Btw, all that shit with red crap all over it is lining from the uterus. The thing separated from the rest of it is the actual fetal tissue.
Let's put to death all the brazen hussies that think it's okay to live their lives instead of give birth to something that they don't love because we're pro-life!
Nola, you do realize you made a claim that you understand how the government works while also saying you believe ron paul will fix everything and do everything he says he'll do if he got into office. you're contradicting yourself so much. if you understood how the government works, you'd know that it is not at all possible for that to ever happen. so please, just stop.
I know how govt works sweetie, ive taken over 10 political science classes including a class called The United States well aware of checks and well aware of each branchs duty in our political system.... what i am saying is based on ron pauls track record and his political stance i believe he would make a good president...if i am not to rate a candidate on his congressional past and political issues, how pretell am i supposed to judge a candidate?
are you sure your conservative bias isn't getting in the way of your thinking right now? because that's exactly what this sounds like. you're saying that ron paul is god's damn gift to this world and he's going to raise his magic wand and fix all these things that he claims he will fix.
once again, if those classes actually taught you anything, you'd know it would never be possible for him to get everything through. CONGRESS HAS TO VOTE ON IT. if congress won't back him then nothing will happen and congress 90% of the time does what it wants. please, keep repeating to me that he's not some flipflopper. it's not going to matter one bit when congress doesn't give a shit about what he wants or when he has to attach some other stuff congress wants to bills just to get what he wants through and it may be something you're totally against, but he'll have to compromise with them.
seriously. are you really that blind? did you sleep through all those classes taught by hacks at your community college? I've only had to take two classes and I seem to understand A LOT more than you about the government.
once again not answering my question at all, btw im not even a republican, im an independent, a centralist, moderate whatever you wanna call it
how am i suppose to rate a candidate for president then honestly....for example why did you vote for obama since he cant do anything without congress according to you, why would you vote for obama? specific reasons not just crap like he would bring change or hope n shit
and once again, you are ignoring the point of my argument. I'll wait. I'm not arguing with you about obama vs paul so stop trying to bring that into this.
whats your point again?? your all over the place cuz your avoiding my question for the third time... is your point that obama cant flip flop because congress has to vote on it? well if that your point then your wrong already lol... listen closely Federal task forces ( not brought on by congress at all but by federal agaencies) are raiding medical marijuana stores and stuff in california...obama promised no federal involvement in medical marijuana and said he would leave it up to the states yet he isnt DOING ANYTHING to stop this ridiculous task forces proving that he is a pussy and is not standing for what he said in any way whatsoever.. or was your point something else??
i am not voting for ron paul because he is going to act upon every political stance he has taken, i am going to vote for him becuase
1. i agree with most of his political stances 2. i believe him to be the most honest candidate 3. he USUALLy tends to stay in the middle of the political spectrum and i really like that in a candidate 4. he is MOSTLY for personal freedoms and states rights which i really like
i dont view him as this martyr, just the best presidential candidate
CBS just cut Ron Paul's debate to 89 seconds. He was good amazing feed back from the crowd and everyone and they cut it to 89 seconds. It was an hour long debate and they fucked him over cause they don't want him to win. Shit sucks man. This just happened right now to.
Just because he voted one way on a particular bill doesn't mean you can know his intentions behind it.
For example he was the only one who voted against awarding Rosa Parks and Mother Theresa these "lifetime achievement" medals because he didn't want the government spending money that it doesn't need to spend (the medals would have been $100 a piece).
Granted I would have voted against Mother Theresa too but that's besides the point. I'm just saying this guy is a bit more of a wild card than the other Republicans.
it be like if a candidate turned down a bill for 345 billion dollars to a school fund to give laptops to each student and you said "this candidate hates children and hates them learning"
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
whats your point again?? your all over the place cuz your avoiding my question for the third time... is your point that obama cant flip flop because congress has to vote on it? well if that your point then your wrong already lol... listen closely Federal task forces ( not brought on by congress at all but by federal agaencies) are raiding medical marijuana stores and stuff in california...obama promised no federal involvement in medical marijuana and said he would leave it up to the states yet he isnt DOING ANYTHING to stop this ridiculous task forces proving that he is a pussy and is not standing for what he said in any way whatsoever.. or was your point something else??
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I love how people are so against abortion but also so against paying for the child or caring about it's rights after it's born.
I wonder if it was a gay fetus would republicans still fight for its rights?
1. i agree with most of his political stances
2. i believe him to be the most honest candidate
3. he USUALLy tends to stay in the middle of the political spectrum and i really like that in a candidate
4. he is MOSTLY for personal freedoms and states rights which i really like
i dont view him as this martyr, just the best presidential candidate
Seems pretty standard and stereotypical to me.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
For example he was the only one who voted against awarding Rosa Parks and Mother Theresa these "lifetime achievement" medals because he didn't want the government spending money that it doesn't need to spend (the medals would have been $100 a piece).
Granted I would have voted against Mother Theresa too but that's besides the point. I'm just saying this guy is a bit more of a wild card than the other Republicans.
it be like if a candidate turned down a bill for 345 billion dollars to a school fund to give laptops to each student and you said "this candidate hates children and hates them learning"
its not like it matters.