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  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    It's logical to love your family because you made it, and you should take responsibility to help it be successful in soceity so it can benefit you and everyone else, lol.
    benefit you you how?? by showing you the power of human connections and love or benefitting you financially and what not
    It benefits you financially to help out your family, because then they can help you out, and fulfill your Maslow hierarchy of needs. Then, if you and your family are more financially well off because of getting proper education and whatnot, you can benefit society by paying more taxes for programs, and being successful citizens, etc.

    Can you reply to the last post I made regarding the other subject please? I really want to hear more. I'm really enjoying this conversation. :)
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    what subject repeat the question
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    edited September 2011
    The one where I'm asking why I'm self absorbed for aborting if I got pregnant, and then stating my reasoning.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    It's logical to love your family because you made it, and you should take responsibility to help it be successful in soceity so it can benefit you and everyone else, lol.
    benefit you you how?? by showing you the power of human connections and love or benefitting you financially and what not
    It benefits you financially to help out your family, because then they can help you out, and fulfill your Maslow hierarchy of needs. Then, if you and your family are more financially well off because of getting proper education and whatnot, you can benefit society by paying more taxes for programs, and being successful citizens, etc.

    Can you reply to the last post I made regarding the other subject please? I really want to hear more. I'm really enjoying this conversation. :)
    so education and financial stability is more important than the love of your family interesting
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    It's logical to love your family because you made it, and you should take responsibility to help it be successful in soceity so it can benefit you and everyone else, lol.
    benefit you you how?? by showing you the power of human connections and love or benefitting you financially and what not
    It benefits you financially to help out your family, because then they can help you out, and fulfill your Maslow hierarchy of needs. Then, if you and your family are more financially well off because of getting proper education and whatnot, you can benefit society by paying more taxes for programs, and being successful citizens, etc.

    Can you reply to the last post I made regarding the other subject please? I really want to hear more. I'm really enjoying this conversation. :)
    so education and financial stability is more important than the love of your family interesting
    Well, when you get down to it, that is the reason you care about someone because they benefit you in some way. That's why I mentioned the hierarchy of needs, because that includes love/belonging, and esteem which both comes from other people.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    The one where I'm asking why I'm self absorbed for aborting if I got pregnant, and then stating my reasoning.
    i personally feel one could at least be strong enough to give a baby up for adoption to give it a chance in life, i dont think thats an unbearable process, i think its a process that most people would chose not to go through but we cant choose everything in life or else we would all have a designed plan which we dont.. i believe you could man up and understand that the hardness it is for you to let go of your child is less than the complete life that now gets to take place
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    It's logical to love your family because you made it, and you should take responsibility to help it be successful in soceity so it can benefit you and everyone else, lol.
    benefit you you how?? by showing you the power of human connections and love or benefitting you financially and what not
    It benefits you financially to help out your family, because then they can help you out, and fulfill your Maslow hierarchy of needs. Then, if you and your family are more financially well off because of getting proper education and whatnot, you can benefit society by paying more taxes for programs, and being successful citizens, etc.

    Can you reply to the last post I made regarding the other subject please? I really want to hear more. I'm really enjoying this conversation. :)
    so education and financial stability is more important than the love of your family interesting
    Well, when you get down to it, that is the reason you care about someone because they benefit you in some way. That's why I mentioned the hierarchy of needs, because that includes love/belonging, and esteem which both comes from other people.
    so what if a father dies giving a kidney to there dying son so he could live benefitting him?? cuz people do stuff like that all the time
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    edited September 2011
    The one where I'm asking why I'm self absorbed for aborting if I got pregnant, and then stating my reasoning.
    i personally feel one could at least be strong enough to give a baby up for adoption to give it a chance in life, i dont think thats an unbearable process, i think its a process that most people would chose not to go through but we cant choose everything in life or else we would all have a designed plan which we dont.. i believe you could man up and understand that the hardness it is for you to let go of your child is less than the complete life that now gets to take place
    I couldn't live with myself if I had to give it up for adoption, because there are too many abandoned, unwanted children in this world, and not all of them get adopted, even in America and first world countries. And making my own isn't acceptable because I have plenty to choose from who are already here.
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip

    so what if a father dies giving a kidney to there dying son so he could live benefitting him?? cuz people do stuff like that all the time
    Yes, because he wouldn't be happy with himself if he let his son die. He would die happy, knowing he did a wonderful thing for someone he loves.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    there are other loving families tho that would make there life if you gave them a baby...there will ALWAYS be unwanted babies in this world and you cant change that fact unfortunately, there will always be starving, always be pain, always be war..but you can make the right decision personally and let some have a life regardless of the pain of others.. if your only option after having a baby you didnt want was to throw it in a dumpster then i would say abort it but if it has a chance to go to a family tht would benefit them mutually i can say that is selfish and im not changing my mind on that
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    But I don't think it's right to have something you were trying to prevent in the first place. You shouldn't abandon something you chose to let get developed enough to become a human being. It is illegal to perform abortions when heart and brain waves are present, and even then you still can't tell a human fetus from another animal's. They do them before that time.

    I think our main disagreement here is when life begins. If I don't consider that fetus a human and don't care for it, then why is it wrong for me to remove it from my body? I honestly don't understand how, if I'm already on birth control trying to prevent from having a child in the first place, and would gladly get my uterus taken out to be 100% sterile but am not able to, and would abort it if my birth control failed (because I took so many measures from that to happen already), that is so awful and selfish. Especially if I don't consider it to be a human, and don't care about it because it is not sentient.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    edited September 2011
    well you dont want to think of it as a human because you dont want to feel bad for it...i babay who is out of the womb offers no benefit to pretty much anyone (other than love) yet by your thought process it will be beneficial to let it grow into a fully functional person..well isnt this the same?? it is GOING to be a person so your stopping that person from make it sound like i have the answers i dont..i think its a shitty situation that some people cant just enjoy sex without having to worry about having a child they dont want..dont blame me its not my system lol..but to convince yourself that its not going to be a person is just a self pyschological healing tool people come up with...if u dont want a kid that badly have anal sex and do blowjobs..or if you dont want kids that badly have tubes tied, have the balls cut off lol and be on birth control and wear a condom..other wise deal with the seriosu rammifications of your actions..its your human responsiblity, sorry its so hard, like i said i didnt design it
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    edited September 2011
    But I WANT to get my tubes tied or my uterus taken out. But I'm not able to yet. I'm birth control, and it's not my fault if it fails. I should be able to have sex whenever I want without having a kid that my parents don't even want me to have because they don't want to be burdened by it. And I would much rather not push out ANOTHER unwanted child to the thousands that are already here and may not get adopted. I also don't want to make one who can get the same mental disorders that I have. I would be a total hypocrite if I had a child. And again, a zygote is NOT a person.

    Look at it this way, every single egg can develop into a different person, right? Okay, if I DIDN'T get pregnant during one of my cycles, I wouldn't of had that potential life anyway. If I did get pregnant, and had an abortion, it's the exact same thing as if I didn't get pregnant at all. So if I already don't plan to use any of my eggs to make a person, or prevent making a person, how is it any different from accidentally getting pregnant and then getting rid of it, by either an abortion if it's been too long, or use the Plan B pill right away?

    And why do you approve of the Plan B pill when it's basically the same thing as an abortion? It prevents the zygote from developing any more after conception.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    i said i was unfamiliar with plan B but i answered it based on the information wine provided....look if you dont want a kid and you want your tubes tied when your 18 i am allll for it, seriously no problems i get it and i think the govt preventing you from doing so is seriosuly wrong i truly do...

    and for a zygote not being a person, this is a really hard gray area seriously..its not so black and white as you seem to want to make it...i think abortion is the most difficult social issue of our days and people want to make it so black and white...when does a person actually come in to being? what a difficult question that is its so hard to say.. if someone immediately got an abortion i think i would feel a little bit easier about it but people not a scientist or a doctor and im probably not as familiar as you with the developmental stages of a person during pregnancy... but at some point the little zygote develops hands and ears and all that shit, to me thats a fuckin baby it i said in my last post an actual baby is pretty much useless after it comes out, it has no thought process cant offer anything valuable to the world at that present what is the difference of it before? its just in another person at the i said i would have to get more comfortable in the developmental process of a child to give a more meaningful answer but even with more knowledge i still would assume it would be a difficult decion to tackle in defining when something actually becomes a person
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    You can't get your tubes tied when you're 18, you can get them tied when you're 29, which the same age as getting your uterus taken out. So for now, I have to rely on birth control because of that ridiculous law.

    You're right about how useless babies are when they are born, lol. But I also said earlier they don't perform abortions after it has heart waves and brain waves, and that is when it can feel pain. That isn't that many weeks after conception, and you still can't tell between the human fetus and an animal one. Even with the heart and brain waves, it still does not have sentient thought, have organs, etc. It also cannot live outside the mother. Until it can is when I think it's a person because it is developed enough.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    well if i was in congress i would make a bottle tree bill saying you could get your tubes tied tomm, i agree a rdiculous law....

    even without heart and brain waves i still feel it is a difficult thing to have an abortion, i am pro abortion and based on your last post is predominantly why, i dont care though i still think its not fair for the man to have no say in it, i really do..coming from a myself who would be devastated if a girl got an abortion without me wanting it...i dont think its right that just because the women has to carry it that they get all the say i know you feel different but i get to have my own opinion this is america...
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    and i have no interest in keeping women down or opressing them or any of that nonsense, its an inner personal feeling of human connection, nothing more nothing less
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    And that's fine. I don't expect you to agree with me, but I've really enjoyed this discussion with you! :)
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
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