Anyone have any suggestions for a low/mid range gaming laptop? I'm itching to play strategy and rts games like Xcom, Age of Empires, Civilization, Warcraft, FTL: Faster Than Light, etc. So nothing too graphically intensive but can handle games of that genre.
I play on an HP Omen laptop. I spent $2k on it, and it has a 1070, i7, 16GB RAM, so its more mid-high/high end. For older RTS games, like what you mentioned a laptop with a 1060/8GB RAM should be fine. I would def look into the HP Omen.
It might jus be blowing smoke, on some “Our game has SO MUCH CONTENT so please buy it cause you’re definitely getting your money’s worth!”, but a developer of Cyberpunk claims that on his personal save file, he’s played the game for 175 hours, and still hasn’t beat it. If it’s for real that big and takes that long to beat the main fucking game alone, I’m not getting it. There’s such a thing as too long and I’m not dedicating 3 months to one game.
@Ace_Deputy_Cheeze So I’m guessing you really like it then? My boy was saying that it might non-ironically be his favorite game of the year. And this is after bashing it and saying “That’s the best Sony can offer at launch?” before it came out lmao.
@Ace_Deputy_Cheeze So I’m guessing you really like it then? My boy was saying that it might non-ironically be his favorite game of the year. And this is after bashing it and saying “That’s the best Sony can offer at launch?” before it came out lmao.
Yeah, it's fun. Solid 8/10 for me. Pretty unique simple gameplay. Can't really compare it to anything other than a bit like Pokémon snap
It’s crazy cause even tho Series X is more powerful than PS5 in pretty much every category, multi platform games are still somehow looking better on PS5. On Digital Foundry’s side by side for Valhalla, it’s not exactly night and day, yet it damn near is, and Series X was very visibly worse in a lot of the clips. Same thing on Watch Dogs Legion. Was flip flopping on which console to grab both on, but I’ll be going PS5 for both.
My only complaint about Sackboy, and it was mentioned in a couple of the reviews I watched too, is that the controls are “floaty”. Idk what better word to use to describe it, but they’re not as responsive and instant as they should be, and Sackboy himself is kinda slow and and lightweight in context of the platformer standard.
The game never truly gets “hard”, but as you get deeper in the game, it obviously ramps up, and I’ve had quite a couple bullshit deaths now that absolutely would not have happened if the game controlled as responsive as Crash 4 does. So it creates false difficulty. I bring up Crash 4 because it and Sackboy are 2 of the recent platformers I’ve played and they’re 2 complete different extremes. Crash 4 controls absolutely flawlessly, but the difficulty comes from ridiculous design, whereas Sackboy can be clunky, and while it’s easy, it’s few frustrating moments wouldn’t even be frustrating if it controlled smoother. A good example is there’s these surfaces made out of wool that Sackboy can grab onto by pressing R2. In most cases, the wool is on spinning wheels that you grab onto and swing, and then launch off of. If you press R2 to grab it AS you make contact, which would be the natural response, you will bounce off and fall to your death 10 times out of 10 like I did. Quick workaround is pressing it a split second before you land, which worked every time. But since the nature of platformers in itself is real time reactions, nothing should be delayed like that. Either way tho, the game is leisurely enough that it never comes as a major detriment, cause if a platformer like Crash was like that, it would absolutely break the game, but it’s still a lil disappointing.
I haven't played spiderman
The game never truly gets “hard”, but as you get deeper in the game, it obviously ramps up, and I’ve had quite a couple bullshit deaths now that absolutely would not have happened if the game controlled as responsive as Crash 4 does. So it creates false difficulty. I bring up Crash 4 because it and Sackboy are 2 of the recent platformers I’ve played and they’re 2 complete different extremes. Crash 4 controls absolutely flawlessly, but the difficulty comes from ridiculous design, whereas Sackboy can be clunky, and while it’s easy, it’s few frustrating moments wouldn’t even be frustrating if it controlled smoother. A good example is there’s these surfaces made out of wool that Sackboy can grab onto by pressing R2. In most cases, the wool is on spinning wheels that you grab onto and swing, and then launch off of. If you press R2 to grab it AS you make contact, which would be the natural response, you will bounce off and fall to your death 10 times out of 10 like I did. Quick workaround is pressing it a split second before you land, which worked every time. But since the nature of platformers in itself is real time reactions, nothing should be delayed like that. Either way tho, the game is leisurely enough that it never comes as a major detriment, cause if a platformer like Crash was like that, it would absolutely break the game, but it’s still a lil disappointing.