had dinner at Chama Gaucho today, one of those Brazillian steakhouses where they keep bringing you meat skewered on swords as long as you keep the green card up
had; leg of lamb, rib eye, filet mignon, prime, top and bottom sir loin, pork ribs and chicken tenderloin wrapped in bacon but skipped on the chicken legs and pork sausages
and they kept bringing sides of carmelized bananaz, fried polenta and mashed potatoes with an awesome salad bar
yeah, it was $120 for two but it's the best meal we've had in ages
I've been running lately (signed up for a 5K that's on the 28th for motivation), and I have lost 5 pounds since last Monday (1 week), and I am starting to get some visible calf muscle!
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
If I was a vocal coach, or really any sort of tutor/coach/teacher where someone was paying me money to help them get better. You better believe i'd be telling them shit like "omg. I've never seen someone as talented as you in my life. We are accomplishing shit in a fraction of time over all the other bozo's I help."
Don't take this as a negative comment erik. Im not saying you arent making great progress, nor am I shitting on what you love. All of that is great, happy for you. but don't be blinded by someone stroking your ego.
>All GA
>Got a better set than you ever will see from them these days
Be jelly
where they keep bringing you meat skewered on swords
as long as you keep the green card up
had; leg of lamb, rib eye, filet mignon, prime, top and bottom sir loin,
pork ribs and chicken tenderloin wrapped in bacon
but skipped on the chicken legs and pork sausages
and they kept bringing sides of carmelized bananaz, fried polenta and mashed potatoes
with an awesome salad bar
yeah, it was $120 for two but it's the best meal we've had in ages
crossfaded af and I understand all of animal collective
wtf did you faggots do today
but kill yourself
Don't take this as a negative comment erik. Im not saying you arent making great progress, nor am I shitting on what you love. All of that is great, happy for you. but don't be blinded by someone stroking your ego.