Pyschostick was alright. Don't really get all the hype around them I heard, but it was still entertaining. I think the opening band Downtown Brown was funnier than them lol. Highlight of the night was a bum going fucking nuts banging on the window behind the stage.
So all was well I was about to get out of work. When we get a call about a stranded boat out in the bay. Now where I work we always go and tow a boat in because normally my boss gets paid. So right as I was about to leave we had to go. By the time I get back in I look at the time and figure I can still make it in time for Deftones. Well I go to pick up my friend who was coming along. I get to her house expecting she would be outside waiting ready to go considering I was running late as it is. I waited a few minutes and no one. So I knock on the door and she answers saying her mom has a few questions so I say ok. My god I cant believe how much questions this lady had. She knew we were going to the show for two months and she didn't think about asking me these questions before the show. So after the questions her dad want's to check my mom's car out to see if it was safe I was like whatever at this point I knew I wouldn't make it in time to see all of Deftones. By the time we leave I knew I shouldn't have been as pissed as I was but I couldn't help it. When we got to DTE they parked me up on the fucking hill in the back which actually led to a quick exit. We get into DTE and notice my phone wasn't on me so I knew it would be a lot harder to find anyone. So I walk onto the hill right as Deftones is finishing Engine 9. At this point I said fuck it and sat on the top of the lawn and watched Deftones from there. In between Deftones and System Of A Down I ventured down the hill with hopes of finding anyone no luck but found a good spot on the left side which has a good vantage point. /Rant Anyways System Of A Down fucking rocked the place it was incredible. I have been waiting to see them for years now and finally got to see them. Highlights were of course their hits I have been waiting to hear BYOB, Toxicity, Chop Suey, Aerials. Every other song sounded phenomenal as well. Though I couldn't help but notice holy shit Daron looked really out of shape. Great crowd interaction, my friend had fun, I had fun, and I'm still happy I made it to the show even with the setbacks it was a fucking great time. 10/10
dudez if you like this chick...which assuming by that last post you do, the friend zone is only going to get you hurt...either start hinting hard at your feelings and flirting with her hard....or gtfo
So all was well I was about to get out of work. When we get a call about a stranded boat out in the bay. Now where I work we always go and tow a boat in because normally my boss gets paid. So right as I was about to leave we had to go. By the time I get back in I look at the time and figure I can still make it in time for Deftones. Well I go to pick up my friend who was coming along. I get to her house expecting she would be outside waiting ready to go considering I was running late as it is. I waited a few minutes and no one. So I knock on the door and she answers saying her mom has a few questions so I say ok. My god I cant believe how much questions this lady had. She knew we were going to the show for two months and she didn't think about asking me these questions before the show. So after the questions her dad want's to check my mom's car out to see if it was safe
Anyways System Of A Down fucking rocked the place it was incredible. I have been waiting to see them for years now and finally got to see them. Highlights were of course their hits I have been waiting to hear BYOB, Toxicity, Chop Suey, Aerials. Every other song sounded phenomenal as well. Though I couldn't help but notice holy shit Daron looked really out of shape. Great crowd interaction, my friend had fun, I had fun, and I'm still happy I made it to the show even with the setbacks it was a fucking great time. 10/10
Pork her
Pork her before its too late and you get the "I dont want it to spoil our friendship" line