Lol because I type fast on my phone and sometimes hit the up arrow to capitalize things and am too lazy to go back. Same with randomly jumping down a lone from hitting return and putting things where they don't belong such as periods
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
as i lay dying/winds of plague with after the burial and from the pawn (local band) gramercy theatre NY,NY 2/25/11
from the pawn- they werent the worst opening band ive seen. its hard to describe their sound. something like post hardcore punk maybe? they kinda sounded like a mix of old the used poppy choruses with old rise against melohardcore punk with bigger breakdowns. i could def see them on warped tour in the next few years. they had energy but not much crowd response. like i said not the worst opening band ive seen 3.5/10
after the burial- generic metalcore with huge breakdowns. not really my style but the crowd seemed to enjoy it i chilled in the back so i could save my energy for WOP. idk any of their material so i cant give a setlist. 4.5/10
winds of plague- first time seeing them and it was fuckin awesome. only caught like the last 2 songs at mayhem so i was stoked. lots of energy, the crowd was insane. big wall of death from reloaded. plus they played a new song that wasnt refined in the fire but i didnt catch the name of it. it was a great song. im pumped for the new album. other than that the setlist was pretty much what it has been. idk some of the songs by name so ill post a partial setlist. they definitely opened with the impaler and closed with refined in the fire and reloaded. during this wall of death i slammed my elbow pretty good and it BLEW UP. it swelled so much i could barely bend it. plus i lost my shoe but got it back lol--7/10
opened with the impaler decimate the weak decimate the weak (DTW) song DTW song) new song chest and horns DTW song DTW song refined in the fire ----------------- reloaded
as i lay dying-this is my 3rd time seeing them, second on this album cycle and thye killed it like always. lots of energy on stage and in the crowd, the pit was brutal and jordan shaved his handle bars. great setlist just all round great show. i was pleasantly surprised they played a couple songs i wasnt expecting. i was planning on staying in the back because of my elbow and cuz ive never just stood and watched ive always been up front but when jordan played the opening of forever i bolted for the front and im glad i did. non stop energy, screaming, jumping around, crowd surfing fun. the setlist will be a little out of order but the starred ones are in order 8.5/10
forever* (not played thursday) through struggle* an ocean between us* sound of truth anodyne sea within destruction beyond our suffering vacany upside down kingdom parralells condemned empty hearts (not played thursday) 94 hours* -------------- nothing left* confined*
overall great show. i would say out of the 3 ttimes ive seen them this was second best. first being the no fear music tour with LOG/COB/god forbid and municipal waste. me and my friends got to the city about 430 and walked to times square and MSG which was a good time. it was great during either 94 hours or nothing left i found an ipod touch on the ground in almost perfect condition. the screen wasnt smashed or anything just minor scratches on the back. it was one of the new 8gb ones with the camera on the front. now i just need to find out how to unlock it or reset it to factory default and i have a new ipod hahaha. too bd i hate apple products but i might keep it just so i can mobile video chat.
Lol, ATB sucks. I still am confused by the fact that I've always thought they were ok on cd, but live they were terrible. Probably because you don't hear how douchey the members are.
ya i wasnt a fan. waaaaaay too many hardcore dancers. my friend seemed to enjoy them but hes more into that and like hardrock/radio metal and more punk
Yeah I went to a local show last night. There were 2 of my friends' bands (which were good), then there were 2 shitty deathcore bands, and then a RATM wannabe.
I had fun though because during one of the shitcore bands a a kid in a nice purple sweatshirt starting hardcore dancing and I just loudly applauded going YEAH, SWING YOUR ARMS AROUND MAN, YEAAAA until he stopped. My friends and I pretty much ruined the "pit" for one of the bands because we kept laughing and doing joke dances. The tools all looked really pissed. They mad.
hahahaha. there was this one douche up front for wop. he looked like a ginger AE model. nice jeans long sleeve striped sweater thing and he kept ass slamming everyone. you know like he was getting pissed everyone was pushing on him so he like throws his ass back to push everyone back so he has room. he did it like 6-8 times throughout the set and i almost fell a few time i get hit in the nuts and the next time he does it i get pissed and punch him in the back of the head and he gets mad. nothing happened but im just standin there tryin to rock out and he looks pissed. im like youre up front at a metal show wtf do you expect. if you dont want people pushing on you or your girl gtfo and go to the back
Yep. I have a strong dislike for people who are only concerned about themselves at a show. My friend told me that when we saw Black Dahlia Murder (there was a ridiculous wave of scene kids behind us) there was a couple of younger girls that were yelling at him to stop pushing them. Some people need to know what the fuck they're getting into.
y u randomly capitalize?
from the pawn- they werent the worst opening band ive seen. its hard to describe their sound. something like post hardcore punk maybe? they kinda sounded like a mix of old the used poppy choruses with old rise against melohardcore punk with bigger breakdowns. i could def see them on warped tour in the next few years. they had energy but not much crowd response. like i said not the worst opening band ive seen 3.5/10
after the burial- generic metalcore with huge breakdowns. not really my style but the crowd seemed to enjoy it i chilled in the back so i could save my energy for WOP. idk any of their material so i cant give a setlist. 4.5/10
winds of plague- first time seeing them and it was fuckin awesome. only caught like the last 2 songs at mayhem so i was stoked. lots of energy, the crowd was insane. big wall of death from reloaded. plus they played a new song that wasnt refined in the fire but i didnt catch the name of it. it was a great song. im pumped for the new album. other than that the setlist was pretty much what it has been. idk some of the songs by name so ill post a partial setlist. they definitely opened with the impaler and closed with refined in the fire and reloaded. during this wall of death i slammed my elbow pretty good and it BLEW UP. it swelled so much i could barely bend it. plus i lost my shoe but got it back lol--7/10
opened with the impaler
decimate the weak
decimate the weak (DTW) song
DTW song)
new song
chest and horns
DTW song
DTW song
refined in the fire
as i lay dying-this is my 3rd time seeing them, second on this album cycle and thye killed it like always. lots of energy on stage and in the crowd, the pit was brutal and jordan shaved his handle bars. great setlist just all round great show. i was pleasantly surprised they played a couple songs i wasnt expecting. i was planning on staying in the back because of my elbow and cuz ive never just stood and watched ive always been up front but when jordan played the opening of forever i bolted for the front and im glad i did. non stop energy, screaming, jumping around, crowd surfing fun. the setlist will be a little out of order but the starred ones are in order 8.5/10
forever* (not played thursday)
through struggle*
an ocean between us*
sound of truth
anodyne sea
within destruction
beyond our suffering
upside down kingdom
empty hearts (not played thursday)
94 hours*
nothing left*
overall great show. i would say out of the 3 ttimes ive seen them this was second best. first being the no fear music tour with LOG/COB/god forbid and municipal waste. me and my friends got to the city about 430 and walked to times square and MSG which was a good time. it was great during either 94 hours or nothing left i found an ipod touch on the ground in almost perfect condition. the screen wasnt smashed or anything just minor scratches on the back. it was one of the new 8gb ones with the camera on the front. now i just need to find out how to unlock it or reset it to factory default and i have a new ipod hahaha. too bd i hate apple products but i might keep it just so i can mobile video chat.
I had fun though because during one of the shitcore bands a a kid in a nice purple sweatshirt starting hardcore dancing and I just loudly applauded going YEAH, SWING YOUR ARMS AROUND MAN, YEAAAA until he stopped. My friends and I pretty much ruined the "pit" for one of the bands because we kept laughing and doing joke dances. The tools all looked really pissed. They mad.