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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,937 spicy boy
    Its legit probably the GOTY. Im only like 10 hours in, but it honestly probably is going to beat out TOTK. 

    Its really an incredible game from everything i can tell at this point. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    Ive only played three games from this year so far lol

    I need more time to game. Only new game I actually finished was Hogwarts
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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,937 spicy boy
    I think im just going to pop in a Micro SD on my ally. Im not to worried about losing it. Since i set my manual fan curves, even at 45 watts it doesn't get any hotter than 80 C so i think i should be okay. 
    Its legit probably the GOTY. Im only like 10 hours in, but it honestly probably is going to beat out TOTK. 

    Its really an incredible game from everything i can tell at this point. 
    I got pretty bored with TotK not gonna lie. The building mechanic just does nothing for me.

    I did a playthrough of the entire series before it came out and it just made me realize I don't like the open world shit, at least in a Zelda game. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,937 spicy boy
    I totally feel what you mean. 

    I got kind of sick of it around the 100 hour mark. I beat the game and all the side missions. I have zero desire to play it again though. 

    With BG there just seems to be so many ways to do things and dialog checks that can go different ways, and I haven't had one crash yet. It runs like a dream. 

    Different games but I feel like BG edges it out. I still have a ton to do though. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,991 jayfacer
    Its legit probably the GOTY. Im only like 10 hours in, but it honestly probably is going to beat out TOTK. 

    Its really an incredible game from everything i can tell at this point. 
    I got pretty bored with TotK not gonna lie. The building mechanic just does nothing for me.

    I did a playthrough of the entire series before it came out and it just made me realize I don't like the open world shit, at least in a Zelda game. 
    Halfway agree on this but not the open world part. I love that it’s open world, and it’s still my GOTY, but I somewhat regret 100 percenting it. It honestly didn’t really add much to the game and started getting me to a point of resentment where I was like “I jus want this shit over already so I can finally fucking play something else.” Like I said, even a game of this caliber jus can not prevent the burnout that comes wit massive length/size padding like that. The shrines were mostly all worth it and didn’t start feeling empty and redundant until the final extra 30 or so, but I can honestly say out of 139 side quests and 60 side adventures, for 199 total, there weren’t really many at all that were fleshed out or that did anything different than the typical open world padding quests. Go here and clear out these enemies. Go here and grab this for me. Go here and take a picture of this. Wash rinse repeat. And the ones that were fleshed out honestly felt annoying cause it’s like “Bruh it should not be taking me 2 hours for a fucking side quest when there’s 198 others to knock out.”.

    Same flaw as Valhalla, simply way way WAY too much to a detriment. Infinitely better than Valhalla of course, but regardless. 

    I really hope this ongoing trend of “The next game has to be even bigger and even longer jus cause the technology can support it now.” starts dying down cause it never ultimately adds anything and honestly it keeps me away from certain games when I already have a gigantic backlog. Like Baldur’s Gate 3 I would potentially check out, but it becomes “That’s another 150+ hours that the backlog gets held up….pass.”. Starfield seems right down my alley, but same situation. Skyrim in space wit modern technology backing it? Easy 200 hours gone on one game. Pass.

    I wouldn’t be mad at all if the next Zelda went back to a refined modern version of the traditional formula and clocked in at a cool 40-50 hours max. Cause if this keeps going, then the next one will be 200+ hours, and idk if I even want in tbh.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    Yea, Im hesitant to even play short story lead games now. I only have like 3 hours a week, if that, to game. So I just play games I can play in short stints at this point. Even Payday 3 that I was hyped af for I was only able to play 2.5 hours
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    I wouldn't mind long games if there was actually enough content to make it enjoyable and it wasn't repetitive fetch quests. Red Dead 2 comes to mind. Persona 5 too.

    I feel like AAA gaming is dead for me tbh. Every multiplayer game has microtransactions and battlepasses up the ass, and every single player game is a buggy broken mess or an open world collect a thon. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,937 spicy boy
    I am tempted to just drop a SSD in the ally, but none of the 2TB options i want to go with are in stock lol. 

    Im considering going with 1 tb, but i don't want to regret it later. 
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    These games are way too long filled with bloated content. I don’t have the time these days to play a hundred hour game. At least not in the timeframe that something else that interests me comes out or I get bored and want to play something else. 

  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    I am tempted to just drop a SSD in the ally, but none of the 2TB options i want to go with are in stock lol. 

    Im considering going with 1 tb, but i don't want to regret it later. 

  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,924 jayfacer
    I don’t even mind if the game is a long one tbh but like several of you have pointed out, I haven’t played a 60+ hour game that’s earned being that long in quite a while. Most of them by the 25hr mark Im like “Damn really wish we were heading for the endgame by now.”
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    If it was engaging for 60 hours I wouldn’t put the game down. These open world games are just filled with so much bloat and the story starts getting stale. People have been raving over Bauldr’s Gate 3 and I want to try it but I don’t know if the combat is for me. 

  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,924 jayfacer
    Yeah I agree. A lot of devs recently can’t get out of the “Let’s put grindy tedious repetition to bloat our game to 60 hours” mindset. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,991 jayfacer
    Pikmin 4 at 4K 60FPS>>>>

    It’s also interesting to see how different Ryujinx and Yuzu are even tho they both emulate the Switch and use the same exact ROM files. To my understanding, Yuzu is the general king, but it seems like a game to game basis. In the case of Pikmin 4, the exact same NSP constantly ends up having severe single digit frame drops, but Ryujinx runs it essentially butter smooth, minor irrelevant stutter here and there. Looked online and seen this is the widespread issue, and to jus play it on Ryujinx for stability. Luckily it’s literal drag and drop to transfer save files between the 2. I was 3 hours deep on the Yuzu save so that woulda sucked to have to replay.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,991 jayfacer
    Also, got damn Dead Space Remake was absolutely fantastic. Idk if it would officially qualify since it’s a remake, but since I never played the original and it was brand new to me, Im’ma go ahead and say that’s a top 3 2023 game for me. Clocked in at 19 hours to beat it and every second straight flew by. I honestly loved it enough that I would fuck around and do all the achievements if it only required a second playthrough on New Game Plus and not also a third. That third would feel redundant no matter what lmao. 2 is most likely getting a remake as well and I can’t wait for that, will have finally officially played the full trilogy at that point cause I had only ever played 3 beforehand lol. Honestly, 10/10. For the simple fact that I can’t name a flaw. Quality of life, fun factor, weapons, atmosphere, music, graphics, everything was fucking A1. I don’t even have a small thing to nitpick. Always being low on ammo would I guess be one if I absolutely had to, but it’s survival horror, it’s sposed to be like that. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Started Resident Evil 4 Remake now.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,937 spicy boy
    Madden just dropped if you have ea play so I'm downloading that on the Ally. I'll probably rather play that on the ps5 but I'll give it a try. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,937 spicy boy
    Sure enough I log on to play and this is the response I get from the servers

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,937 spicy boy
    All these bullshit vaccines you trying to give us. Fix the mother fucking video games. NOW 

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