I like a lot of music that is considered nu metal. I really think it's an age group thing. I went through a grung phase then a rap phase so a lot of that kinda fit in and helped bring me back to listening to harder music. I have always like keyboards and samples and a lot of nu metal bands use them so that drew me to it as well.
They're the only other ones I can't get sick of, idk why. Maybe it's cuz I listened to both of the originals alot when I was little. The original Land of Confusion video is still one of my all time favorites. You don't get those kinds of videos anymore either (
They're the only other ones I can't get sick of, idk why. Maybe it's cuz I listened to both of the originals alot when I was little. The original Land of Confusion video is still one of my all time favorites. You don't get those kinds of videos anymore either (
I liked alot of that shit back in the day like old Korn, Deftones, RATM, SOAD, etc. but I find myself not having any desire to listen to any of it anymore.
I wouldnt consider deftones nu metal, to me there just a hevy rock band, theyre kind of in their own category, i havent heard any other band like them. when i think of nu metal, i think of alternative, hardrcock, rap infusion.
They're the only other ones I can't get sick of, idk why. Maybe it's cuz I listened to both of the originals alot when I was little. The original Land of Confusion video is still one of my all time favorites. You don't get those kinds of videos anymore either (
That's cause MTV doesn't play videos anymore
Has nothing to do with it. Videos these days use pretty much all cgi special effects or some dumb shit. Videos now don't even compare to the videos of the 80's and 90's.
I liked alot of that shit back in the day like old Korn, Deftones, RATM, SOAD, etc. but I find myself not having any desire to listen to any of it anymore.
You probably got bored with it or got sick of it. Just my guess
Genesis' Land of Confusion video is fucking creepy.
I thought the video was great when I was little, even laughed at parts. Still do
You probably got bored with it or got sick of it. Just my guess I thought the video was great when I was little, even laughed at parts. Still do
godsmack just sucks....