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  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    What you described wasn't a trip. Take your third double hit of acid and you'll know.

    Good to see you back, however, high musings are some excellent fun to read.

    Thread overall C-, would probably not read again.
    It was bordering on one, I did have closed eye hallucinations, I do know that it's not the same as a shroom or acid trip though, I've done hours of research on DXM, I know it's somewhat dangerous, so I didn't just hop into it, read a lot about it before I did it, and I've looked up even more since then. But yea, those posts.......I don't even KNOW what the fuck was going on, I was just rambling lol. Inner monologue.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    How high are chances of OD if you know what you're doing...

    Low. Impossible actually. I couldn't have OD'd last night from 600mg, worse that could have happened is I could have flipped out and had a bad trip. My weight benefits me as well, I'm 190, but 600mg for someone that was, say, 150, would be well over a full third plateau trip.

  • JillianJillian Posts: 1,574
    How high are chances of OD if you know what you're doing...

    Low. Impossible actually. I couldn't have OD'd last night from 600mg, worse that could have happened is I could have flipped out and had a bad trip. My weight benefits me as well, I'm 190, but 600mg for someone that was, say, 150, would be well over a full third plateau trip.

    Then why listen to Distance or even care what she has to say if there is a 99.9% chance you won't OD.

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    erik ure fukkin grounded [-(
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    How high are chances of OD if you know what you're doing...
    OD'ing on DXM is unlikely in the first place, because toxic levels are really fucking high. I'm not even sure the 2000 mg Erik described would do it.

    However, an old drug adage in Berkeley was that every person who died from drugs knew what they were doing. Probably why I haven't touched a drug in about a month now.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    How high are chances of OD if you know what you're doing...

    Low. Impossible actually. I couldn't have OD'd last night from 600mg, worse that could have happened is I could have flipped out and had a bad trip. My weight benefits me as well, I'm 190, but 600mg for someone that was, say, 150, would be well over a full third plateau trip.

    Then why listen to Distance or even care what she has to say if there is a 99.9% chance you won't OD.

    Well she didn't say I'll OD, just that I'll be an addict lol. Apparently you can't be young and experiment and have fun without being a future addict. But nah, I don't care ultimately, which is why I was a sarcastic dick and just passed it off, I know myself, I'm nowhere near addicted or dependent on drugs. We'll be fine.

  • JillianJillian Posts: 1,574
    How high are chances of OD if you know what you're doing...
    OD'ing on DXM is unlikely in the first place, because toxic levels are really fucking high. I'm not even sure the 2000 mg Erik described would do it.

    However, an old drug adage in Berkeley was that every person who died from drugs knew what they were doing. Probably why I haven't touched a drug in about a month now.
    It was mainly a rhetorical question.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    fuckin 15 yr olds, how do they work?
  • JillianJillian Posts: 1,574
    Lol. Uhm, I have to agree with Distant then.. Pretty much every addict says that. It starts out as experimenting and turns into addiction.
  • JillianJillian Posts: 1,574
    fuckin 15 yr olds, how do they work?
    Well, since every man in my family is an addict I know a bit about it. Brother went to rehab yesterday for the 5th time.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    How high are chances of OD if you know what you're doing...
    OD'ing on DXM is unlikely in the first place, because toxic levels are really fucking high. I'm not even sure the 2000 mg Erik described would do it.

    However, an old drug adage in Berkeley was that every person who died from drugs knew what they were doing. Probably why I haven't touched a drug in about a month now.
    Huh? On the last part, I mean.
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    How high are chances of OD if you know what you're doing...
    OD'ing on DXM is unlikely in the first place, because toxic levels are really fucking high. I'm not even sure the 2000 mg Erik described would do it.
    However, an old drug adage in Berkeley was that every person who died from drugs knew what they were doing. Probably why I haven't touched a drug in about a month now.
    It was mainly a rhetorical question.

    Ron Swanson as an avatar used to be Brad Sanders' thing :-<, nostalgia trip...
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • JillianJillian Posts: 1,574
    How high are chances of OD if you know what you're doing...
    OD'ing on DXM is unlikely in the first place, because toxic levels are really fucking high. I'm not even sure the 2000 mg Erik described would do it.
    However, an old drug adage in Berkeley was that every person who died from drugs knew what they were doing. Probably why I haven't touched a drug in about a month now.
    It was mainly a rhetorical question.

    Ron Swanson as an avatar used to be Brad Sanders' thing :-<, nostalgia trip...</p>
    Not sure who that is, but he must have had good taste.

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    fuckin 15 yr olds, how do they work?
    Well, since every man in my family is an addict I know a bit about it. Brother went to rehab yesterday for the 5th time.
    im pretty sure everyone knows someone who abuses drugs sweetheart

  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Lol. Uhm, I have to agree with Distant then.. Pretty much every addict says that. It starts out as experimenting and turns into addiction.

    Sure. Better go get some DXM tonight to continue on my path to destruction. :-bd
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Huh? On the last part, I mean.
    Basically it's a word of warning to other drug users. Meaning, all of the OD's that you'd hear about were from people looking to get just a little bit higher than last time. Even if you think you're know what you're doing, know the risks. Moral of the story.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • JillianJillian Posts: 1,574
    fuckin 15 yr olds, how do they work?
    Well, since every man in my family is an addict I know a bit about it. Brother went to rehab yesterday for the 5th time.
    im pretty sure everyone knows someone who abuses drugs sweetheart

    Then don't question how if I know what I'm talking about.

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    your 15 i know u have no idea what ur talking about, i know cuz i was 15 once and i didnt know shit
    15 year olds dont know shit. True story.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Huh? On the last part, I mean.
    Basically it's a word of warning to other drug users. Meaning, all of the OD's that you'd hear about were from people looking to get just a little bit higher than last time. Even if you think you're know what you're doing, know the risks. Moral of the story.
    Ah yea, fosho. I think the highest I'll go is 600mg with DXM, it was extremely intense, while still comfortable, and literally bordering on a third plateau trip. According to Dextroverse's dosage calculator based on weight, the minimum dosage for me for third plateau is 660mg.

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