Which Bodine? I am guessing Brett because Geoff is retired and Todd does the truck series.
Todd Bodine. He is/was attempting all 3 races this weekend. Didn't make 500, gotta qual on time for Saturday, and is obviously in the Truck race tomorrow night.
Why would he attempt another run at the Cup series, doesn't he remember how much he failed last time.
I've been watching since 95. Even though I wasn't a fan of his, some of my favorite nascar memories involve Dale. And what he meant for the sport can never be matched. I remember learning of his death around 6pm that night and crying my eyes out. That sucked.
Been watching and attending Nascar events since 1970. My uncles all raced. Started dragging me to the track when I was 3. Dale Sr. will NEVER be replaced. Pointless to even try.
That's understandable for the long time die hard fans. I don't wanna seem like I think remembering him is stupid, it was a very tragic event and 10 years can seem like a shorter time than it really is. I just tend to view Dale in similar ways I view Dimebag. Even Jr has said numerous times that people need to get past it already. Remembering Dale is more than fine, but it has been getting to be a bit much.
I cannot stand when they waste 9-10 laps under caution that close to the end of a race, fuckig red flag it after two laps when you know it is going to take a while. That many laps is huge at daytona
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
He's most definitely got his shit together. Delana is a huge help too, having been around the racing business since infancy. It don't hurt that she's super smart too.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)