Dude im sooo....I dont even know. I was rolling hard and and watching one of my favorite bands. But I had to face crushing disappointment of expecting them to play three or four hours...only for them to cut it a half hour short from the listed two hours. Didn't even encore. They fucking played nothing but currents songs and a couple other songs. I was on his barrier losing my absolute mind and then they just fucked off. Everybody just stood there in disbelief as they tore the stage down like we were still holding out hope that they would pop out like it was a prank. It's so hard to be so disappointed when you're so fucking happy.
true, but you can at least try to make conversation. Just because you're talking to a girl doesn't mean you want in her pants, maybe you just want to talk to someone that has common interests.
this looks really cool
odds goota be in his favor with the guitar, band recording music, and that puffy jew fro