JIMMY EAT WORLD - Tempe, AZ (Tostitos New Years Block Party)
I'll make this review brief. I feel as if I had my greatest concert accomplishment (or at least one of) tonight. The crowd was HUGE, first of all. We gradually made our way to the middle with about four songs left. The Middle came on... we moshed like bosses up to the front (three people or so behind the rail.) Next song... We get pushed back about four or so rows. Next song... we stay there. Final song: I crowdsurf, and as I'm doing so, I look at their singer and extend my hand. He throws a pick RIGHT FUCKING INTO IT... from about fifteen feet away, and I catch it. FUCK. YEA.
Nice review, the only thing that turned me off about that show was the really weak crowd. Most of the kids were only there for JFAC, granted I really like them, but it sucked knowing that they didn't care about the rest of the line-up and it showed.
Chimaira Christmas 11 - House of Blues - Cleveland, Ohio - Dec. 30th 2010
Well the wait for the show was unreasonably long, I was so damn excited for it. We arrived in Cleveland an hour and a half early, spent 20 minutes walking around the block of the House of Blues looking for food before we ended up eating at the HOB restaraunt. Turns out if you eat there, you can enter the venue through the back door instead of going back in line. That was quite convenient until we wanted to buy merch. To do so, you have to leave the venue and go by the doors, and from there, there isn't a another line for people that have already been in. Nope, we had to wait in the long ass line in the cold Cleveland air in shorts and shirts.
After making out way again, we walked up to pretty much front and center. The first band, Ohio Sky comes on with a badass intro. They weren't really much of a metal band, and the crowd didn't really seem to care for them. Either way, I thought they were pretty cool.
Next band up was Solipsist, now these guys were a metal band, and they got shit moving fast. Didn't know anything about them, but their set kicked ass. Dude, the best part was they had fucking J Mann come out and sing a song with them. It was probably this song.
Then the host of the evening, Chimaira came out on stage. Talking to people throughout the show, they came from eveeerywhere. There were people from New York, Texas, Wisconsin, all over just for the show. The wait for the show was more than worth it, and it easily took over as show of the year for me. I recorded Mark giving a speech, and then Severed. He was talking about how he read a review about them from Mayhem and said that the article said "They smile too much onstage." That got the place laughing. Not sure why I added that, but I did. Anyway, They played in some kind of order because they played Impossibility songs, then Chimaira songs. then Infection songs, then Pass Out of Existance songs, and finally Resurrection songs. The set list was just amazing, they couldn't have taken any songs out, only added more. I would have liked to have heard Black Heart, Dead Inside, Six, Needle, Impending Doom, Dehumanizing Process and maybe one instrumental..but I can't complain about what we got. I was most surprised by the fact that they didn't play Dehumanizing Process. Anyway I'm not going to just keep rambling about how awesome they were. Towards the end, Mark talked about how they were working on a new album, and that this would be more of an angry Chimaira album. Then he said that they would play a couple riffs off of it. Rob then played some kind of jolly tune and everybody laughed. After Resurrection, Mark grabbed a guitar and I was like "Fuck yeah! Six!" then he just fiddled around and took it off again. Then they spent 10 minutes just throwing shit into the crowd. Easily 200 pics were thrown, or 1,000 sticker promoting The Infection..I caught like 10 of them. Andols threw out two pairs of drumsticks. I think they were throwing bean bags too, at least thats what I thought I felt in my hand. I'm pretty sure another thing was either Chimaira condoms or pins...looked the same. I went looking for a pick on the floor, and found a setlist. I was pretty damn proud of myself.
I am still disappoint about the lack of Six... and I wasn't even there. Anywho, nice review. I've never heard of someone ignoring a setlist thrown into a crowd. Haha
From the show on New Years Eve. This was just before the crowd went batshit crazy. Hopefully someone will post footage from the last three or so songs in the upcoming days.
Sorry for the image problems, I accidently shot it in profile instead of landscape.
JIMMY EAT WORLD - Tempe, AZ (Tostitos New Years Block Party)
I'll make this review brief.
I feel as if I had my greatest concert accomplishment (or at least one of) tonight. The crowd was HUGE, first of all. We gradually made our way to the middle with about four songs left. The Middle came on... we moshed like bosses up to the front (three people or so behind the rail.) Next song... We get pushed back about four or so rows. Next song... we stay there. Final song: I crowdsurf, and as I'm doing so, I look at their singer and extend my hand. He throws a pick RIGHT FUCKING INTO IT... from about fifteen feet away, and I catch it. FUCK. YEA.
I don't feel like getting decked by some fatass with gauges.
Well the wait for the show was unreasonably long, I was so damn excited for it. We arrived in Cleveland an hour and a half early, spent 20 minutes walking around the block of the House of Blues looking for food before we ended up eating at the HOB restaraunt. Turns out if you eat there, you can enter the venue through the back door instead of going back in line. That was quite convenient until we wanted to buy merch. To do so, you have to leave the venue and go by the doors, and from there, there isn't a another line for people that have already been in. Nope, we had to wait in the long ass line in the cold Cleveland air in shorts and shirts.
After making out way again, we walked up to pretty much front and center. The first band, Ohio Sky comes on with a badass intro. They weren't really much of a metal band, and the crowd didn't really seem to care for them. Either way, I thought they were pretty cool.
Next band up was Solipsist, now these guys were a metal band, and they got shit moving fast. Didn't know anything about them, but their set kicked ass. Dude, the best part was they had fucking J Mann come out and sing a song with them. It was probably this song.
Then the host of the evening, Chimaira came out on stage. Talking to people throughout the show, they came from eveeerywhere. There were people from New York, Texas, Wisconsin, all over just for the show. The wait for the show was more than worth it, and it easily took over as show of the year for me. I recorded Mark giving a speech, and then Severed. He was talking about how he read a review about them from Mayhem and said that the article said "They smile too much onstage." That got the place laughing. Not sure why I added that, but I did. Anyway, They played in some kind of order because they played Impossibility songs, then Chimaira songs. then Infection songs, then Pass Out of Existance songs, and finally Resurrection songs. The set list was just amazing, they couldn't have taken any songs out, only added more. I would have liked to have heard Black Heart, Dead Inside, Six, Needle, Impending Doom, Dehumanizing Process and maybe one instrumental..but I can't complain about what we got. I was most surprised by the fact that they didn't play Dehumanizing Process. Anyway I'm not going to just keep rambling about how awesome they were. Towards the end, Mark talked about how they were working on a new album, and that this would be more of an angry Chimaira album. Then he said that they would play a couple riffs off of it. Rob then played some kind of jolly tune and everybody laughed. After Resurrection, Mark grabbed a guitar and I was like "Fuck yeah! Six!" then he just fiddled around and took it off again. Then they spent 10 minutes just throwing shit into the crowd. Easily 200 pics were thrown, or 1,000 sticker promoting The Infection..I caught like 10 of them. Andols threw out two pairs of drumsticks. I think they were throwing bean bags too, at least thats what I thought I felt in my hand. I'm pretty sure another thing was either Chimaira condoms or pins...looked the same. I went looking for a pick on the floor, and found a setlist. I was pretty damn proud of myself.
Anyway, because I'm bored, here is the last video.