everytime i guy crowd surfs i punch them in the balls when its a chick, i pull her hair out
That's bogus as hell.
I could see if it was a stupid drunk or someone giving you a rough time, but you can't give people shit for having fun. If you can't handle people crowdsurfing, stay in the back.
ok so we have to sacrifice the fun we want to have for other peoples' definition of fun? no. I don't think so.
To be fair couldn't that argument go both ways?
though that's true, my version of fun in this case isn't hurting anyone. I'm not saying I can't and won't deal with it, I'm just saying that logic is stupid.
However, crowdsurfing has been around for a long time and is acceptable at concerts. Getting punched in the balls or getting your hair pulled for doing it is not.
It's kind of like people bitching about audience members singing along to songs. While it can be annoying if the person is obnoxious, everyone's just there for a good time.
but fat people hurt you when the fall on you... fat people singing dont hurt you physically
There is a major difference between a fat person hurting you and a generalization of all crowdsurfers.
I've only been hurt by a couple crowd surfers, and that was because they were too big for everyone around me to hold up or had boots on. Otherwise I've been unscathed.
This show was so good, Jesus Christ. I'm watching a lot of my concert vids because I'm uploading my EITS footage, and I think I've done pretty well so far.
Yeah, I was at ozzfest a few years back in the pit all day and i found a little area in the crowd where i could catch my breath, then BOOM a crowdsurfer falls right on my head, damn near knocks me out.... so crowdsurfers can hurt you, especialliay cause youre not facing backwards, youre facing the stage. i dont understand sometimes why people crowdsurf from all the way in the back behind the pit? if you want to crowdsurf I think people should go up towards the fron where the crowd is packed in and expecting it... thats why i get pissed at crowd surgers, when i'm in the back and they land on my head when theres no crowd packed together and I'm just standing there. i lawl when they fall on their heads. I personally think crowdsurfing is ridiculous and i love venues that dont allow it, but i dont hate it, i just think stagediving makes more sense. with stagediving people can see whats coming at them. but most venues have guardrails and dont all0ow that anymore....
Yeah, I was at ozzfest a few years back in the pit all day and i found a little area in the crowd where i could catch my breath, then BOOM a crowdsurfer falls right on my head, damn near knocks me out.... so crowdsurfers can hurt you, especialliay cause youre not facing backwards, youre facing the stage. i dont understand sometimes why people crowdsurf from all the way in the back behind the pit? if you want to crowdsurf I think people should go up towards the fron where the crowd is packed in and expecting it... thats why i get pissed at crowd surgers, when i'm in the back and they land on my head when theres no crowd packed together and I'm just standing there. i lawl when they fall on their heads. I personally think crowdsurfing is ridiculous and i love venues that dont allow it, but i dont hate it, i just think stagediving makes more sense. with stagediving people can see whats coming at them. but most venues have guardrails and dont all0ow that anymore....
I love crowdsurfing from behind the pit to the front. I'd normally purposely fall in the first few rows so I could push my way to the front easier. Stagediving is fun too.
Yeah, I was at ozzfest a few years back in the pit all day and i found a little area in the crowd where i could catch my breath, then BOOM a crowdsurfer falls right on my head, damn near knocks me out.... so crowdsurfers can hurt you, especialliay cause youre not facing backwards, youre facing the stage. i dont understand sometimes why people crowdsurf from all the way in the back behind the pit? if you want to crowdsurf I think people should go up towards the fron where the crowd is packed in and expecting it... thats why i get pissed at crowd surgers, when i'm in the back and they land on my head when theres no crowd packed together and I'm just standing there. i lawl when they fall on their heads. I personally think crowdsurfing is ridiculous and i love venues that dont allow it, but i dont hate it, i just think stagediving makes more sense. with stagediving people can see whats coming at them. but most venues have guardrails and dont all0ow that anymore....
I love crowdsurfing from behind the pit to the front. I'd normally purposely fall in the first few rows so I could push my way to the front easier. Stagediving is fun too.
yeah, thats waht i'm taling about, thats cool... its when i'm in the back behind the pit just chilling and some crowdsurfer lands on my dome, thats kind of lame... theres no crowd movement or anything and someone just decides to crowdsurf all the way in the back<_> fukk those assholes.
yeah, when the crowd is packed together, its awesome. its when theres just a few people standing in the back not expecting a damn thing is when injuries and shit occur. when everyones packed in, noone gets hurts cause theres so many bodies and hands helping out!
yeah, if you think youre gonna get hurt, maybe you should just stay in the back cause things happen at shows that are very unpredictable. I've been punched/kikced in the face, slammed, boddies dropped on me, i've been balltapped madd times, i only had to go to the hospital 3 times for concert related injuries thoughm, and thats from like going to prolly like 300-400 shows!!!
btw, was the dillinger pit crazier then deftones, or about the smae?
I've never been seriously hurt at a show. I don't mosh often though, so that helps. I'd like to start, but we'll see....
Worst I've gotten was wicked bruising on my chest from the rail at Municipal Waste, also jammed my finger on the rail at the same show. I also got a crushed beer can whipped at the back of my head at Ozzfest 2010...lol
:-D (I was just making a joke)
wow fuck logic and physics, right?
If you're referring to *stagediving* that makes a little more sense, but normal crowdsurfing doesn't hurt.
This show was so good, Jesus Christ. I'm watching a lot of my concert vids because I'm uploading my EITS footage, and I think I've done pretty well so far.
This was awesome, seriously. Live music is great.
btw, was the dillinger pit crazier then deftones, or about the smae?
Worst I've gotten was wicked bruising on my chest from the rail at Municipal Waste, also jammed my finger on the rail at the same show. I also got a crushed beer can whipped at the back of my head at Ozzfest 2010...lol