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What's going on with me for those who give a fuck....

HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
edited May 2011 in Off Topic
I told some of youz privately, but I thought I'd share with the board since you guys were all so supportive when I quit drinking, I might do me some good to be able to share this information with youz.

When I quit drinking a year ago, I had horrific withdraws, it was called Delirium Tremons. I was hallucinating, all my vitals signs were sky high, shakes/tremors, flu like sympotms, headache, fucked up stomach, you name it i had it. they put me on Xanax to prevent me having a seizre and I been taking it ever since. The first 3 months were horrible, I think I was in the ER about 6 times. But I gradually fealt better and after 6 months they started weening me off the xanax till about 4 weeks ago I was down to half a miligram a day from taking like 4 a day. The worst part about all this was these panick attacks I was getting in the first few months of quitting, paralyzing crazy panick attacks. I have always had anxiety, but I attritibuted the panick attacks to alcohol withdraw.

so things got better, they went away... and I been feeling good for a while now. 4 weeks ago I dropped my xanax dose down to half a miligram and BOOM pannick attack and I've had about 5 since then and theyre always followed by 3-5 days of intense anxiety cause I'm scared to death of having another attack. My symptoms are weakness/numbness all over, heart racing/palputaions, shakes/tremor, sweating/chills, i cant eat, its ridiculous. Its just like intense fear of absolutley nothing, its horrible.

after I had a pannick attack at the Down show a few weeks ago I decided to call the DR. now before about a year ago they gave me a med for these attacks and the Dr said it would held and all it did was end me up in the hospital with almost every bad side effect you can think of... it was horrible my body had a very negative reaction to it. and it happened once before when I was like 17 I tried some other shit and it fucked my head up, I remeber I missed school for a few weeks.

So i went to the Dr last monday and she gave me another med to try and I been pondering it all week and finally had the balls to take it today, I basically just forced it down my throat. I been so scared cause of what happened before when I took meds I alost have a damn near phobia about it. But hopefully this works.

The dr said I have something called panick disorder and theres nothing I can do, its just a chemical imbalance. I been real stubborn about recieveing medical care for it over since I was in high school I remeber having anxiety, its just since being sober i get these blistering attacks. I dont want any of yalls to think I'm fucking crazy or anything and I know I been moody sometimes recently and may have acted out of character, so I apologize and hopefully this sheds some light on why.

So I am nervous, I took the pill at 6am, so its been almost 5 hrs and so far I havent really fealt much of anything, so thats a good sign cause last time i was sick as a dog in an hr after taking it. I am very optimistic it will help[ this time and I owe it to myself and people around me to give it a shot. So right now is day one and I'm just trying to remain calm< i'm listing to pulse and just thinking positive about this. I always thought this was a weakness that I was going to have to deal with forever and I have been dealing with it for a long ass time, but I have high hopes for the future. Supposedly it takes 2 weeks to fully kick on, so wish me luck.

Thanks for reading my long ass story and thanks for your guys support with my drinking bullshit and thanks for being people I can turn to when shit isnt going too good. You guys have helped me alot this passed year and this is just another hurdle and I know alot of yous will make me feel better about it, some of you already have!


  • 1D_for_life1D_for_life Posts: 13,785 destroyer of motherfuckers

    Good luck George!
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    and again, the reason I share this, just like I shared the alcohol shit before is for anyone who might have the same shit going on in their life, you have someone to relate to and hopefully I help you and I'm sure sharing this with everyone will help me cause like I said I alwasy thought it was a weakness and never talked about it, but its not and I'm sure I can get support fomr alot of yooz and if I can hopefully help someone else out who might be going through something similar! :)
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    As someone that is agoraphobic and has panic attacks in different public situations, i can relate. I am not taking any meds for my problems, but was highly recommending to take a couple different ones. I have a lot of inner fighting to make me not freak out. overall, i've been doing good.
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers

    It's probably just about pink floyd anyway
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers

    Sorry George. Too soon?
    J/k man. that sucks, hope everything goes good dude >:D<
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    As someone that is agoraphobic and has panic attacks in different public situations, i can relate. I am not taking any meds for my problems, but was highly recommending to take a couple different ones. I have a lot of inner fighting to make me not freak out. overall, i've been doing good.
    Yeah man, I been dealing and fighting with this shit for the past 10 years, its one this passed year its been unbearable. I think for me I need medicine intervention. I have high hopes for the future and living normal instead of always worrying about nothing is going to rule \m/ thanks for sharing thought John, I never knew this about you.... good luck to you my friend.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers

    Sorry George. Too soon?
    J/k man. that sucks, hope everything goes good dude >:D<
    i lold :-))
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I apologize if my question is ignorant, but what exactly were you panicking about? Was it always related to the same topic? Or was it panicking for some unknown reason?

    having those sort of withdrawals does not sound fun. I feel lucky that alcohol has never had that big of a hold over me. I'd hate to give it up, but also hate to have it run my life.

    I give you mad props for your attempt to regain control of your life. Stick with it George, I am sure you will be successful. I think you are a lot stronger then you might give yourself credit for... and I think in time you'll have this.
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,722 mod
    George >:D< >:D< >:D<
    Good luck homie.
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I apologize if my question is ignorant, but what exactly were you panicking about? Was it always related to the same topic? Or was it panicking for some unknown reason?

    having those sort of withdrawals does not sound fun. I feel lucky that alcohol has never had that big of a hold over me. I'd hate to give it up, but also hate to have it run my life.

    I give you mad props for your attempt to regain control of your life. Stick with it George, I am sure you will be successful. I think you are a lot stronger then you might give yourself credit for... and I think in time you'll have this.
    I panick about nothing in particular. I could be sitting watching TV, at a show, in the car, taking a walk, ect.... it just comes out of nowhere and I just get this intense fear of nothing, thats what the worst part about it is, I dont know why it happens. I just all the sudden feel like I'm dying and shit, its lame as fuck.

    and thats for the props, I appreciate it, you too Jay >:D<
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    i know how you feel sometimes with the anxiety shit, hang in there brah
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    panic attacks are the worst fucking feeling ever.
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    panic attacks are the worst fucking feeling ever.
    yep...i hate the looks i get from people when i get them in public

  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    panic attacks are the worst fucking feeling ever.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I feel like I know what you are talking about. When I was a child my step father use to beat the shit out of me. Not all the time, but a fair amount. Anyways... I remember at night I would sit there and be terrified of the silence. Like I could hear all the little particles hitting my ears, and I was gripped with this fear that he was gong to bust in and start wailing on me. I feel like I would have panic attacks back then, because most nights nothing ever happened. Maybe it's not the same thing, but the way you described it made me remember that shit.

    This fear and panic didnt go away when I left the house.... however I don't have these feelings anymore. So I think these things go away in time. But I am not a doctor, and am only drawing conclusions from my probably unrelated past.
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    panic attacks are the worst fucking feeling ever.
    Suffered from them for years. Sux the high hard one. Makes me feel like fleeing but to where? The feeling never goes away for me. Learn to recognize what sets you off and avoid it if possible. That's all I'm able to do.
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers
    wow this shit must suck. I dont think i've ever had a panic attack thank god.

    and Wake, I have a philosophy on step dads and it's not a good one. Never trust a step dad. I know i'm generalizing here, and I may even be offending some people who are step dads or had good ones, but step dads are alot of time, bad news.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I just think women need to be more careful about who they want to start a relationship with after they have children. Their screening should go from "I fuck all dicks" to some sort of "NSA lie detector, 100 page background test". Shit like being an alcoholic is immediate grounds for dismissal.
  • myplagueRobmyplagueRob Posts: 1,375
    Good luck fighting them, George! You knowz we hear with yooz!
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