what did you expect lol? i was being sarcstic btw, its the entire game opening.
Casey Hudson was lying btw when he said ME3 opening was more "shocking" ( not sure if that's the best word) than ME2. it doesn't top the Normandy being destroyed
lol I figured there'd be spoilers but some bit of me was hoping not :P
they might still make changes to whatever happens. when that stuff with the early beta being released on accident happened he said a lot was still rough. unless these videos are different from that
some of the graphics were rough and the game glitched a bit but i REALLY doubt they are going to be changing story at this point in the game
Video of the ME3 beta leak
skip to 6:10 for ash's appearance
RPG- standard mass effect
action - preset paragon or renegade and the game makes all decisions for you
Story - combat is pussied down for noobs
i know my first play through will be RPG on Hardcore
action could be useful on your 4th-5th time around
Casey Hudson was lying btw when he said ME3 opening was more "shocking" ( not sure if that's the best word) than ME2. it doesn't top the Normandy being destroyed
• Batman: Arkham City
• Portal 2
• The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
• The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
• Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
• BioShock Infinite
• Diablo III
• Halo 4
• Mass Effect 3
• The Last Guardian
Most anticipated is a hard one. All 4 of those games besides Halo 4 are very very very anticipated games that people been waiting for a long time.
people have been waiting for diablo 3 since before the original Bioshock and Mass effect were even in the concept stage
If not Zelda, then Uncharted.