Just had an amazing Drum session. I think that's the first time in a while that I was extremely confident with my playing. I was nailing everything and coming up with some amazing fills. Also, pulled off Spheres Of Madness all the way through for the first time ever and worked out afterwards. Feels Motherfucking Good Man.
Saw Bridesmaids today with the bestie. It was like the chick version of the Hangover, but it was funny as fuck. And then I got to snuggle with an adorable kitten! :3c
So much swag.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
It was like my dick was on Space Mountain.
If we had stuff i would have made you one but we don't
I mean, there's really nothing to brag about from my end when about getting my cock sucked for 45 minutes.
Have you SEEN Bianca's lips? Hooooooooo nelly.