shoulder to cry time you think your close to being in a friend zone just show up out of no where with flowers....or plant them somewhere she will find them....or be like hey...i like the way your hair looks today...subtle shit makes all the difference in friend zone and not friend zone
Got into NYC at like 3:00 with Alex and our friend Marc. Marc's aunt wanted to see us so we went to her office building which turned out to be one of the WTC buildings. Alex and I started freaking out when we found out she worked at BMI. Fucking BMI. She gave us a tour.
View from her office on the 31st floor.
After walking around the city for five hours, with a stop at the a fafafel house and a hipster bar on NYU campus, we finally met up with 6 other people at the venue at 8. We were pretty close to te front of the line. Then we started to see a guy with a camera...filming us and all our shoes. He stood filming us for a good two minutes because we were, as usual, the loudest ones in line and he liked my shoes. Doors opened at 8:10. Got inside. It was a fucking basement! Fuck yeah! Went over to the merch table and bought a girl shirt. All shirts were $20. There was a hoodie too. Then when we went back into the "venue", we encountered this sign. They were filming a video.
The size of the stage.
Car Bomb-Came on at 9. While not many people were going nuts, they were still well recieved since they're local to the area. The singer started a GO-JIR-A chant that was pretty hilarious. Played for 45 minutes. 7/10.
GOJIRA-By the time they hit they "stage" at 10:15, everyone was there. It felt like a sold out show. Cameras were attached tithe pipes on the ceiling and the camera guy positioned himself near the bassist. Now, there was no barrier. There was no security. Lights went down and they ripped into Space Time and everything went apeshit. Broke my spare glasses during Backbone. Crawled on the stage during Toxic Garbage Island, stage dived, got dropped back on the stage in front of Joe and dived again. Got smacked into the face during Planned Obsolescense and my eyes started going out of focus. Stage dived and surfed again during Flying Whales. Almost took down a light with my foot. Hung behind the pit for the rest of the show. Band stage dived at the end.Amazing. While I enjoyed the setlist more in 2009, this show was by far one of the best shows I've ever been too. I totally have the beginnings of a black eye. So worth it. 12/10
Setlist. Too lazy to type it.
Edit: Apparently we got Wisdom Comes also. Totally forgot about that.
You looked so casual sauntering across the stage