Had been looking forward to this show for quite awhile, got to the venue about an hour after the doors opened and missed the first of two local bands, whatever. I'm going to say this now, the sound at the venue was cranked up WAY too loud, so much so that it affected the sound quality of the bands. While I still enjoyed the show, it was really disappointing to have to put up with the deafening speakers.
Lizard Professor - Local band that I've seen several times before, but not for over a year so I was kinda looking forward to seeing them again. They literally only played two songs because they took so friggin long to play. They weren't bad but it seemed like they tried too hard to sound like The Human Abstract. I swear they had a different sound last time I saw them. 5.5/10
The Contortionist - Here's when the hardcore dancers made themselves known. Pit opened up as soon as they started but only seemed to be full of invisible ninjas and two douche bags trying to fight them off. As for the band though, they friggin rocked. More of a core sound than what we'd be hearing the rest of the night but still very progressive/djenty as well. Singer also played keyboard which reminded be a lot of Between The Buried And Me. Played really well, vocalist has a great range and the guitar players/drummer couldn't have been more solid. Went from punishing breakdowns and solos to drawn out mellowed sections that blended together wonderfully. Would love to check these guys out again sometime, great way to open the show. 8/10
Textures - Seemed more mellow than the previous band but still sounded incredible. Nice stage presence from the band, especially the singer who really seemed to be getting into the show more than the other members. Good instrumental work all around and once again a solid vocal performance equals to a pretty entertaining set from a band I really wish I had listened to before the show. 7.5/10
The Human Abstract - Beautiful. Such a dynamic band, can go from BR00TAL. AS. FUCK. to mellowed out prog so well, really keeps the listeners attention and as someone who doesn't listen to them very often, keeps it the set unpredictable yet extremely entertaining. Crowd really blew up during their set including one of our aforementioned douche bags that ended up getting thrown out by security after knocking the shit out of a dude with one of his flinging arms. Was happy to see him gone to say the least. I'll say this, I was pretty disappointed going into the show knowing that their was going to be a replacement singer for THA, but he really impressed the hell out of me, did a great job of hitting all the parts of their very diverse songs, I hope he stays around with the band. Also, I kept cracking up watching the bass player just bob his head with his eyes closed even during the heaviest parts of the songs, dude was straight jamming. I'd like another chance to see them, loved what I saw. 8.5/10
Periphery - They've really seemed to have made a name for themselves, I couldn't believe that they were headlining and they proved their worth with this show. Had the whole crowd moving/singing along and played extremely well. Loved the stage presence the entire band had, lots of moving around including a very eager lead singer, which some may not be as happy with after the original one left but I for one am quite the fan. They even let the crowd pick the last song of the night, which ended up being Racecar. Can't wait to see them again, great band!! 8/10
On a side note I really wish I had been more familiar with all of the bands playing that night. I enjoyed the show but I could have enjoyed it 10X more if I had known of more than 5 songs between all the bands on the tour (that they ended up playing at least). Still check this tour out if it's anywhere near you, certainly worth the price of admission!
I arrived at the place at 1040ish after getting off work. I went to the will call window to pick up my ticket through the station, but they were closed and they said just walk on in.
What the fuck. Free Down show for any latecomers.
As I walked in, they started playing Lifer, so that's when I joined the crowd and made my way to the front. Great set, lots of drunk fights too. Pics and a pick below...
That tour sounds stupid arlo. Fuck contortionist. Their shitty fans trying to get them on summer slaughter pissed me off. I love the human abstract but when I saw them in march they were poop. Periphery is alright and textures can also fuck off.
Glad you had fun though.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I had been looking forward to this show since I dumped $200 on a floor ticket and I was surely not disappointed. One of the best shows I've been to. I rode up to the stadium with my dad, brother and their 4 friends because Alex decided to go to class before heading up. We got to the parking garage at 1:30 and parked on the roof so that they could still tailgate. Ate a sandwich, then 4 of us decided to walk around to find a bathroom and see how long the line was. We walked all the way around Yankee Stadium, and FUCKING HELL that line was long. They all had seats so they went back to the van but I decided to wait in the line since I had a general admission ticket. After about 10 minutes waiting in line, a NYC cop came up to us on a megaphone saying "You want to get in quicker? Come with me!" So like 100 of us followed him and he bumped us in front of the long line into a very short line 1/2 way across the building. I got in, got my awesome silver Big 4 wristband and bought at Big 4 t-shirt for $35 and made my way to the floor as Anthrox ripped into their first song.
Anthrax-First time seeing these guys. The floor wasn't packed yet. Only one pit in GA back that I could see, but they still sounded awesome. 8/10
Fight 'Em Till You Can't Got the Time (Joe Jackson cover) Madhouse Caught in a Mosh Antisocial (Trust cover) The Devil You Know Indians Metal Thrashing Mad I Am The Law
Megadeth-I was excited to see Megadeth after seeing them at Mayhem this summer. Dave sounded phenomenal! He looked like shit, but we could actually hear him!! Also, I do believe that I want to take Chris Broderick home with me. He's amazing. 8.5/10 Trust Hangar 18 She-Wolf Public Enemy No. 1 Head Crusher A Tout Le Monde Sweating Bullets Symphony of Destruction Peace Sells Holy Wars... The Punishment Due
SLAYER-Alex had gotten there during the last song of Megadeth, so after hydrating and feeding ourselves, we went to where we knew the Slayer pit would break out. We were in the pit or on the ring of the pit the entire set. I got a bigass bruise on my ribs and Alex got a concussion, but wow. It was awesome. Multiple crowdsurfers, multiple pits. Just pure adrenaline and awesomeness. 9/10
Disciple Postmortem Hate Worldwide War Ensemble Psychopathy Red Mandatory Suicide Chemical Warfare Silent Scream Dead Skin Mask Snuff South of Heaven Raining Blood Black Magic Angel of Death
Metallica-It started to rain right as Metallica ripped into their first song, Creeping Death, but only for a minute, then it was rainless the rest of the set. There's not much to be said other than there's a reason they headline. They're stage presence, their effects, all just blew me away. Almost as amazing as the first time I saw them. Best song of the night visually was Blackened. They brought out the lasers, the fireworks, and the fireballs. Also, there was a ton of fire during One. For the encore, the Big 4 did a Moterhead cover, which sounded like crap the first 20 seconds, but then got better. The finished up with Battery and Seek and Destroy. Just amazing. 11/10
The Ecstasy of Gold (Ennio Morricone song) Creeping Death For Whom the Bell Tolls Fuel Ride the Lightning Fade to Black Cyanide All Nightmare Long Sad But True Welcome Home (Sanitarium) Orion One Master of Puppets Blackened Nothing Else Matters Enter Sandman Encore: Overkill (Motörhead cover) Battery Seek & Destroy
Oh, that sucks, but you definitely made the more responsible decision.
yep. and its not like i missed too much. i saw Belladonna back in Feb for $12, and can see Anthrax in Nov for $35. Saw Megadeth at Mayhem for $60. Have seen Slayer tons of times in the past couple years. Have seen Metallica tons of times over the years. I'm good
Yeah, I keep on calling him a dumbass for missing 1/2 the show, but whatever. I got to see that whole show. And yes, I had a blast. I would totally go to another Big 4 show.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Big Time Rush --------------- Song Selection 8/10 - They had some good beats. If I was all into the club scene they had a few that would fit for that occasion.
Stage Presence 8/10 - Their dance routines and on stage banter was pretty good. It was entertaining, and didn't come off too gay.
Crowd 0/10 - The crowd pissed me off. like 1/10 of them brought fucking signs to hold up! you idiot, they can't see jack shit up there but your fucking sign is blocking the view for everyone behind you. I also thought it was a little ridiculous that 15 year old girls are standing up on their chairs... like Christ. get the fuck down so people can see the show. Oh and the fans tastes in fashion? holy crap... everyone makes their own shits out of glitter and hearts and shit. I didnt see one god damn skull. I was embarrassed for 95% of their fans.
overall, not a bad show. had a good time and wouldnt mind seeing them again.
Had been looking forward to this show for quite awhile, got to the venue about an hour after the doors opened and missed the first of two local bands, whatever. I'm going to say this now, the sound at the venue was cranked up WAY too loud, so much so that it affected the sound quality of the bands. While I still enjoyed the show, it was really disappointing to have to put up with the deafening speakers.
Lizard Professor - Local band that I've seen several times before, but not for over a year so I was kinda looking forward to seeing them again. They literally only played two songs because they took so friggin long to play. They weren't bad but it seemed like they tried too hard to sound like The Human Abstract. I swear they had a different sound last time I saw them. 5.5/10
The Contortionist - Here's when the hardcore dancers made themselves known. Pit opened up as soon as they started but only seemed to be full of invisible ninjas and two douche bags trying to fight them off. As for the band though, they friggin rocked. More of a core sound than what we'd be hearing the rest of the night but still very progressive/djenty as well. Singer also played keyboard which reminded be a lot of Between The Buried And Me. Played really well, vocalist has a great range and the guitar players/drummer couldn't have been more solid. Went from punishing breakdowns and solos to drawn out mellowed sections that blended together wonderfully. Would love to check these guys out again sometime, great way to open the show. 8/10
Textures - Seemed more mellow than the previous band but still sounded incredible. Nice stage presence from the band, especially the singer who really seemed to be getting into the show more than the other members. Good instrumental work all around and once again a solid vocal performance equals to a pretty entertaining set from a band I really wish I had listened to before the show. 7.5/10
The Human Abstract - Beautiful. Such a dynamic band, can go from BR00TAL. AS. FUCK. to mellowed out prog so well, really keeps the listeners attention and as someone who doesn't listen to them very often, keeps it the set unpredictable yet extremely entertaining. Crowd really blew up during their set including one of our aforementioned douche bags that ended up getting thrown out by security after knocking the shit out of a dude with one of his flinging arms. Was happy to see him gone to say the least. I'll say this, I was pretty disappointed going into the show knowing that their was going to be a replacement singer for THA, but he really impressed the hell out of me, did a great job of hitting all the parts of their very diverse songs, I hope he stays around with the band. Also, I kept cracking up watching the bass player just bob his head with his eyes closed even during the heaviest parts of the songs, dude was straight jamming. I'd like another chance to see them, loved what I saw. 8.5/10
Periphery - They've really seemed to have made a name for themselves, I couldn't believe that they were headlining and they proved their worth with this show. Had the whole crowd moving/singing along and played extremely well. Loved the stage presence the entire band had, lots of moving around including a very eager lead singer, which some may not be as happy with after the original one left but I for one am quite the fan. They even let the crowd pick the last song of the night, which ended up being Racecar. Can't wait to see them again, great band!! 8/10
On a side note I really wish I had been more familiar with all of the bands playing that night. I enjoyed the show but I could have enjoyed it 10X more if I had known of more than 5 songs between all the bands on the tour (that they ended up playing at least). Still check this tour out if it's anywhere near you, certainly worth the price of admission!
at Marquee Theater, Tempe, AZ 9/11/11
I arrived at the place at 1040ish after getting off work. I went to the will call window to pick up my ticket through the station, but they were closed and they said just walk on in.
What the fuck. Free Down show for any latecomers.
As I walked in, they started playing Lifer, so that's when I joined the crowd and made my way to the front. Great set, lots of drunk fights too. Pics and a pick below...
Glad you had fun though.
I had been looking forward to this show since I dumped $200 on a floor ticket and I was surely not disappointed. One of the best shows I've been to. I rode up to the stadium with my dad, brother and their 4 friends because Alex decided to go to class before heading up. We got to the parking garage at 1:30 and parked on the roof so that they could still tailgate. Ate a sandwich, then 4 of us decided to walk around to find a bathroom and see how long the line was. We walked all the way around Yankee Stadium, and FUCKING HELL that line was long. They all had seats so they went back to the van but I decided to wait in the line since I had a general admission ticket. After about 10 minutes waiting in line, a NYC cop came up to us on a megaphone saying "You want to get in quicker? Come with me!" So like 100 of us followed him and he bumped us in front of the long line into a very short line 1/2 way across the building. I got in, got my awesome silver Big 4 wristband and bought at Big 4 t-shirt for $35 and made my way to the floor as Anthrox ripped into their first song.
Anthrax-First time seeing these guys. The floor wasn't packed yet. Only one pit in GA back that I could see, but they still sounded awesome. 8/10
Fight 'Em Till You Can't
Got the Time (Joe Jackson cover)
Caught in a Mosh
Antisocial (Trust cover)
The Devil You Know
Metal Thrashing Mad
I Am The Law
Megadeth-I was excited to see Megadeth after seeing them at Mayhem this summer. Dave sounded phenomenal! He looked like shit, but we could actually hear him!! Also, I do believe that I want to take Chris Broderick home with me. He's amazing. 8.5/10
Hangar 18
Public Enemy No. 1
Head Crusher
A Tout Le Monde
Sweating Bullets
Symphony of Destruction
Peace Sells
Holy Wars... The Punishment Due
SLAYER-Alex had gotten there during the last song of Megadeth, so after hydrating and feeding ourselves, we went to where we knew the Slayer pit would break out. We were in the pit or on the ring of the pit the entire set. I got a bigass bruise on my ribs and Alex got a concussion, but wow. It was awesome. Multiple crowdsurfers, multiple pits. Just pure adrenaline and awesomeness. 9/10
Hate Worldwide
War Ensemble
Psychopathy Red
Mandatory Suicide
Chemical Warfare
Silent Scream
Dead Skin Mask
South of Heaven
Raining Blood
Black Magic
Angel of Death
Metallica-It started to rain right as Metallica ripped into their first song, Creeping Death, but only for a minute, then it was rainless the rest of the set. There's not much to be said other than there's a reason they headline. They're stage presence, their effects, all just blew me away. Almost as amazing as the first time I saw them. Best song of the night visually was Blackened. They brought out the lasers, the fireworks, and the fireballs. Also, there was a ton of fire during One. For the encore, the Big 4 did a Moterhead cover, which sounded like crap the first 20 seconds, but then got better. The finished up with Battery and Seek and Destroy. Just amazing. 11/10
The Ecstasy of Gold (Ennio Morricone song)
Creeping Death
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Ride the Lightning
Fade to Black
All Nightmare Long
Sad But True
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
Master of Puppets
Nothing Else Matters
Enter Sandman
Overkill (Motörhead cover)
Seek & Destroy
Show ended at 11. Took us till 2 to get back to campus on public transit. Nearly missed our stop because we fell asleep on the bus.