I'm really good. I don't know what the fuck's going on right now, I'm so high I feel as if I'm in the computer as I typr this. I am tripping my ass off and it feels amazing,
So you think maybe this is a different Erik, and the Erik we all know and love is visiting this Erik in his home universe.
Motherfucking multiverse theory.
Please don't type this shit, this just made me think for 10 minutes, I'm too high for this. What if I am? Damn...
erik was thinking for 10 minutes on a post posted 6 minutes ago that means he is thinking faster then the speed of time
Well think about it. You know how they say you get abducted by aliens and they run tests on you for what feels like hours their time, but it's only been a second our time. So maybe he isn't another Erik from another universe...he's pulling a cartmen and getting an anal probe.
So you think maybe this is a different Erik, and the Erik we all know and love is visiting this Erik in his home universe.
Motherfucking multiverse theory.
Please don't type this shit, this just made me think for 10 minutes, I'm too high for this. What if I am? Damn...
erik was thinking for 10 minutes on a post posted 6 minutes ago that means he is thinking faster then the speed of time
Well think about it. You know how they say you get abducted by aliens and they run tests on you for what feels like hours their time, but it's only been a second our time. So maybe he isn't another Erik from another universe...he's pulling a cartmen and getting an anal probe.
Why do you do this to me? I feel disconnected, like my mind is roaming, but I'm not scared. I love this. I've never felt so peaceful. The Weeknd is carrying me right now and flowing so perfectly, I hadn't even realized the song changed.
It feels like hours have passed. But it's been 10 minutes according to this clock. This Music is unlike anything I;ve ever experineced. It sounds like it's coming from the air and it's locked in my head, this is indescribable. I apologize it's hard to type. I'm in absolute bliss. This is a new level for me. It feels so good. I ain't scared of the fall.
Wow. Feels like a nother hour passed i jusrt looked out my window and stuck my head out and everything was so peaceful. Pure bliss. Everythinh was so quiet and still I've nevcer felt my mind come together so perfectly before.
I apologize I don't know why I;m writibg this, I'm in a completely different mindset right now and I suppose I'm kind of documenting it and talking to myself right now. Why can't sobriety feel like this? I love life. I've never felt so ultimately at peace and happy before.
Motherfucking multiverse theory.
I apologize I don't know why I;m writibg this, I'm in a completely different mindset right now and I suppose I'm kind of documenting it and talking to myself right now. Why can't sobriety feel like this? I love life. I've never felt so ultimately at peace and happy before.
Yooo not right for me to watvh right now. Wow. That was something else.
- Erik is still a douche
- The End?