Whoever put Dragonlord Placidusax in the game needs to kill their fucking self. Holy fuck what a horribly designed fucking boss.
Not even that hard )
Beat him but I had to momentarily respec into a pure magic build. Idk how the fuck he’s even possible wit a melee build, which is retarded since any build should be viable for the entire game, but eh, whatever, at least they’re generous wit the Larval Tears.
Got the full DLC set for Valhalla so next up I’m gonna take a quick detour and play the first one, then beat Gran Turismo 7, do the second one after that, and then prolly finally do Dawn Of Ragnarok after the next full game I play, which will either be Lego Star Wars or Pokémon Brilliant Diamond. Don’t wanna do all 3 back to back and have another huge chunk of Valhalla to do lmao.
Tbh after elden ring those first few Valhalla dlcs are gonna be a fucking breeze. Can't speak to Ragnarok, but wrath of the druids and siege of Paris felt pretty fucking short
What? I haven’t played cod since the most recent one came out in nov/December. The post above that is me shitting on the new cod preview
I played dysmantal, which is a pretty awesome twin stick game. Hell i was even playing EFT but i dont have any pc friends and that game is too sweaty to do solo.i haven’t really played any FPS since elden ring came out. Been playing only single player.
Tbh after elden ring those first few Valhalla dlcs are gonna be a fucking breeze. Can't speak to Ragnarok, but wrath of the druids and siege of Paris felt pretty fucking short
Which I love lmao, back to GAMES and not a fucking job. And yea it’s looking like 10 or so hours a piece for the first 2 for all trophies, and about 15-20 for Dawn Of Ragnarok. Thing that sucks is, I was gonna do all the trophies so that the percentage goes back up to 100%, I have the Platinum obviously, but because of all the DLC, the overall percentage is like 62%. But I’m reading that the mastery challenges take like 25 hours total for the trophies and idk if I’m tryna do that. That’s a whole game itself too. So it may stay under 100% idk lol but I’m at least doing the trophies for the 3 paid DLCs.
It is when you cant even git gud
Just give Me Elder Scrolls 6, fuck the rest
Modding games is so easy these days. PC gaming is king boiii