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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,715 spicy boy
    I no longer have that "nice guys finish last" mentality. I just hate myself now. 

    I wanna show you nice guys finish last in full effect.

    Now this status she posted was a thirst trap to begin wit so she guilty here too, but even so there's a right and wrong way to respond to it. Now you see the long list of betas all wit the same strategy of "Kiss her ass, try and act cute wit her" and they got no play, no response. Then look at my response. Only comment she liked and responded to. And guess who's inbox she hopped in right after? Not bein a nice guy ain't about bein an asshole. It's about bein a MAN and bein different than the thousands of simps she encounters daily who all have the exact same lame strategy.

    See the thing about "nice guys" I've noticed, especially through self reflection, is that with most "nice guys", that's all we have. We're not interesting, not attractive, not successful. Only nice. And that's a bare minimum for women. We can kill with kindness, and nice words, and whatever. But we can't provide anything meaningful or interesting. 

    Its not that women like "assholes", its that many "assholes" can provide many other things: money, looks, sex, success, status, interesting things. 

    And that's why my perspective changed. 

    When my ideal day revolves around making some/listening to music, and then playing some video games. And I'm working a part time job trying to pay off loans, and living with my parents. And I'm unattractive. Its hard to even consider trying to find a girl. 

    I dont even know WHERE to find a girl anyway at this point, but even if I did, I wouldn't have it in me to subject a girl to my disgusting existence. 

    Anyways back to the subject.

    That's where you wrong. That "nice guys are only nice. Not interesting, attractive, or successful." 

    One of my guys, he's, no homo, a pretty boy to the definition. Dude could model if he wanted to. Girls throw themselves at him based on his looks alone, I've seen it in action. But yet, this dude struggles to get girls and/or keep them interested more than a week. He kisses ass and catches feelings, which he spills immediately, way too fast and chases these chicks away. It's almost surreal to me seein how he has no game wit as good as he looks. But even so, he's a very insecure dude and has confidence issues which are very noticeable. So that plays into it. But he's successful and has a great payin job, is an interesting dude, looks good, all of that. But yet still struggles wit girls. All of that HELPS, but at the end of the day it's how you approach and interact wit girls that's the number one factor and I don't give a fuck what anybody says. Why do you think you'll see a fat or average ass dude wit a fine ass chick and jus think "HOW?" Girls don't place as much importance on looks as we do and I think that's also why you never see the vice versa version of a really good lookin dude wit a fat or average chick. He always got the dime on his arm. 

    The thing wit females is it's almost reverse psychology as far as pursuing them. Yes they want the nice guy cute lovey dovey shit, but not til it's already an established relationship. Tellin her she's so beautiful and kissin her ass ain't gonna do anything cause she hears that shit everyday from everybody. Hell one of the girls I been talkin to, I've yet to even call her cute. I call her ugly and fuck wit her all the time lol. Playfully and flirty of course, but yet she usually the one hittin ME up first. One of the chicks I fucked this year told me the reason she was drawn to me was she couldn't legitimately tell if I liked her or not. I was flirty here and there but in general I acted like I didn't give a shit and treated her like one of the homies. She said she liked that cause she's used to clingy and thirsty Mfs. That shit gets their mind racing and all of a sudden they chasin YOU. I ended up fuckin because SHE was throwin blatant hints at me. Basically askin for it at that point cause she couldn't read me. It's backwards yes, and it really is a game which seems unfair, but I didn't get no play either til I learned how to play.

    But obviously beyond that, other shit needs to be in check. I roast you all the time but you really are unkempt and said yourself you don't give a shit about your appearance. If you don't why should any female? You constantly call me a fag for my hair, gettin my eyebrows and facial hair razored, how I dress, etc. But yet all those things are what I constantly catch compliments from females for. I never got as much female attention until I really started givin a shit about all those. The tattoos helped too. The more tatted I got the more female attention I got. But that's beside the point, not sayin you need tattoos. Above all, a fashion sense is everything and makes you stand out and shows you care about how you're presented. An external sign of a confident man. Naturally I'm no more than a 6 on a good day, but I stay fresh as fuck and keep myself in shape and that alone makes all the difference in the world.

    So keep sayin you don't give a shit but jus a lil effort to lose some weight, dress nicer, look well groomed, will in itself give you more confidence which will in turn help wit my first point of actually talkin to them. 

    Your mindset and how you are legitimately does sicken me a lot, but believe it or not I actually am tryna help you. It's very clear you want a female and I think that's a big source of your depression and self loathing whether you wanna admit it or not. You rant and rave bout how you done wit girls and want nothin to do wit em, but yet you get loaded and the first thing you do is post a public Snap that says "Really hope a girl talks to me at Acen."

    Nobody wants to be lonely. Whether you fill that gap wit an actual relationship or wit temporary flings like me, the fact still remains. And I know a major source of my depression when I was a less severe version of you, was that I got no play whatsoever. It started makin me hate myself cause I felt completely unwanted. But as soon as I put effort into myself, shit turned around. Do the same instead of complaining cause that ain't gonna do shit.

    But this is prolly gonna go in one ear and out the other.
    I get what you're saying, but its not me to act that way. 

    Im not the kind of person who can get away with shit like that. There are hundreds of dudes just like me. If I dont appear interested, one of those other dudes might be. 

    Im a lost fucking cause here. I dont even talk to a single female anymore. 
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited June 2016
    Also, shit like Acen was the PERFECT window for someone like you. Your nerdy ass ways definitely limit the girls that could be interested in you, but not completely eliminate. There's girls out there that are jus as into video games, anime, cartoons, etc. as you, if not moreso. I personally know one. She went to Acen. All she posts bout on FB is Pokemon and anime and says shit like that "Notice me senpai" shit. She also always makes jokes bout Hentai so she prolly watches it. She's quite literally like a female version of you minus the depression. She actually likes me on some ironic shit but we complete polar opposites so I never had much interest. I have no idea how to talk to a girl like that cause the shit her life is basically based around is silly to me so I can't relate to that at all. Although them anime girls are usually complete freaks in the bed. :-?
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,715 spicy boy
    ACen obviously didnt work either though lol... 
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Because you were waitin for a girl to approach YOU. In your own words. Can't say it doesn't happen, but it's like a 95-5 ratio of that happenin. Gotta approach em yourself or you really ain't gonna get anywhere.
  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    Notice your kohai, erik.
    Deputy_Cheeze's Profile Page Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    The fuck is that.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,715 spicy boy
    edited June 2016
    The fuck is that.
    The other half of a senpai relationship. The older member of the couple is the senpai (usually older in class grade), the younger is the kohai. 
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,715 spicy boy
    Because you were waitin for a girl to approach YOU. In your own words. Can't say it doesn't happen, but it's like a 95-5 ratio of that happenin. Gotta approach em yourself or you really ain't gonna get anywhere.
    But then Id be creepy :/
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    Friday night and the molly had been popped. As of 3 seconds ago. Gonna jam out to M83 and see where and lose all my shit for Tame Impala 
    image Photobucket
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    Chance the Rapper played a secret set last night. He wasn't even on the lineup. Fucking missed that but he just popped out during J Coles set and played No Problems. It's a good time 
    image Photobucket
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,715 spicy boy
    ... said:
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    @Gazorpazorpfield im watching the stream stoned right now
    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    with you in spirit
    I love winning with women
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    ... said:
    Lead by example
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,355 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Friday night and the molly had been popped. As of 3 seconds ago. Gonna jam out to M83 and see where and lose all my shit for Tame Impala 
    I took some molly last night cuz I drank half a pint and I didn't wanna fall asleep cuz that would've been a huge waste of a $150 cup, so I took like .3 of some molly just to keep me awake. 10/10 would definitely recommend. I've tried coke+lean before but molly+lean= B)B)B)
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I done Molly + Coke before. Chest hurt for 2 days. Not my smartest move. =))
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,355 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I wish lean wasn't so Goddamn expensive. My dude only sells by the pint and no one ever wants to split it with me. I usually only get it for special occasions but I'm not doing shit this weekend so Ima drink the rest of this pint and pop a few bars and get fucked up for the next 48 hours
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,610 spicy boy
    Enjoy your blacked out weekend 
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