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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,661 master of ceremonies
    So I started Elden Ring and of course I’m getting my shit kicked in lmao, but that’s getting brushed off at this point cause I know I’m not putting any kinda dents til I grind up a LOT more, but the game is actually frustrating for an entirely separate reason, which is the fact that I have like zero clue what the fuck to do and where the fuck to go lmao. I played 4 hours for my first session and I literally feel like I got nothing done whatsoever in that time. Like the big map is one thing, obviously I jus spent mad long on a GIGANTIC map, but there’s no guidance whatsoever. I mean the fucking map doesn’t even have a legend to at least explain what certain symbols mean lmao smh. And on top of that, there’s a LOT of systems in place all going on at the same time. I definitely gotta watch some videos and tutorials and kinda plan out a roadmap.
    The funny thing about this is how pissed you will
    be when you play new game + and realize how fast you can beat this game when you know where you’re going 😂😂
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,590 spicy boy
    You actually have to read the dialog because its not really going to tell you where to go lol

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,590 spicy boy
    That game made me realize how mych I typically skip lol
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,590 spicy boy
    Just buy a PC and an elite controller and hook the pc up to the oled boi and problem solved
    Speaking of that, i think this is what im going to do with my PC from now on lol. I dont have a great monitor so I haven’t been playing it much, but i only play single player games lately, so theres no reason not to hook it up to the oled and just play with an elite. 

  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,703 jayfacer
    So I’m in a Halo shitposting group on FB, it’s mainly all jokes and memes, but there is occasional serious discussion about the franchise, and they are losing their collective minds over the fact that the newest episode of the Halo show has a Master Chief sex scene and I jus can’t help but notice how hilarious the irony is.

    So a would-be love story/relationship wit an AI that doesn’t technically even actually exist = Not corny, great storyline. Actual sex wit an actual human = Corny as fuck, worst thing I ever seen. 

  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,699 spicy boy
    They're both terrible storylines
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,703 jayfacer
    All things aside, I do like the show, I don’t think it’s amazing, but it’s pretty good. Especially compared to the standard set by most video game movies or TV, which are usually absolute dogshit. It’s prolly like a 7/10. It’s had some boring stupid shit, but it’s also had some really dope moments as well. The romance aspect doesn’t bother me because like I said, that’s nothing new to Halo, they jus gave him an actual human this time lmao. And as far as it not being 100% faithful to the games, the way I look at it is, we’ve seen that same story over the course of 10 games, all in an interactive medium. So there’s nothing more interesting about copying that same story word for word but taking away the interactivity of it. I mean yea it’s cool either way to see it all get brought to life on live action wit real people, but I’d still rather be able to play it if it’s the exact same story. So since the playability of it was removed, they decided to further humanize Master Chief and go more in depth to fill that void of gameplay. I don’t mind it, it’s obviously a separate story and it’s kinda like comic characters, these stories and characters have been reinvented and done so many different ways, who’s to say which one is the “true” one or not? Cause either way, people are gonna resonate wit all of it differently and pick and choose their favorites. For example, MC doesn’t even consider Tom Holland real Spider-Man, meanwhile, No Way Home is the ultimate Spider-Man movie of all time to me. So, apples and oranges. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Honestly my biggest and main problem wit the Halo show is the new Chinese bitch. Cause I like the Chief and UNSC stuff. She is complete wasted space and I don’t understand at all why she’s in the show. Episode 7 was 100% about her and Chief wasn’t in it whatsoever except for a dream sequence and I was jus sitting there rolling my eyes the whole time like “NOBODY FUCKING WANTS THIS.”. But at least she was relegated to being a side character, when it originally looked like she was gonna be a focus and that the show was turning into The Mandalorian. But luckily, that whole “Escort the helpless kid that has a bounty on their head.” parallel only lasted for 1 episode and she got mostly relegated to the background after that.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,703 jayfacer
    Jus came back and beat the fucking dogshit outta Margit. 🤘🏻🤘🏻
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,703 jayfacer
    Literally rage quit and straight shut the PS5 off in the middle of a death animation. First time in a minute. Bout to straight grind all night and get up to like level 200 before I proceed anywhere else cause if that don’t make some kind of serious difference then it ain’t lookin too good.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,590 spicy boy
    You probably will have to play for a bit before you csn get to farming the bird. Once you hit like 130 or so it gets better. 

    You still get butt raped sometimes but its less frequent. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,703 jayfacer
    You probably will have to play for a bit before you csn get to farming the bird. Once you hit like 130 or so it gets better. 

    You still get butt raped sometimes but its less frequent. 
    That bird that’s near the site of grace that you hit wit an arrow and keep respawning the site of Grace? Cause that’s in Caelid, I can definitely go there lmao. Idk if the amount of runes was patched or not tho.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,703 jayfacer
    Oh okay so it’s on Caelid, but the specific way to get to it requires beating Godric first. So Im’ma use another farming method which isn’t as fast, but still fast, to get to level 100, go finish Stormveil Castle and Godric, and THEN go farm the bird until 200 before I move on anywhere lol.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,703 jayfacer
    edited May 2022
    So do smithings raise the max scaling level of a weapon as well? I’m building this Arcane Bleed Samurai build from a YouTube video and it specifically dual wields 2 different katanas. I have most of the set except for the actual armor and the 2 pieces needed for max smithings. I have 1 of em but the other requires beating a boss that I currently don’t have a prayer of beating, hence why I’m currently farming lmao. But the current max scaling of each katana is only D and C. So I’m wondering if it’s even worth it to max them out because smithings are kinda rare, and it seems like a waste to spend that many if it doesn’t also raise the scaling cap as you get higher.

    Also, on this bleed build, I have 2 different bleed Ashes Of War attached to each one, Blood Blade and Bloody Slash. So do you need to use the actual special ability wit L2 to activate bleed? Or do any strikes cause gradual bleed? Because they never get an icon to indicate that they’re under a bleed effect like you do if it’s placed on you, and their health doesn’t seem to be passively ticking down at the moment if I’m not attacking. And that’s whether I use regular strikes OR the special abilities. So it’s hard to tell. But it may also be that my Arcane is still too low for it be causing any significant bleed, I’m only at 11 on Arcane at the moment.
    Post edited by EpisodeMnH on
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,703 jayfacer
    I checked a couple “Suggested level by area” charts, and all of them listed 150+ for all the very last endgame areas. I’m currently at 62. If I grind up to 200 like I originally said, that should be enough for the entire rest of the game, plus I would also passively level up even further due to runes from all the bosses. It would mean that Im’ma be strictly farming and wouldn’t get back to the base game for 10+ hours minimum, but it’s lookin like it’s worth it to jus get that outta the way ahead of time.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,590 spicy boy
    The place im talking about is technically calid but its underground I think.

    i would just go do stuff until id start getting owned and then level up for an hour or two and so on. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,703 jayfacer
    Yea I watched a guide, it requires a side quest that ain’t available til after you beat Godrick to even access it. Until then I’m about to farm the ball on the cliff in Caelid lmao.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,703 jayfacer
    Do Dexterity and Strength both raise a weapon’s damage if it scales in both? In this case I’m talking about the Nagakiba katana. It scales to C in Dexterity, and D in Strength. So all build guides I’ve seen have said to focus on whatever your weapon scales highest to, so I raised Dexterity first, but raising Strength would still even further raise the overall damage, right?
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,590 spicy boy
    edited May 2022
    l. The weapons Only scale if the are B or better i think? Strength is always going to make you do more damage. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,699 spicy boy
    It would scale, but the higher the letter, the better the scaling. 

    Strength increases your damage regardless
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,703 jayfacer
    Holy fuck I’m OP lmaoooo. I’m only level 71 but I’m almost done making this build finally. Initially I couldn’t even do one of the caves needed for the first Smithing Stone Ball Bearer (Which allows you to outright buy Smithing Stones instead of having to find them.) but I came back and destroyed the cave and boss first try without dying once, same for the cave against the 2 Cleanrot Knights to get the Gold Scarab talisman to increase rune percentage. 

    So after that, jus to further test the build, I came back to the Tree Sentinel from the beginning area, literally murked him in like 4-5 hits total. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I know he’s only technically a minor side boss, but when I first attempted it, he was basically one shotting me and my hits weren’t making even a dent. Then I come back and literally beat him like he’s a cannon fodder grunt lmfao.

    I’m not even done wit the the build yet either. I only have the body armor piece of the armor set, I still need the helmet, gauntlets, and greaves. But they’re a random drop from the Cleanrot Knights in Caelid and rare so I need to farm Silver Foul Feet to increase loot drops. Same for the last part I need to finish, currently the highest level of Smithing Stone I can get is 5. I have the weapons fully maxed thru level 4, and need 19 more level 5 stones to hit the cap. The level 6 and beyond ones aren’t even available until after a certain boss, but I can farm the level 5s from these troll things in a certain cave, same thing tho, they’re rare ass drops so I need the Silver Foul Feet.

    After that, I think I’m gonna grind 11 more levels until I’m 82 and then go ahead and finish off Stormveil Castle and Godric so I can move forward. Not a random number, 11 more levels to Arcane will leave me at 30 each in Vigor, Dexterity, Endurance, and Arcane, which are the main 4 the build is based off of. So that’s a good base, plus each level is now getting so expensive that trying to grind enough runes to get all the way to 100 right now using the ball method would take stupid long and jus be counterproductive, even using the Gold Scarab. So after Godric I’ll be able to do the bird method and getting them extra 18 will be insanely faster at that point.

    The grinding is definitely extremely rewarding tho holy fuck. My last 6 collective hours of game time were spent strictly farming runes and as repetitive as it is, it never really felt tedious and still somehow managed to fly by. Then I come back to actual gameplay and enemies and it’s an entirely different game lmao. FeelsGoodMan.
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