LP is irrelevant now. Can't stand them and their pop ways. Disturbed gets boring and can get on my nerves quick...I honestly never want to see them live again. Static X has had this unique own sound thing going on to me, can't exactly put my finger on it. I can get how Deftones can have their own genre because no one else out there sounds like them. Manson is more shock rock, or rather now he's rock with some goth/industrial elements thrown in. Godsmack is just hard rock really with some nu metal thrown in imo. Idk what their recent albums have sounded like though
i dont mind amon amarth but you cant really make fun of bands like disturbed whent theyre are hundreds of 'real' metal bands out there that sing about just as stupid stuff as nu metal.. the musicianship is obv better but thats never really been that important to me anyways
whatever, ozzy can sing about fucking iron man, which is fucking goofy if u ask me but that song is amazing yet if another band like disturbed had the same lyrics they would suck]
also the when it comes to musicianship ive always like songs that had like a groove to it, some bands are filthy but they loose any sort of rhythm or melody.. i mean look at like smoke on the water or sabbath bloody sabbath.. simple riffs yet they get the job done.. but if a nu metal band plays a song in drop d then that alone makes it horrible... dumb imo
whatever, ozzy can sing about fucking iron man, which is fucking goofy if u ask me but that song is amazing yet if another band like disturbed had the same lyrics they would suck]
also the when it comes to musicianship ive always like songs that had like a groove to it, some bands are filthy but they loose any sort of rhythm or melody.. i mean look at like smoke on the water or sabbath bloody sabbath.. simple riffs yet they get the job done.. but if a nu metal band plays a song in drop d then that alone makes it horrible... dumb imo
I have no idea what Disturbed sings about, they just suck
i mean disturbed deserves all the shit they get, dramen is a pussy and they totally sold out hardcore, but i think some metalheads are like just in this bubble of liking certain songs or bands are just taboo.. i like more underground bands but in the metal world its like the more catchy the song the shittier it was back in the early 00's when nu metal was god, but then this folk metal scene comes around and its the same fuckin formula as nu metal.. same albums put out 1000 times same lyrics, same instrumentation, catchy little jingles and yet that can be respected.. its all a load of crap...yall are followers some it just more subtle than others
cf, you really have trouble finding the main points of what people say sometimes, you already got a programed answer in your head.
there is OBV a folk metal scene in the metal comunnity, if you cant even notice it from this site alone then your are pretty much a dumbfuck. the folk metal formula is exactly the same as nu metal..the only difference is that instead of embracing all the tough wannabe douches it attracts all the nerds who can have a niche and fit in, but its all the same crap.. ya the musicinaship is better in folk metal ill give you that, but once again the musicianship is still meant to be catchy which is what nu metal does to.. so if you wanna make fun of nu metal go ahead but imo then you cant like folk metal or you sound pretty hypocritical in my book
Godsmack, Disturbed, FFDP, Drowning Pool = Wrestling Rock
also the when it comes to musicianship ive always like songs that had like a groove to it, some bands are filthy but they loose any sort of rhythm or melody.. i mean look at like smoke on the water or sabbath bloody sabbath.. simple riffs yet they get the job done.. but if a nu metal band plays a song in drop d then that alone makes it horrible... dumb imo
Disturbed didn't sell out, they have always sucked.
There is no "folk metal scene", because it isn't even remotely popular like nu-metal, metalcore, and deathcore.
there is OBV a folk metal scene in the metal comunnity, if you cant even notice it from this site alone then your are pretty much a dumbfuck. the folk metal formula is exactly the same as nu metal..the only difference is that instead of embracing all the tough wannabe douches it attracts all the nerds who can have a niche and fit in, but its all the same crap.. ya the musicinaship is better in folk metal ill give you that, but once again the musicianship is still meant to be catchy which is what nu metal does to.. so if you wanna make fun of nu metal go ahead but imo then you cant like folk metal or you sound pretty hypocritical in my book