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The Concert Review Thread



  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,596 spicy boy
    alright guys here we bad for the length of time lol iv been really busy

    The day started like a normal Thursday, 5 am the alarm went off and I went, but the main difference from any other day was that I was extremely bummed out because I knew hatebreed was playing about an hour away at carnival of chaos and I was going to miss them for the 5 time in 4 years because I had to work the next morning. I had missed them in travers city where they played a small show, 2 mayhems, and the one time I was kicked out of the intersection on there tour with unearth and Cannibal Corpse. This was devastating to me, Hatebreed has been in my top two or three bands for almost 10 years, basically from the point I discovered metal as a kid. All day at work all I could think about was how I was going to miss a band that I love and have heard so much about there live shows, it truly was a sad day at work that day. Not only that but on top of it my friend I worked with was working overtime that day so I had to take the bus home from work which takes an hour to get home. I was pissy that day to say the least.

    Then two o’clock came around and the good news started to pour in. When I walked out of work they were passing out 80 dollar memory foam pillows that we make. At the time I did not realize it but this was the beginning of the good news and free stuff for the day. As I got off the bus and unlocked my door to my house I opened the door and my uncle was standing there and the first thing he said to me was “ you wanna go see hatebreed” I was like hell yeah but how am im going to get there and home there playing an hour away and I have to work in the morning. This is where he explained to me there contract fell threw and they were playing down the street for free!!!! I flipped went out on the porch and yelled at the top of my lungs. I was so excited
    We arrived at the location early as we wanted to see sin theorem open up cause we were friends with joel who was in the band. At this point we stood by the bar and drank a few beers. I only had 4 beers during the opening bands because I had a feeling this was going to be a special night and I wanted to remember it in detail. I had no idea what I was in store for. The place was full of hot women and metal heads, it was an amazing vibe, and I was fucking beyond pumped.
    Just after the last opening band play (they sucked lol) my buddy dave, my uncle jack and me decided to get a spot by the stage, my uncle jeff had disappeared but eventually would show up later. We were about 3-5 rows back on the right side of the stage. It was pretty laid back people not to close to each other just hanging out talking about how excited we all were for the show, that’s when this picture was snapped by my uncle jack. Occasionally during sound check the crowd would get a HATEBREED chant going words cannot describe how excited I was. I knew the floor was going to blow up and I had planned to bring the mossing as close the the rail as I could.
    Then the moment happened, then band began to walk on stage and I could see it in jamie’s eyes it was going to be a special set. The push began and I was front and center about 3-5 rows back still waiting till they hit there first note to freak out. This is when Everyone Bleeds now, the track they have been opening up a lot with lately hit in. I went fucking nuts, and as violently as I could shoving the people next to me getting the pit closest to the stage as it could get. That floor apsoulutly blew up. Every single person there was moshing in one gynormous pit. Words cannot begin to describe how crazy it was.
    After they opened with EBN, this is when the show really got amazing. They went old school, and by old school I mean the under the knife EP. They played smash your enemies, filth, kill an addict and under the knife all back to back without ever saying a word to the crowd. This is when all my feelings about this night were confirmed. We were in for a treat. It was at this poing of the end of under the knife I decided I was tired as hell and I wanted to experience the band that was blowing my mind from right where I should be, right in front of the person I now consider the best front man along with Phil and Randy (LOG) in the business. I some how snuck right in front and center on the rail before they played there next song.
    This is where Jamie started to explain there situation and why they were there. He said he loved playing in this area and wanted to prove that it was not there fault they were not at COC. He explained to us they had to be to germany in the morning but that playing for us is something he never took for granted, and that he wanted to come up on this stage and give us what we deserved. This is where they busted threw the longest part of there set, the next song was Empty promises, fucking amazing, jumping screaming every lyric, and it was at this point of the night I got what must have been 8 high fives from Jamie, he was all over the stage all night, but the majority of the time was literally 4 feet from me right in my face. It was amazing
    They then went on to blast threw there set.
    Before dishonor
    Last breath
    Driven by suffering
    Burial for the living
    Burn the lies
    Mark my words
    Worlds apart
    Conceived through an act of violence
    Betrayed by life

    Yes that is right, 11 straight (11 out of 14) from there first album. Can you say fucking unbelieveable??? It was at this point threw one of those songs im not sure I caught my first ever pic from any show…I knew at this point god was on my side lol.

    It was at this point where Jamie sat down on the stage and began to talk about how this since the early days of the band was one of his favorite towns in the world to play, well sure a lot of bands say that but look at the set they had played so far, I was already floored by it and we were maybe ½ way threw the night. Jamie went on to talk about how they were going to fulfill what they came here to do, and not let any of the bullshit that had went on with COC get in the way playing in front of the fans that were the reason why they were up on that stage. He then told us that they were going to try and play every song everyone in that room wanted to hear, and boy did they ever try to do that. the next list of songs went as this

    Hollow ground
    A call for blood (best of the night)
    I will be heard
    Final Prayer
    Your never alone

    That’s right 7 straight from the second stoudio release from hatebreed…How is that shit for amazing?

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,596 spicy boy
    It was at this point Jamie began passing out waters and telling everyone how they pits tonight were crazy. And how given the circumstances and how many people showed up on 12 hours notice that this show has easily become one of his favorite shows he has ever played. He would not stop saying how thankfull he was of everyone for being there when there was no notice. He also was telling us to tip our waitress’s good lol. Back to the jamming and what else could be next but a run threw of eight straight songs of of rise of brutality. Tear it down came on and the place exploded again, crowd surfers moshing, I continued to look back hear and there into the crowd from the rail and the place was absoultly nuts. It was at this point I was drenched in sweat from head to toe. Hat, pantera shirt, jean shorts, shocks, everything. I had put my all in to jumping and yelling every word to every song. I was wore out but I did not want the night to end.

    Tear it down
    Live for this
    This is now
    Beholder of justice
    Facing what consumes you
    Straight to your face

    It was at this point where I was just totally wore out but there was no way I was going to leave the rail. But I was so tired lol, I knew the show was almost over but at the same time I knew they were going to go out with a bang. Jamie gave one more speech, he told us that they wanted to play as many songs as they could but had a curfew but they were going to play as many more songs as they could. You could see it even in them from the front row that this performance was taking it out of them. They them selves even looked tired. And on to the last grouping of songs for the show and this was the best part.

    As die hard as they come-this was probably the most intense part of the night the pushing was as ruff as it was all night. The rift blew threw the speakers and it was fucking on. It was amazing

    Destroy everything-also amazing

    To the threshold

    Spitting venom- I really didn’t expect them to play this song. I was happy they did

    Never let it die- great way to end the night

    They had 4 more songs on the set list but they couldn’t get to them

    The band stayed on stage, did the normal passing out items, and gave us all in the front row high fives. It was an amazing night, I am shocked at the set list they played. They came out wanting to put on an amazing show and poured there hearts into it. It was at this point they left stage and the roadies came out and started tearing down the set and I asked for a set list and for the first time ever received one. This made my week I was so happy, I had the biggest possible grin on my face. Words really can not describe how awesome this show was. Everything that went into it with me missing them many times. I would ask any one to challenge that set list from this bad, and I see no possible way you could beat it. I really can’t put a number out of ten for this show (if I had to of course 11/10) but I will say it ascended to the top of my list of shows, it was the best show I have seen personally, and it brought hatebreed from my top 3-4 bands to number one on my list. I will never pass up seeing these guys again just for the simple fact that I want to show them gratitude for what they did on that night. It was truly amazing and this review was the best way I could put my amazing night into words. Im sorry it took so long I have been so busy lol. I hope you guys enjoyed my first ever written concert review!
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,596 spicy boy
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Worst review I've ever fucking read. Die.

    But seriously, good shit dude. Sounds killer
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,596 spicy boy
    lo f u!!!!!....but for real...this was the one show i decided i was gonna be sober for....and shit im so happy i was....iv been to big shows, small shows, basement shows, no matter what show......iv been to all venues...i saw slipknot in a club when they were raw....iv never seen a band have the passion to put on a great show on a single night like they wanted to put on a show that night...they were determined to make this one of the best if not the best show they have ever played....and if you doubt that you can look at the set list and shut the fuck up
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Fucking awesome bro. \m/
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,596 spicy boy
    edited September 2011
    i can never say iv seen a show, at least a performance by a band meaning as much as it did to hatbreed that night....they wanted everyone there to have the best time they could...they don't play a set list or even 1/2 as good as that on a regular basis....on Live dominace, they played what 22 songs...they played 36 that night every album in order...and wanted to play 4 more from the new album but had a me a set list that matches me a hatebreed set that could match that and i bet you can't find it
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,664 spicy boy
    Fucking awesome bro. \m/
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited September 2011
    Big Time Rush
    Song Selection 8/10 - They had some good beats. If I was all into the club scene they had a few that would fit for that occation.

    Stage Presence 8/10 - Their dance routines and on stage banter was pretty good. It was entertaining, and didn't come off too gay.

    Crowd 0/10 - The crowd pissed me off. like 1/10 of them brought fucking signs to hold up! you idiot, they can't see jack shit up there but your fucking sign is blocking the view for everyone behind you. I also thought it was a little ridiculous that 15 year old girls are standing up on their chairs... like Christ. get the fuck down so people can see the show. Oh and the fans tastes in fashion? holy crap... everyone makes their own shits out of glitter and hearts and shit. I didnt see one god damn skull. I was embarrassed for 95% of their fans.

    overall, not a bad show. had a good time and wouldnt mind seeing them again.
  • DreamtheaterDreamtheater Posts: 1,088 just the tip
    Big Time Rush
    Song Selection 8/10 - They had some good beats. If I was all into the club scene they had a few that would fit for that occation.

    Stage Presence 8/10 - Their dance routines and on stage banter was pretty good. It was entertaining, and didn't come off too gay.

    Crowd 0/10 - The crowd pissed me off. like 1/10 of them brought fucking signs to hold up! you idiot, they can't see jack shit up there but your fucking sign is blocking the view for everyone behind you. I also thought it was a little ridiculous that 15 year old girls are standing up on their chairs... like Christ. get the fuck down so people can see the show. Oh and the fans tastes in fashion? holy crap... everyone makes their own shits out of glitter and hearts and shit. I didnt see one god damn skull. I was embarrassed for 95% of their fans.

    overall, not a bad show. had a good time and wouldnt mind seeing them again.
    what the fuck were you expecting? they only exist because of nickelodeon <_>
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,706 spicy boy
    *will post Alestrom review friday*
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers

    what the fuck were you expecting? they only exist because of nickelodeon <_>
    I expected nothing and they delivered more then I expected. My kids loved the concert because they watch the show. And it was pretty sweet that it was free. \m/
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,706 spicy boy
    The Agonist/Blackguard/Alestorm/Kamelot was awsome!

    Ima come out and say right now that I actually didn't know too much by anyone other than Alestorm going in to this, and ALL the other bands left me impressed. They put on great shows, and they're music is good. I'm def gonna get some of their CDs now.

    I felt bad for The Agonist. The venue opened at 5:00, and I got there around 5:40, and they were already down to their last 3 songs, which means the would have started probable around 5:25/5:30-ish, and they were only playing for like 15 people cuz most people came later. But they still played good and tried to get everyone there into it...

    Alestorm was fricken awsome! They put on a great show, and although they experienced some guitar trouble, they made it work. My only complaint is they didnt play "Rum", lol.
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,282 mod
    Big Time Rush
    Song Selection 8/10 - They had some good beats. If I was all into the club scene they had a few that would fit for that occation.

    Stage Presence 8/10 - Their dance routines and on stage banter was pretty good. It was entertaining, and didn't come off too gay.

    Crowd 0/10 - The crowd pissed me off. like 1/10 of them brought fucking signs to hold up! you idiot, they can't see jack shit up there but your fucking sign is blocking the view for everyone behind you. I also thought it was a little ridiculous that 15 year old girls are standing up on their chairs... like Christ. get the fuck down so people can see the show. Oh and the fans tastes in fashion? holy crap... everyone makes their own shits out of glitter and hearts and shit. I didnt see one god damn skull. I was embarrassed for 95% of their fans.

    overall, not a bad show. had a good time and wouldnt mind seeing them again.
    Oh shit

  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited September 2011
    Grave 9-9-11

    Got there when doors opened, there was like no one there. Was worried.

    Air Raid: Local opener. There were very few people there for them and I felt bad, because they were awesome. Their bassist/vocalist was killer and did wicked slaps in one of their songs. I'll catch them again if they're on a bill with bands I like.

    Morgue Supplier: First time seeing these local grinders. They were pretty awesome. Their sound reminds me of a combination of Insect Warfare and Discordance Axis. The aggression and brutality is there, but there's also some weird riffing and whatnot. Sick stuff.

    At this point me, Adam, and the rest of the cool regular people went to the ghetto White Castle (aka Metal Castle) and got some true Amurka cookin. When they asked for my name for my order, I told them my name was Tyler. It was so fucking dope when they called me Tyler when my order was ready, because I felt like my fucking idol. So much swag. Missed Gigan.

    Pathology: Holy fuck. They opened with a shitty breakdown that was kind of annoying, but the rest of their performance was killer. Shaun Whitaker is so much better than the core dude they have right now and I wish he was their full time vocalist. We tried to get a pit going, but alas, the crowd sucked. Not to mention my shoe fell off..... Their performance was way better than when I saw them with Deicide and Shaun was definitely a key factor in that. They had all of their albums on sale and I thought about buying Incisions Of Perverse Debauchery but I have to save my money....

    Blood Red Throne: Damn these guys were solid. They're basically an old school death metal band with the presence of a black metal band. Their vocalist was sick. I would definitely see them again.

    Grave: Fuck yeah. Into The Grave in its entirety was perfect, and they sounded phenomenal. I wish the crowd would've been better but who cares, it's fucking Grave. Unfortunately, during Hating Life there was a drunk asshole that was starting shit with a regular we knew who was also drunk, so they got taken outside and we went to see what was up and he was threatening to beat the shit out of the guy and whatever. Out of nowhere the guy just starts yelling something like "I'm not a fucking nigger, I'm white!!!" which was bad yet hilarious because of the shitty area we were in. Thankfully, to my knowledge everything turned out alright though. While I was outside I missed Into The Grave and most of Extremely Rotten Flesh but whatever, not a big deal. We had to duck out before the encore because the show went way later than expected (they were supposed to go on at 10:15 but they went on at 10:40). We caught all of Into The Grave though so I didn't give a fuck.

    Overall, aside from the crowd, one of the best shows of the year.
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    When they asked for my name for my order, I told them my name was Tyler. It was so fucking dope when they called me Tyler when my order was ready, because I felt like my fucking idol. So much swag
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    When they asked for my name for my order, I told them my name was Tyler. It was so fucking dope when they called me Tyler when my order was ready, because I felt like my fucking idol. So much swag
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited September 2011
    Arch Enemy, DevilDriver, Skeletonwitch, Cthonic

    Cthonic - not a fan but they did a good job. decent stage show and good sound

    Skeletonwitch - FUCKING AWESOME! great sound and very entertaining.

    DevilDriver - good show but i was expecting better tbh. Dez's mic didnt seem to sound right but it could've been me because my head has been conjested for a while now and i can't hear that well. other than that it was fun - great show. highlight song from their set was defenitely Pray For Villians.
    8/10 - would've been a high score if it wasn't for the mic thing

    Arch Enemy - defenitely stole the show IMO. fantastic stage show and great sound quality. sadly i had to leave about 5 songs into their set in order to catch the last bus out of the city.

    Britt - cute chick. i enjoyed watching her run passed me through the bus terminal in her tight black tank top baywatch style :>
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Hopefully I'll see you two in May at a show :D

    Great review btw. Did DD play Head on To Heartache?
    I love winning with women
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