got two different free ticket offers to the A7X show this afternoon, but my friend already bought me a ticket to minus the bear. then one of my friends who offered goes "well then this means you have to come to see timberlake on december 2nd because its an extra $150 ticket." so I guess thats happening ) ) )
reese is apparently not going to be at the AIC show tomorrow so I may or may not score huge, but my friends and I are going either way. cant wait to finally see AIC after all these years...
The Mayweather/Canelo weigh-ins was one if the most incredible things I've ever attended. The atmosphere was fucking electrifying! This was just weigh-ins. Tomorrow night? Wow.
got two different free ticket offers to the A7X show this afternoon, but my friend already bought me a ticket to minus the bear. then one of my friends who offered goes "well then this means you have to come to see timberlake on december 2nd because its an extra $150 ticket." so I guess thats happening ) ) )
reese is apparently not going to be at the AIC show tomorrow so I may or may not score huge, but my friends and I are going either way. cant wait to finally see AIC after all these years...
I would never ever sing in front of a whole fast food joint but I worked with the public for seven years never had an issue talking with people
I don't see how it's retarded. Think about it from a business/career perspective and it makes perfect sense. He asked what the big picture for me was, and since I didn't give him the typical college answer or something, he tested me on what I DID give him. To see if I'm actually serious about it. If I was too shy to sing in front of what was maybe a max of 10 people right there and then, how do I have a shred of hope of ever making it? I'm hungry as shit to play shows, which would involve singing in front of way more people, and I'm getting confident in my singing, so it wasn't an issue at all.
The Mayweather/Canelo weigh-ins was one if the most incredible things I've ever attended. The atmosphere was fucking electrifying! This was just weigh-ins. Tomorrow night? Wow.
got two different free ticket offers to the A7X show this afternoon, but my friend already bought me a ticket to minus the bear. then one of my friends who offered goes "well then this means you have to come to see timberlake on december 2nd because its an extra $150 ticket." so I guess thats happening ) ) )
reese is apparently not going to be at the AIC show tomorrow so I may or may not score huge, but my friends and I are going either way. cant wait to finally see AIC after all these years...
AIC is great live. Very stripped down, no bullshit kind of shows. Crowd was also way rowdier than I was expecting. God damn does Jerry make that shit look easy too.
Coming from someone who worked for Dunkin for-fucking-ever... trust me; it sucks haha
I would never ever sing in front of a whole fast food joint but I worked with the public for seven years never had an issue talking with people
reese is apparently not going to be at the AIC show tomorrow so I may or may not score huge, but my friends and I are going either way. cant wait to finally see AIC after all these years...
Still get paid \m/ \m/ \m/
AIC is great live. Very stripped down, no bullshit kind of shows. Crowd was also way rowdier than I was expecting. God damn does Jerry make that shit look easy too.