5-1-11 - The Fillmore Detroit - Detroit, MI - Deftones
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Oh my goodness. I had seen a few Youtube videos of their live performances prior to tonight, so I knew it would get a bit crazy. They did not disappoint in that regard. As soon as they hit the stage, the main floor, which had been pretty much completely stagnant throughout Funeral Party's set, woke up, and pits and chaos ensued. Dayna and Brad and Hailey got separated from me as we tried to avoid the pits, as well as the few insane Dillinger fans that were hopping around people like madmen, screaming every word to every song. The chaos on stage mimicked the insanity of the crowd as DEP put on one of the most energetic performances I have ever seen from any band. Whereas Funeral Party did not move at all, there was not one member of this band that was not running around the stage except for the drummer, for obvious reasons. The guitarists and bassist were not just headbanging, they were thrashing about like they were losing complete control of their bodies. One of the guitarists was right in front of me and acted like he was going to chuck his guitar into the audience, and actually tossed the guitar a bit in our direction. He was holding on to the strap the whole time, but it still scared the shit out of me. Greg Puciato, the lead vocalist, completely takes the cake if you're talking reckless live performances. He was literally everywhere. When he wasn't screaming his face off on stage, he was on the rail screaming right in OUR faces, crowd surfing, or mixing it up in the huge pits his band had created. Now, I have seen vocalists do all of this stuff before, but his sense of reckless abandon and unpredictability was something I had not seen before, and it was definitely fun to watch. Musically, they are mathcore/experimental rock, which pretty much means their music doesn't really follow conventional rules. Indeed, the music was incredibly dynamic and filled with odd time signatures. It was probably one of the most schizophrenic sets I have ever seen, where the musical direction changed without warning. Sometimes, it was from hardcore punk-style stuff to more melodic stuff, but more often than not it went on from one hardcore punk-fest to another, again, very suddenly. If you weren't paying attention, it would be very easy to get lost in what they were doing on stage. It was one of the craziest 45 minutes I have ever witnessed at a show. I don't think I would ever get into these guys on album, but if you're going to see them live, buckle up and hold on. 8.5/10
Farewell, Mona Lisa Milk Lizard Panasonic Youth Fix Your Face Room Full of Eyes Gold Teeth On A Bum Black Bubblegum Sunshine the Werewolf
Now you know Jay, now you know. Go see them in a club when they come near you to enjoy DEP to the fullest. That's when 1up their insanity
Nice setlist as well. Love opening up with Mona Lisa. Love the melodic part in that song.
everytime i guy crowd surfs i punch them in the balls when its a chick, i pull her hair out
That's bogus as hell.
I could see if it was a stupid drunk or someone giving you a rough time, but you can't give people shit for having fun. If you can't handle people crowdsurfing, stay in the back.
everytime i guy crowd surfs i punch them in the balls when its a chick, i pull her hair out
That's bogus as hell.
I could see if it was a stupid drunk or someone giving you a rough time, but you can't give people shit for having fun. If you can't handle people crowdsurfing, stay in the back of the bus.
No coloreds allowed.
Nice setlist as well. Love opening up with Mona Lisa. Love the melodic part in that song.
I could see if it was a stupid drunk or someone giving you a rough time, but you can't give people shit for having fun. If you can't handle people crowdsurfing, stay in the back.
1. I almost always have to order through Shitketmaster/Livenation
2. Security are cocksuckers
3. Stage is further back
4. I can't get in for free