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If that nuclear plant in japan explodes with a nuclear blast the west coast of NA is fucked.



  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    Tokyo (CNN) -- Japanese authorities on Thursday launched an urgent attempt to avert a nuclear disaster by air, but initial attempts to drop tons of water at the quake-ravaged Fukushima Daiichi plant appeared to do little to lower potentially perilous radiation levels.

    Helicopters made four passes in about a 20-minute span Thursday morning, dropping 7.5 tons of seawater each time on the facility's No. 3 reactor in order to cool its overheated fuel pool. Experts believe steam rising from that pool, which contains at least partially exposed fuel rods, may be releasing radiation into the atmosphere.

    But hours later, the Tokyo Electric Power Company -- which runs the plant -- told Japan's Kyodo News that the operation didn't appear to lower radiation levels. The report suggested levels actually rose to about 3,000 microsievert per hour. It takes a year for a person to be naturally exposed to that level of radiation.

    Officials from the government and Tokyo Electric had said Thursday that cooling down the No. 3 reactor was top priority.
    Spokesman outlines Japan plant radiation

    Japanese Defense Minister Toshimi Kitazawa, in conjunction with Prime Minister Naoto Kan, said he decided early Thursday to address the crisis from the air and ground despite concerns about exposing workers to radiation.

    "We could not delay the mission any further, therefore we decided to execute it," Kitazawa told reporters.

    Authorities said they suspended the water-drop operation, so that they could get new readings on radiation levels. Kitazawa said that plans are in place to bring in 11 special water cannon trucks, along with one from Tokyo's police department, later Thursday to spray water at the No. 3 unit from the ground.

    Since a 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami devastated northeast Japan Friday, officials have been working to resolve cooling problems at four of Fukushima's six reactors.

    On Wednesday, Gregory Jaczko, the head of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission told Congress that spent fuel rods in the No. 4 reactor had been exposed because there "is no water in the spent fuel pool," resulting in the emission of "extremely high" levels of radiation.

    But Japanese authorities disputed Jaczko's assertion, citing information gathered from a helicopter flight over the plant.

    "We have been able to confirm that there is water in the spent nuclear fuel pool," a Tokyo Electric official said Thursday. "But we do not know how much water."

    Also Thursday, engineers were planning to begin the process of restoring power to the stricken nuclear complex using power lines from outside. It lost power when the quake struck.

    "This is one of the high-priority issues that we have to address," said an official with Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency.

    Once the power supply has been re-established, the cooling system will be operated using seawater, he said. But he warned that the process will not be immediate.

    "It will take time to restore the function of the main part of the facilities, because the pumps were contaminated by seawater and must be repaired before reuse," he said, adding that temporary pumps would be used initially.

    A Japanese government spokesman, Noriyuki Shikata, warded off fears of an imminent meltdown, telling CNN Thursday, "We have not seen a major breach of containment" at any of the plant's troubled nuclear reactors.

    A meltdown occurs when nuclear fuel rods cannot be cooled and the nuclear core melts. In the worst-case scenario, the fuel can spill out of the containment unit and spread radioactivity through the air and water.

    That, public health officials say, can cause both immediate and long-term health problems, including radiation poisoning and cancer.

    Tests in Fukushima city, 80 kilometers (50 miles) away, found radiation measuring 12.5 microsieverts per hour -- well above the average reading of 0.04, but still well below that considered harmful to humans.

    Small, and for now, harmless amounts of iodine -- a potential bi-product of a nuclear meltdown -- were found in the city's water.

    About 200,000 people living within a 20-kilometer (12-mile) radius of the plant have been evacuated; those living 20 to 30 kilometers from the site have been told to remain inside. Authorities also have banned flights over the area.

    Several countries, including the United States, have called for a broader range, urging their citizens in Japan to evacuate or at least stay indoors if they live within 80 kilometers of the Fukushima Daiichi plant.

    One positive development is that winds have been blowing from the northwest, helping push emitted radiation off to sea.

    Asked about the report of a high level of radioactivity near the plants -- which may be related to at least a partial meltdown in some reactors -- Shikata said, "We have not seen the level that is, for example, dangerous to human bodies beyond the very close vicinity of the reactors."

    Still, experts and Japanese authorities fear that overheating and evaporation of water in spent fuel pools around the plant could lead to the release of further radiation.

    The International Atomic Energy Agency said the temperature of water in spent fuel pools is typically kept below 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit). That requires a constant cooling source, which requires a constant power source -- both unavailable at the damaged plant.

    "The concern about the spent fuel pools at Fukushima Daiichi is that sources of power to cool the pools may have been compromised," the agency, whose chief Yukiya Amano is heading to Japan, said.

    On Tuesday, temperatures at the the fuel pools in Unit 4, 5 and 6 all registered far above the recommended levels: 84 degrees C; 60.4 degrees C and 58.5 degrees C respectively, the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency said.

    By the following day, it was reporting "no data" for Unit 4 and worrying trends for the other two:

    Unit 5 had risen to 62.7 degrees C and Unit 6 to 60 degrees C.

    The water in the fuel pool served to both cool the uranium fuel and shield it. But once the uranium fuel was no longer covered by water, the zirconium cladding that encases the fuel rods heated, generating hydrogen, said Robert Alvarez, senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies and a former official with the Department of Energy.

    That caught fire, resulting in a situation that is "very, very serious," he told CNN.

    He said the next step may involve the remaining 180 nuclear plant workers taking heroic acts.

    "This is a situation where people may be called in to sacrifice their lives," Alvarez said. " It's very difficult for me to contemplate that but it's, it may have reached that point."
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    God, that is so fucking sad.

    In response to this being Japan's "fault", I'm pretty sure they had plenty of defense against earthquakes/tsunamis, but it's not really something you can test until it happens.
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    edited March 2011
    theres no way to prepare for your entire power grid getting wiped out, and i'm pretty sure there's no back up power sources capable to putting out enough juice to cool 6 reactors
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    If they used solar power and wind they might be able to...but I don't think they use much of those resources of power =/
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    If they used solar power and wind they might be able to...but I don't think they use much of those resources of power =/
    I don't even think they have the technology for that, nor would it supply the amount of energy needed.
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    you need a LOT of space for solar to generate any decent about of power for practice use. Japan doesn't have the luxury, same with wind unless they put it off shore.
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    Tbh Nuclear is the most logical way japan could have gone. they have MASSIVE energy requirements with little space and few natural resources.
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    True..but they could have moved the reactors a little farther inland just incase of a tsunami imo
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    yea that could have been thought out a bit better, i'm betting if that plant melts down its going to contaminate a large part of the ocean off the coast of japan. swim away fishys, swim away as fast as you can :(
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    I think they already have...especially the dolphins and whales. Yay for eating seafood...I'm gonna be scurred now. And if it melts down, not only the sea will be fucked but the island and atmosphere.
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    and i say again
    Yes saving the animals is important but not as important as saving the human lives left there and stopping that plant from screwing over japan
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Lol Santana you should know by now animals are higher on biancas priority list then humans
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Tbh...idk what's safe on Japan anymore lol
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    They should have moved the reactors inland at least 5-10 miles in to be prepared for this sort of thing like I've said before. Dumb on their part and dumb they didn't update it either
  • JeffJeff Posts: 1,164 just the tip
    I just read the save the animals thing from bianca...Shes fucking stupid.

    In this situation even erik would agree Humans>>>>animals

    and about the fukishima(whatever the fuck its called) 50 or 180 whatever, the original 50 should be honored and the government/anyone but their families pay ALL medical expenses in their futures, if there is any for them.

  • JeffJeff Posts: 1,164 just the tip
    They should have moved the reactors inland at least 5-10 miles in to be prepared for this sort of thing like I've said before. Dumb on their part and dumb they didn't update it either
    If it was inland it still would be damaged. a good portion of the damage was from the earthquake itself. some did come from the tsunami but it would probably be in the same situation as now.

  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I wouldn't say Humans are more important, but yea, an entire country is at risk here, animals can't be the main focus, as much as it pains me to say that.
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    They should have moved the reactors inland at least 5-10 miles in to be prepared for this sort of thing like I've said before. Dumb on their part and dumb they didn't update it either
    If it was inland it still would be damaged. a good portion of the damage was from the earthquake itself. some did come from the tsunami but it would probably be in the same situation as now.

    Tell that to the people up there because from what I read, it was the tsunami that did the most damage. Either way, Japan should have been just a little smarter
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    edited March 2011
    I live about 30 miles from a power plant that has 2 of the top 5 worst nuclear accidents in the US.
    Neither of them come close to Three Mile Island though
    image Photobucket
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