Got there with George and Andrea towards the end of Darkest Hour's set. They sounded great but couldn't really judge since I missed most of them.
Suicide Silence-Fucking sucked. Fun to make fun of Mitch and the fans though. 11 songs later, they finally stopped. 2/10 for lulz
MACHINE FUCKING HEAD-It was either my 7th or 8th time seeing them...can't remember. While last week's Lamb of God show was more crazy, last night's Machine Head was more satisfying. They played almost all their new album, which I was fine with since I :X the new album (minus the one song they didn't play off if it). Anyway, highlights were the two songs I surfed during, and the amazingness of "Darkness Within". The whole band is just...I love them. Pissed of my friend Brett by headbanging in his face. ) It was my brother's first time seeing Machine Head. Also, Andrea gave me a pick from Adam Duce. 10/10
I lasted 2 songs, then dissapeared to the bar area wayy upstairs in the back where I could only feel the breakdown vibrations on my feet. Worse than I expected! But yeah MH fucking rulled hellz! almost a 2 hr set! shits unheard of nowadays! Throwin down in the pitz! My wife caught a fucking Pick way in the back, but gave it to Brittz cause MH's her favorite band! I knew sheed appreciate it!!!! Fucking fun time, got to meet Billy, he's sexy as fuck! Brittz bro is madd cool! The place filled up for MH!!! very impressed, i'll see them anytime they're around the way again!
But why did you leave rail for Megadeth?
I wanna see Megadeth again...
Machine Fucking Head-2/2/12-Philadelphia Trocadero
Got there with George and Andrea towards the end of Darkest Hour's set. They sounded great but couldn't really judge since I missed most of them.
Suicide Silence-Fucking sucked. Fun to make fun of Mitch and the fans though. 11 songs later, they finally stopped. 2/10 for lulz
MACHINE FUCKING HEAD-It was either my 7th or 8th time seeing them...can't remember. While last week's Lamb of God show was more crazy, last night's Machine Head was more satisfying. They played almost all their new album, which I was fine with since I :X the new album (minus the one song they didn't play off if it). Anyway, highlights were the two songs I surfed during, and the amazingness of "Darkness Within". The whole band is just...I love them. Pissed of my friend Brett by headbanging in his face.
And I did highly appreciate the pick.