Never played a Battlefield. Just didn't interest me. But the new one looks cool and different. Looks campaign driven instead of multiplayer driven, which I dig.
Bad Company and Bad Company 2 are both campaign driven with fantastic single player. Check em out
You play it? Game is sick dude. Not better than KZ3, but it is my favorite of this gen so far. Although, I'm pretty sure Uncharted 4 will crush everything. The prospect of that game...with these graphics....and a new story....fuck I'm going to freeze myself like Cartman til UC4 drops. MC, wake me up before Otters take over the world and shit.
You play it? Game is sick dude. Not better than KZ3, but it is my favorite of this gen so far. Although, I'm pretty sure Uncharted 4 will crush everything. The prospect of that game...with these graphics....and a new story....fuck I'm going to freeze myself like Cartman til UC4 drops. MC, wake me up before Otters take over the world and shit.
Nah I didn't play Shadow Fall. If anything I'll wait for it to be really cheap. I heard the story sucked, and the multiplayer was just decent, so I wasn't super interested in it. Shooters haven't been very interesting to me lately, unless their story driven or have a classic vibe.
who'd you end up with? Did you stay at the compound or go?
When she first said only I could stay, I was going to stay with Kenny. But he was adamant about me staying, so I stayed. Was a tough decision.
You chose wrong [-(
How did yours end? My two friends who played didn't have the option to go to that camp. They didn't even have Kenny. One friend is all alone now, he refused to go with anyone. And the other friend went with Jane back to Carver's camp and rejected some group that showed up there.
Planst vs Zombies: Garden Warfare is the best "next gen" Ive played so far. Hopefully that will change when I play LBP3, Smash U, and Bayonetta 2.
Well played.
You chose wrong [-(
My two friends who played didn't have the option to go to that camp. They didn't even have Kenny. One friend is all alone now, he refused to go with anyone. And the other friend went with Jane back to Carver's camp and rejected some group that showed up there.
i'm curious how all these different endings are going to affect season 3 now. Is everyone's season 3 just gonna be insanely different?