Scion Metal Matinee Presents: Trap Them, Black Breath, and Mammoth Grinder
Show was free, had some cool bands on it, so I went. I met up with JagBag beforehand, and we went in. You "had to rsvp to get in" which was bullshit and probably just a way to get email addresses. They never asked for names, they just gave wristbands that said THIS IS A SCION EVENT. Right as we walk in, Adam's friend tells us that there's free shirts upstairs, so we went up. They had tables covered in free shit. They had shirts (of all sizes), keychains w/ earplugs in them, sunglasses (which say on the wrapper that they aren't safe for use as sunglasses), and........socks. I didn't take socks, but a guy Adam knows said he got them from an Ohio Scion event and they are ridiculously warm and are basically hobo socks.
Now, that show we went there for......
Mammoth Grinder: I was just expecting a good band that would set the stage for the others, but holy damn. These guys destroyed, and were easily the best of the night. They are a crust/sludge/grind band from Texas, and they were insane. They didn't talk at all in between songs and they made the most out of their 30 minute set. If they would've played the whole night, I would've been cool with that. Their drummer was insanely tight, and the singer/guitarist looks like Bo Burnham. They abruptly ended their set and left the stage without a word. Fuckin metal, bro.
Black Breath: These guys were pretty cool. They had a sludgy hardcore thrash sound going on that was pretty cool, they had some breakdowns which seemed a bit dragged out. Out of nowhere they did a cover of Sepultura's Desperate Cry which was pretty awesome. The vocalist was kinda weak but he got the job done and seemed like an awesome dude.
Trap Them: A hardcore/grindcore band with that sweet, sweet buzzsaw guitar sound. They came out to a pretty slow "I WILL YELL, INSPIRATIONAL THINGS......TO GET YOU PUMPED UP" type songs, and ended with one as well. I thought this was kinda dumb, especially as the last song because it was a pretty dull ending. They had some awesome grindcore songs that really made their set for me. Their set brought out 2 faggy hardcore dancers at points, which was really lame. A highlight was seeing one of the dancers get blasted out of nowhere by a huge dude. Adam and I were dying laughing. I found it kind of lame that they had more time than they expected, so they said "Oh, I guess we have time for one more. BUT this is not a fuckin encore." Ok bro, we get it, you're an underground band.
All in all, great show. I was annoyed to find out that Scion had Magrudergrind doing shows in other states but whatever. They'll come around here at some point. Check out all of these bands, especially Mammoth Grinder.
i'm bruised, battered, i cant here and my voice hurts from screaming. i'm really exausted.
The World We Knew- these dudes were ok. i think i would have enjoyed them more if i wasnt so anxious for Hatebreed to play. good opening band! 6/10
E-Town- this shit took me back. fucking E-Town Concrete reunion show! great performance, it's cool to see such a diverse band, its awesome! they opened with Baptism, my favorite song by them. the dudes from terror and agnostic fron were there as spectators and joined them onstage for battle lines. lotta fun! 8/10
Hatebreed- they played a ton of old shit since they were doing a show with E-Town. E-town and Hatebreed used to tour together alot in the late 90's early 2000's. Hatebreed opened with Ashes they shall reap and everyone fucking bleeds. then they played the entire Under the Knife EP from like 1995. I havent heard them perform songs like kill and addict and severed in almost ten years, sooo awesome. they played alot of satisfaction. alot of new shit. and the most popular songs from perseverence, supremecy, and the rise of brutality. they played prolly 30 songs! i felt like i was at a hatebreed show from the 90's again. hatebreed is one of the main reasons i like hardcore and metal. it was special to me, it bought me back to the roots of where i started listening to hardcore and going to shows. the pit was absolutely insane. after they played the under the knife EP, i was in the pit for those 5-6 songs, then took a break and got back in towards the end. there were some big boys in that pit. hatebreed always has a perfect mixture of hardcore windmillers and metal slam pits, just mayhem... jersey puts on the wildest shows. jasta even said when they played mayhem in NJ, the paramedics there said to him that they were too crazy and they never seen this many people injured during a performance, and Jasta responded "Nah, it's those Jersey motherfuckers who make it crazy!" Jersey FTW! i've seen hatebreed in alot of places, but seeing them in central jersey is the craziest. its a mix of Philly and NY so you put those ingredients together, chaos insues. i didnt see one fight though. we got respect in our hometown! alot of blood, a few knockouts. i was struck in the chest, head, fell a few times, i dont mind that, i mind the sweaty fucks who take their shirts off and rub into you PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON PUSSY! anyway great show, never been bored at a hatebreed show! already can't wait to see them again, craziest live shows around, best pit around! been seeing hatebreed since the 90's, i'm getting older, but hatebreed will never get old. HATEBREED FTW! 10/10
btw, i copped dillinger/deftones tickets while I was there! i anly seen deftones once and a long time ago in a stadium with metallica, i dont even remember it, so i'm real pumped for that!
That sounds awesome man. I can't wait to see them again. Are they touring now or are they just doing a few dates?
I haven't seen Hatebreed since late 07 with KSE headlining (and since it was at rams head (and with the real bury your dead with matt as singer opening) i pussied out and hung by the balcony
That sounds awesome man. I can't wait to see them again. Are they touring now or are they just doing a few dates?
I haven't seen Hatebreed since late 07 with KSE headlining (and since it was at rams head (and with the real bury your dead with matt as singer opening) i pussied out and hung by the balcony
i got my girl a nice cosy seat in the balcony so i could wreck shit in the pit and not have to worry for her safety. woman and children should not be anywhere near hatebreed pits. some dumb bitch crowd surfed prolly 40 times over and over again and she had some like highheel boots on almost poked me in the eye. if your gonna crowdsurf, dont wear sharp boots, i wanted to smack a bitch.
btw, i copped dillinger/deftones tickets while I was there! i anly seen deftones once and a long time ago in a stadium with metallica, i dont even remember it, so i'm real pumped for that!
Dep live is just like hatebreed fucking crazy. They kicked ass at warped tour. they were so loud it was perfect.
These are the songs Hatebreed played, theyre not in order, i looked through there albums and put down the songs I remember them playing. This is prolly the most brutal Hatebreed setlist ever. At the show Jasta said that the dudes from Terror told them they had to play the perfect setlist. I think they acheived it except I wish they would have played You Are Never Alone. but this set was Epic, look at all the old shit they havent played in years! I didnt realize how kickass this shit was till i looked at the songs again and thought to myself, "wow they played this shit too" HATEBREED FTW!
Smash Your Enemies Kill An Addict Under The Knife Filth Not One Truth Severed Puritan Empty Promises Before Dishonor Last Breath Burial for the Living Proven Perseverance I Will Be Heard A Call for Blood Tear It Down Straight to Your Face Live for This Doomsayer Beholder of Justice This is Now Defeatist Mind Over All To the Threshold Destroy Everything As Diehard As They Come In Ashes They Shall Reap Hands of a Dying Man Everyone Bleeds Now Every Lasting Scar
Show was free, had some cool bands on it, so I went. I met up with JagBag beforehand, and we went in. You "had to rsvp to get in" which was bullshit and probably just a way to get email addresses. They never asked for names, they just gave wristbands that said THIS IS A SCION EVENT. Right as we walk in, Adam's friend tells us that there's free shirts upstairs, so we went up. They had tables covered in free shit. They had shirts (of all sizes), keychains w/ earplugs in them, sunglasses (which say on the wrapper that they aren't safe for use as sunglasses), and........socks. I didn't take socks, but a guy Adam knows said he got them from an Ohio Scion event and they are ridiculously warm and are basically hobo socks.
Now, that show we went there for......
Mammoth Grinder: I was just expecting a good band that would set the stage for the others, but holy damn. These guys destroyed, and were easily the best of the night. They are a crust/sludge/grind band from Texas, and they were insane. They didn't talk at all in between songs and they made the most out of their 30 minute set. If they would've played the whole night, I would've been cool with that. Their drummer was insanely tight, and the singer/guitarist looks like Bo Burnham. They abruptly ended their set and left the stage without a word. Fuckin metal, bro.
Black Breath: These guys were pretty cool. They had a sludgy hardcore thrash sound going on that was pretty cool, they had some breakdowns which seemed a bit dragged out. Out of nowhere they did a cover of Sepultura's Desperate Cry which was pretty awesome. The vocalist was kinda weak but he got the job done and seemed like an awesome dude.
Trap Them: A hardcore/grindcore band with that sweet, sweet buzzsaw guitar sound. They came out to a pretty slow "I WILL YELL, INSPIRATIONAL THINGS......TO GET YOU PUMPED UP" type songs, and ended with one as well. I thought this was kinda dumb, especially as the last song because it was a pretty dull ending. They had some awesome grindcore songs that really made their set for me. Their set brought out 2 faggy hardcore dancers at points, which was really lame. A highlight was seeing one of the dancers get blasted out of nowhere by a huge dude. Adam and I were dying laughing. I found it kind of lame that they had more time than they expected, so they said "Oh, I guess we have time for one more. BUT this is not a fuckin encore." Ok bro, we get it, you're an underground band.
All in all, great show. I was annoyed to find out that Scion had Magrudergrind doing shows in other states but whatever. They'll come around here at some point. Check out all of these bands, especially Mammoth Grinder.
Good review though and I continue to hear nothing but good things about Mammoth Grinder.
The World We Knew- these dudes were ok. i think i would have enjoyed them more if i wasnt so anxious for Hatebreed to play. good opening band! 6/10
E-Town- this shit took me back. fucking E-Town Concrete reunion show! great performance, it's cool to see such a diverse band, its awesome! they opened with Baptism, my favorite song by them. the dudes from terror and agnostic fron were there as spectators and joined them onstage for battle lines. lotta fun! 8/10
Hatebreed- they played a ton of old shit since they were doing a show with E-Town. E-town and Hatebreed used to tour together alot in the late 90's early 2000's. Hatebreed opened with Ashes they shall reap and everyone fucking bleeds. then they played the entire Under the Knife EP from like 1995. I havent heard them perform songs like kill and addict and severed in almost ten years, sooo awesome. they played alot of satisfaction. alot of new shit. and the most popular songs from perseverence, supremecy, and the rise of brutality. they played prolly 30 songs! i felt like i was at a hatebreed show from the 90's again. hatebreed is one of the main reasons i like hardcore and metal. it was special to me, it bought me back to the roots of where i started listening to hardcore and going to shows. the pit was absolutely insane. after they played the under the knife EP, i was in the pit for those 5-6 songs, then took a break and got back in towards the end. there were some big boys in that pit. hatebreed always has a perfect mixture of hardcore windmillers and metal slam pits, just mayhem... jersey puts on the wildest shows. jasta even said when they played mayhem in NJ, the paramedics there said to him that they were too crazy and they never seen this many people injured during a performance, and Jasta responded "Nah, it's those Jersey motherfuckers who make it crazy!" Jersey FTW! i've seen hatebreed in alot of places, but seeing them in central jersey is the craziest. its a mix of Philly and NY so you put those ingredients together, chaos insues. i didnt see one fight though. we got respect in our hometown! alot of blood, a few knockouts. i was struck in the chest, head, fell a few times, i dont mind that, i mind the sweaty fucks who take their shirts off and rub into you PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON PUSSY! anyway great show, never been bored at a hatebreed show! already can't wait to see them again, craziest live shows around, best pit around! been seeing hatebreed since the 90's, i'm getting older, but hatebreed will never get old. HATEBREED FTW! 10/10
btw, i copped dillinger/deftones tickets while I was there! i anly seen deftones once and a long time ago in a stadium with metallica, i dont even remember it, so i'm real pumped for that!
Dep live is just like hatebreed fucking crazy. They kicked ass at warped tour.
they were so loud it was perfect.
Smash Your Enemies
Kill An Addict
Under The Knife
Not One Truth
Empty Promises
Before Dishonor
Last Breath
Burial for the Living
I Will Be Heard
A Call for Blood
Tear It Down
Straight to Your Face
Live for This
Beholder of Justice
This is Now
Mind Over All
To the Threshold
Destroy Everything
As Diehard As They Come
In Ashes They Shall Reap
Hands of a Dying Man
Everyone Bleeds Now
Every Lasting Scar