>wake up >grababrushandputonalittlemakeup >check phone >missed call from friend 45 min ago >check facebook >friend says he has got a pair of pit tickets for AIC and cant go >HOLY SHIT WHAT >hit him up >"sorry my friend already got dibs" >tfw blue balls >0 inspired by blue balls >post status asking if anyone on my friends list also has free pit tix >one actually does maybe > @-) ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^
hopefully this works out. going either way and my other friend offered to buy my ticket since im getting us into local natives tomorrow but obviously pit for AIC would be supreme
Walked by this guys bags game. Said if i make a shot i get a free beer, i made it. Got my legalize shirt on so he said i get an upgrade. He went to woodstock \m/ got a 24 of coors
>check phone
>missed call from friend 45 min ago
>check facebook
>friend says he has got a pair of pit tickets for AIC and cant go
>hit him up
>"sorry my friend already got dibs"
>tfw blue balls
>0 inspired by blue balls
>post status asking if anyone on my friends list also has free pit tix
>one actually does maybe
> @-) ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^