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bible/gov bashing for shane

WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
edited February 2012 in Off Topic
Or really for anyone, but I thought he'd get the most lol's out of this.



  • JillianJillian Posts: 1,574
    I'm a Christian, but people take the Bible too literally...
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Im an atheist who has read the bible more then twice, and tend to agree with you. I still found it funny that this jackass cc'd those women supporting the bill.

    And Shane is the type that likes to take random bible passages out of the OT as proof that God doesnt exist. I tend to not believe in God because I think the idea of a God is stupid.
  • JillianJillian Posts: 1,574
    Im an atheist who has read the bible more then twice, and tend to agree with you. I still found it funny that this jackass cc'd those women supporting the bill.

    And Shane is the type that likes to take random bible passages out of the OT as proof that God doesnt exist. I tend to not believe in God because I think the idea of a God is stupid.
    I see your point. Not everyone will believe in it, and I'm okay with that. As long as you don't tell me I'm wrong, I'm good. I don't get why people make a point to tell me I'm wrong though.. It's not like they'll suddenly change my views.
    A way, not my way, to look at believing in God is: Why not? Once you're dead, it won't matter if he isn't real. But if He is, your ass is saved.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    if you really look at the words of jesus your saved either way
  • JillianJillian Posts: 1,574
    if you really look at the words of jesus your saved either way
    Where does it say that?
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    in the new testament
  • JillianJillian Posts: 1,574
    in the new testament
    Where in the new testament..
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    the part where jesus dies for your sins
  • JillianJillian Posts: 1,574
    So you think because of that automatically everyone goes to Heaven?
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    edited February 2012
    well no i dont believe in heaven at all

    but if you want to believe what jesus really said (some of this didnt make the bible for obvious reason)
    he said no one goes to hell, no one (there is no hell, something they conjured up over the years to scare people)
    they way i and many other interpret it is that there is some sort of purgatory you would have to go to before you could reach heaven if you lived in sin your whole life

    also theres nothing wrong with repenting on your death bed, gotta love forgiveness!!
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited February 2012

    A way, not my way, to look at believing in God is: Why not? Once you're dead, it won't matter if he isn't real. But if He is, your ass is saved.
    I actually went through a period in my life where I did take out an "insurance" premium on Christianity. I did exactly as you said but I like to word it this way: "If I go to church, and decide to believe in God, and pray, and had bible studies, What do I lose if I am wrong and there is no god? Like 1% of my time in life. That is a pretty small price to pay if I am wrong. However If I decide to not believe in God and I am wrong, then what is the price I pay? devastating."

    Anyways- I did that for a while and it was what it was, but at some point in time I realized that no matter how much I want to believe, I simply just don't believe. I can say I do, walk the walk, and talk the talk, but when it is all said and done I am just not being myself. I'm being hypocritical.

    The only thing that bugs me about some Christians (and really some atheists too), is they feel that the bible in and of itself is proof of God. However the bible starts out "In the beginning God" or in other words "Assume God exists, then here is a story about him". There is no proof of existence possible with that book, because the whole assumption of that book is that you believe in God. I'm cool with anyone believing in God and having faith that the bible is a story about him... But I find it frustrating that more people dont really consider the assumption before diving head first into "believing".
  • JillianJillian Posts: 1,574
    well no i dont believe in heaven at all

    but if you want to believe what jesus really said (some of this didnt make the bible for obvious reason)
    he said no one goes to hell, no one (there is no hell, something they conjured up over the years to scare people)
    they way i and many other interpret it is that there is some sort of purgatory you would have to go to before you could reach heaven if you lived in sin your whole life

    also theres nothing wrong with repenting on your death bed, gotta love forgiveness!!
    Purgatory doesn't exist with my beliefs. I think once you die, if you don't believe in God/have never asked for forgiveness, you go to Hell. And that's that. If you do believe in him, you go to Heaven. No in between.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I also sometimes think Christianity and most metal are in great opposition.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    well no i dont believe in heaven at all

    but if you want to believe what jesus really said (some of this didnt make the bible for obvious reason)
    he said no one goes to hell, no one (there is no hell, something they conjured up over the years to scare people)
    they way i and many other interpret it is that there is some sort of purgatory you would have to go to before you could reach heaven if you lived in sin your whole life

    also theres nothing wrong with repenting on your death bed, gotta love forgiveness!!
    Purgatory doesn't exist with my beliefs. I think once you die, if you don't believe in God/have never asked for forgiveness, you go to Hell. And that's that. If you do believe in him, you go to Heaven. No in between.
    well thats fine if you want to invent your own thing but that is not consistent with what jesus said..jusayinnn
  • JillianJillian Posts: 1,574
    I understand, Wake. I don't believe in God just because of what the Bible states. I believe in him because I see so much every day that's so beautiful, the only possible explanation is God. And I get comfort and security when praying, and I don't think that's just all in my head.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    I understand, Wake. I don't believe in God just because of what the Bible states. I believe in him because I see so much every day that's so beautiful, the only possible explanation is God. And I get comfort and security when praying, and I don't think that's just all in my head.
    pyschological studies have shown that it actually is all in your head...and also where there is beauty there is also horror and destruction and ugliness on the other side
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I understand, Wake. I don't believe in God just because of what the Bible states. I believe in him because I see so much every day that's so beautiful, the only possible explanation is God. And I get comfort and security when praying, and I don't think that's just all in my head.
    That's good. Just want to add- that reply wasnt directed towards you nor your belief. I was just speaking in generalities. I'm pretty cool with anyone believing whatever they want to believe.
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    I take everything in the bible with a grain of salt. People have changed it too much where I call that book a bunch of bullshit
  • JillianJillian Posts: 1,574
    I am too, but I already mentioned how I don't understand why people try to tell me I'm wrong (Nola). It's not worth their time. Not going to change my mind. People can believe in whatever as long as they don't try to prove me wrong and slam my religion.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    taking something with a grain of salt and calling something complete bullshit are different stances entirely lol
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