I liked the mountain. One of IV's big selling points was how the map was smaller than San Andreas, but had less dead space and more actual space that is used a lot. Well I liked the dead space. Wide open spaces and random hick town areas, or the no fly zone...just fun areas to fly a plane and fuck shit up.
Xbl gets content earlier than Psn Xbl has yet to piss off an organization into hacking it shutting it down for months.
Psn is free
I haven't used live in a while so any of the new stuff I'm not sure about. However the matchmaking and lagging problems I came across occasionally on psn I had on live so there wasnt much difference there
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
That's it, Sony is doomed and is going the way of le Sega.
M$ wins
Xbl has yet to piss off an organization into hacking it shutting it down for months.
Psn is free
I haven't used live in a while so any of the new stuff I'm not sure about. However the matchmaking and lagging problems I came across occasionally on psn I had on live so there wasnt much difference there