Indeed. I have his autograph on 4 different things. I met him once 20 years ago and thought I was gonna hyperventilate. Got a drumhead signed by all of the original album version of Blizzard of Ozz(Randy Rhoads,Bob Daisley, and Lee Kerslake). I still would like to do another meet and greet with him before either of us die.
Immortal - Mr. Smalls - Millvale/Pittsburgh, PA - 2/21/2011
From the moment the six Immortal dates were announced back in November and I was lucky enough to get one, I've been eagerly waiting for February 21st to get here. When I woke up yesterday I just couldn't wait to leave and make my way to Mr. Smalls (which was formerly a church, and now hosts the majority of metal tours that come through town). I came downstairs only to have my mom, who would be the one driving to the show, tell me that we were supposed to get 3-5 inches of snow through tonight. She was very nervous about having to drive in the snow, and when it started raining around 2:30 P.M. she got even more worried. We left for the show at about 4:50 P.M. and it was still raining and slowly turning into freezing rain. Doors for the show were at 7, so we figured that we'd get to the venue around 6 or so, since it normally takes a little over an hour to get there on a regular day. We ended up getting there around 6:40 P.M. It was snowing when we got there, but it really wasn't anything more than light covering at that time. We walked up to the venue only to see about 20 or so people in front of us, so we were happy about that. While we were waiting, a worker was shoveling the snow where everyone was waiting and he said to me, "this is some weather for a Swedish metal concert," and the guy standing next to me said, "it's the perfect weather," which was true. It wouldn't of been as fitting if it was a 65 degree day that we had just three days earlier. The doors opened a little after 7, and I found a spot right at the rail. My mom held my spot while I went to go check out the merch. CD's and t-shirt's were 20, and the long sleeved shirts were 30. All small and medium sizes were gone in all the t-shirt's, so I got an XL in the one I wanted so I can turn it into a dress.
I went back to my spot and waited for Absu, the only opener, to start. Coming into the show, I never really even listened to Absu before; I kept forgetting to check them out. They came on around 8, which was when the show was supposed to start. I left an Absu fan! The crowd seemed to be very into them as well. Their singer talked in a growling-type voice when he was interacting with the crowd, and he randomly did high pitched screams which made me jump because I was right next to the speaker. This was also their first show ever in Pittsburgh! Since I haven't listened to them before, and didn't write anything down, I don't know what their setlist was. Maybe Rammstein can add it since he was there too.
The set change after Absu was surprisingly fast, and Immortal came on probably around 9:30 or so if I remember right. When the lights dimmed, everyone went wild. Everyone was chanting, "Immortal! Immortal!" over and over until Horgh came out and took his place behind the drums. Apollyon and Abbath soon followed, and I was very excited to see Abbath take his place at the mic right in front of me. As soon as they started playing All Shall Fall, the crowd was nonstop wild. Immortal was spot on, played with perfection, and to top it all off the sound was excellent. I wouldn't of changed a thing. Their set was as follows:
All Shall Fall Sons of Northern Darkness The Rise of Darkness Damned in Black Hordes to War Solarfall Norden on Fire In My Kingdom Cold Tyrants Grim and Frostbitten Kingdoms Withstand the Fall One By One ---------------------- Blashyrkh (Mighty Ravendark) The Sun No Longer Rises
When the show was over, I left to find my car covered with 8 inches of snow. I kicked all the snow out from in front of us, and we made it home in about two hours, which was surprising considering how shitty the roads were. It was like no one even bothered to plow them at all.
and now for some pictures!
(I edited this one, it looks more kvlt in b&w) and my favorite,
Try the megabadass feeling you get when you go to the movie theater, and the chick looks to you and your friends and says "Can I see your ID's?" And you go "NO PROBLEM, I'M 18, GOT EM ALL COVERED"
Then you look back at your friends who do not have ID's and say, "Don't worry, this one is free"
Hopefully I meet her.
They'll probably be like 20 guys there.
Being in one room with a bunch of teenage girls.
Immortal - Mr. Smalls - Millvale/Pittsburgh, PA - 2/21/2011
From the moment the six Immortal dates were announced back in November and I was lucky enough to get one, I've been eagerly waiting for February 21st to get here. When I woke up yesterday I just couldn't wait to leave and make my way to Mr. Smalls (which was formerly a church, and now hosts the majority of metal tours that come through town). I came downstairs only to have my mom, who would be the one driving to the show, tell me that we were supposed to get 3-5 inches of snow through tonight. She was very nervous about having to drive in the snow, and when it started raining around 2:30 P.M. she got even more worried. We left for the show at about 4:50 P.M. and it was still raining and slowly turning into freezing rain. Doors for the show were at 7, so we figured that we'd get to the venue around 6 or so, since it normally takes a little over an hour to get there on a regular day. We ended up getting there around 6:40 P.M. It was snowing when we got there, but it really wasn't anything more than light covering at that time. We walked up to the venue only to see about 20 or so people in front of us, so we were happy about that. While we were waiting, a worker was shoveling the snow where everyone was waiting and he said to me, "this is some weather for a Swedish metal concert," and the guy standing next to me said, "it's the perfect weather," which was true. It wouldn't of been as fitting if it was a 65 degree day that we had just three days earlier. The doors opened a little after 7, and I found a spot right at the rail. My mom held my spot while I went to go check out the merch. CD's and t-shirt's were 20, and the long sleeved shirts were 30. All small and medium sizes were gone in all the t-shirt's, so I got an XL in the one I wanted so I can turn it into a dress.
I went back to my spot and waited for Absu, the only opener, to start. Coming into the show, I never really even listened to Absu before; I kept forgetting to check them out. They came on around 8, which was when the show was supposed to start. I left an Absu fan! The crowd seemed to be very into them as well. Their singer talked in a growling-type voice when he was interacting with the crowd, and he randomly did high pitched screams which made me jump because I was right next to the speaker. This was also their first show ever in Pittsburgh! Since I haven't listened to them before, and didn't write anything down, I don't know what their setlist was. Maybe Rammstein can add it since he was there too.
The set change after Absu was surprisingly fast, and Immortal came on probably around 9:30 or so if I remember right. When the lights dimmed, everyone went wild. Everyone was chanting, "Immortal! Immortal!" over and over until Horgh came out and took his place behind the drums. Apollyon and Abbath soon followed, and I was very excited to see Abbath take his place at the mic right in front of me. As soon as they started playing All Shall Fall, the crowd was nonstop wild. Immortal was spot on, played with perfection, and to top it all off the sound was excellent. I wouldn't of changed a thing. Their set was as follows:
All Shall Fall
Sons of Northern Darkness
The Rise of Darkness
Damned in Black
Hordes to War
Norden on Fire
In My Kingdom Cold
Grim and Frostbitten Kingdoms
Withstand the Fall
One By One
Blashyrkh (Mighty Ravendark)
The Sun No Longer Rises
When the show was over, I left to find my car covered with 8 inches of snow. I kicked all the snow out from in front of us, and we made it home in about two hours, which was surprising considering how shitty the roads were. It was like no one even bothered to plow them at all.
and now for some pictures!
and my favorite,
and for laughs, this was my car when I found it.
Are those all picks on the mic stand?????
Sorry Erik.
I have to say though, I'm gonna feel like a total badass adult when I start going to 17+ shows.
Luckily I never started going to shows until I was 19 and most venues pretty much let everyone in here.
Then you look back at your friends who do not have ID's and say, "Don't worry, this one is free"